Psychic Parasite

Chapter 167: Aura Sense

Chapter 167: Aura Sense

The Warriors among their batch were called in groups of five, instructed by Madam Rizenne in emitting energy from their palms, and eventually allowed to observe the functions of the Relics.

They obtained the opportunity to experience the workings of the Skills in all the six Relics brought out from the prism trolley. It was soon Dalna Doppler's turn, forming the last group among the Warriors.

Jyorta trailed his gaze to the dais, lingering on the spot where Dalna Doppler had slapped near the end of the demonstration with Madam Rizenne. The way in which she brought an abrupt halt to her slipone that was rotating on the groundwith a single action startled him.

As someone who was well versed in the concepts of physics, her actions didn't conform to the logic ingrained into him. Even though she had exerted force through her palm while slapping on the ground, massively raising the friction between the two surfaces, it wouldn't have caused her body to stop abruptly like that.

For one, her body spun on the floor, forming circles, with her shoulder region forming the centre and her legs forming the ends. This meant that Dalna Doppler had stopped her momentum by exerting force on the centre of rotation, with the motion and the exerted force perpendicular to one another.

This meant that the force her body experienced during the spin and the force she had exerted using her hand shouldn't have cancelled one another. That is, if her strength was to such a great extent that the resulting friction cancelled the force behind her body's spin.

But, this wasn't possible considering the strength of an Observer. Moreover, she was only 45 days into her Nurturing phase since the Induction Ceremony. This meant that she wasn't even at the peak of Tier 1.

'So, how did she achieve it?' Jyorta wondered. He wondered if Madam Rizenne secretly helped her just to emphasise the effects of her Skill. But, thinking along the matter, that shouldn't have been the case.

The goal of Madam Rizenne was to instil in students the working of Skills and the amplification they brought about to the Observer's senses. So, it wouldn't make sense for her to do something that would imprint a false opinion in the students. Considering her uplift character, this theory wasn't a possibility.

'In the end, it was through Dalna Doppler's actions. But, how was she able to achieve it?' In order to conserve his energy, Jyorta had long since exited the vision of his blue soul. He pondered about the topic, failing to find anything worthwhile.

'Is it a Trait?' This was all he could currently think of. Other than a Trait, there wasn't anything Dalna Doppler could use. Unless they were from Aristocratic Families, the students wouldn't have any personal Artifacts. Moreover, their parents wouldn't waste their hard-earned resources to buy an Artifact that served no beneficial use.

Even among the students hailing from the Aristocratic Families, they were forbidden to bring their personal Artifacts outside their dorm room, not to mention using it on other students. Were they to attempt something like that, then the punishments were severe.

Moreover, the punishments would also be extended to their parents, for failing to instil good upbringing in their children. Also, they were repeatedly warned by the staff numerous times. Even Jyorta was warned almost every day from a staff that monitored his health from afar.

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So, the chances of Dalna Doppler using an Artifact in that situation were zero. There was also Madam Rizenne, a Sky Controller. Under her senses, it was impossible for any concealed secrets to exist.

Every time Jyorta erected a psychic sphere around him, trying to experience the aura from the Tier 5 Artifact prepared by Jyovic Bone, he would faintly sense a presence lingering next to it, checking for any trouble.

After the first time, Jyorta got used to the situation. It was most probably the senses of Madam Mary, who had already received a formal application about the Artifact from Heima, long before he arrived at the military academy.

Without a letter of approval, his Artifact would have been confiscated the moment he stepped foot in the military academy. The military academy was a place under the eyes of numerous Ground Controllers and Sky Controllers.

As the place that served to nurture the younger generation, it was the lifeblood of the 7th Ring, the importance attached to it was insurmountable. This was the reason for the presence of so many heavyweight characters in one place.

Psychic Ancestor Marble had given Jyorta two Artifacts, a chakram, and a goggle. Since they were shielded by his psychic energy, it was impossible for anyone other than Jyorta to sense their existence. This was why Jyorta hadn't set off any alarms with Madam Mary.

'What was the real reason behind her actions?' Jyorta gazed at the girl standing on the stage, guided by Madam Rizenne. Soon, she got the hang of emitting energy from her palms, grabbing hold of a Relic.

Now, it was the turn of the Espers. Including Jyorta, there were only five Espers in this batch. They all lined up on the dais, with Jyorta taking the fourth position in the line.

Madam Rizenne explained to them in short, "Espers can activate any Relic using their psychic energy. For better results, it is advised to use a psychic arm."

Of the six Relics, five were lifted, making them hover before each student. They were all shaped into cubes, more or less spanning the same size, barring slight differences in their colours and the patterns that covered their surfaces.

A green coloured cube hovered before him as a voice whispered into his ears, "This is a vision-based Relic. So, pass your psychic arm through it and place it before your eyes. The Skill contained in it is Aura Sense, a Peak Skill, the same as your sister, Heima."

Jyorta nodded, glancing at the others to find their expressions more or less similar to his own, Marvelling at Madam Rizenne's ability.

'She can converse with five individuals with five different topics and also instruct them. Sky Controllers are on a whole different level.'

Jyorta stretched his hands, facing the palms upward, and catching hold of the green coloured Relic. He then unleashed his psychic arm; its length spanned 61 centimetres, and its psychic energy density conformed to the levels of a Line Controller.

It hadn't been long since he became an Area Controller. So, his abilities were no different from a Line Controller. There were still no signs of the formation of his second psychic arm. Also, his sole psychic arm had yet to exceed the limits of a Line Controller.

So, he had plenty of time and wasn't afraid of other students finding out. The teachers were privy of the details and as long as he controlled himself from unleashing his aura, none were wiser.

His psychic arm entered the Relic, feeling zero resistance. Madam Rizenne's voice resounded in his ears, "This Relic is my Refined Object, so I can control the resistance it offers against third parties."

His psychic arm lifted the Relic, watching it shiver in the air. Jyorta had yet to get the basics down, so the Relic he lifted couldn't stabilise in the air. The case was the same for the other four Line Controllers but, the instability of their Relics was greater than Jyorta's.

Jyorta brought the Relic before his eyes, sensing a gentle beam fall on him. The beam didn't obstruct his vision, rather changing his perception. Despite the Relic blocking his vision, it was as if it had turned into a flat lens.

Jyorta's view was unobstructed but, he could now observe many changes in the surroundings. His view trailed along the seats at the end of the auditorium, finding faint colour traces lingering over the seats. Most of them were faint, on the verge of dissipation. There were some exceptions that retained a faint humanoid outline.

The dominant colour was green, mixed amid the colours of red, yellow, and black. He didn't know what the colours represented but he still memorised the information.

Jyorta trained his gaze on the students seated at the front, watching humanoid figures in green colour. The areas of their spines were red in colour, outlined like a cylindrical rod, the length varying between each individual.

The spots where their hair existed were black, with the dominant portion on the head, and the smaller parts in the pubic region. The area around the humanoid figures became yellow whenever they moved, with the yellow trailing after the moving figures.

He focused on the place where two individuals conversed, their tones hushed. They covered their mouths with their hands, leaning close to one another and engaged in discussions. Through the view of the Skill, Jyorta noticed the area around their jaws turn yellow every time they talked.

'A person's secrets are laid bare in front of this Skill.' Jyorta recalled his experience from when he was discharged from the hospital and Heima's behaviour. He felt a chill the moment he recalled the memory, feeling his face covered by sweat.

Tier 1 skillAura Sense!

"The green colour is an individual's life force. The red is a result of the fused state between the Wisdom Parasite and the organ, whether the Brain or the Spine. You can sense their Sync Rates this way. Black colour represents dead objects that still retain a connection with the body. Yellow signifies a motion, a form of delayed residue. The aura of an individual remains at a spot if he/she lingers around for more than a couple of minutes."

The voice continued, "The greater the life force of the individual, the larger the residue. You can also infer a person's strength based on it. See the faint outlines still remaining on the seats at the back. The Cadets who sat there are stronger than the rest."

Jyorta intended to turn his head, wanting to thank Madam Rizenne for the knowledge. But, he felt his head pause, as if stuck in place. The voice warned, "If you see my life force, you will start to bleed from your eyes. Though, everyone from Tier 3 and above here wear Relics that prevent such probing. This is to avoid injury among the students that try to be sneaky."

After a few more glances, Jyorta retracted his psychic arm and held the Relic in his hands. The other four Line Controllers too did the same, their timings based on Madam Rizenne's instructions. They then exchanged their Relics and repeated the above process.

Jyorta held a brown coloured Relic, seeping his psychic arm into it, sporting a gaze of curiosity. Just the previous experience alone was an eye-opener to him. He wanted to experience the profundity of more Skills.

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