Psychic Parasite

Chapter 222: Entering the Domain of Omniscience

Chapter 222: Entering the Domain of Omniscience

"For an explanation of the Two-point Sphere, follow this. To check through the Type 1 Three-point Sphere, follow this" Jyorta broke the flow, looking around. He found himself standing in a narrow space.

To his left was a large section, housing shelves that had some type of strings. Helical stairs led from the ground to their respective levels. Each level had its platforms, trailing along the full length of the section.

To his right was a section, housing shelves that had various types of helmets. Jyorta noticed a small banner hung on one end of the section to his left. It was a booklet. He arrived before it and flipped through its contents.

"Steel alloy string: 0.5 millimetre diameter and a maximum tensile stress of useful at trapping Tier 1 Frenzy Beasts when used well."

There were detailed functions and variations of the strings, and the locations of each in the section. Jyorta then glanced through the booklet at the end of the Helmet section, getting immersed in the volume of information presented.

'I would be requiring a helmet to protect my head. There seems to be a lot of variants here in preparation against attacks of specific Frenzy Beasts.'

After spending five to ten minutes reading through it, Jyorta flipped once to the end of the book, just to glance at the end. He noticed a sentence in red, the font covering up the page. "There are neither Artifacts nor Relics here. All weapons, armours, etc. issued here are made from basic materials."

"I see," Jyorta felt a little disappointed, then realising a line of thought. Instead of wasting resources to create Tier 1 and Tier 2 Artifacts, it was better to make them using steel or other alloys, which was cost-effective. The materials for Artifacts were usually derived from the carcass of Frenzy Beasts. Artifacts were also produced from the Marble Family's Unranked Skill, but weren't distributed to lower Tiers.

The bodies of Tier 1 and Tier 2 Frenzy Beasts, despite being strong, weren't fit to be made as weapons. It was a simple cost-effective approach considering the superiority of alloys they possessed.

As for the Relics, each Relic was a delicate piece, precious. With the slightest of misuse, a Relic could be damaged. Relics were always fused with Artifacts that protect them and use their power in return.

Even Tier 1 Relics had their purpose, thanks to the Skills in them being of the sensory type. They were always in demand and were usually fused into higher Tiered Artifacts to help the user. Besides, the creation of Relics was state secret, unwilling to be divulged to their enemies. Therefore, unless one had sufficient strength, they wouldn't be allowed to touch or use Relics.

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Jyorta was an exception, thanks to his identity. He received discreet support from Psychic Ancestor Marble and Rhachis Ancestor Lightafter the other person had learned everything he needed from Jyorta. Even then, they ought to have placed many contingency measures in the Relics they left in his hands, able to be retrieved should he die in the Wilds.

They were precious, priceless. If such Relics were to fall in the hands of the Frenzy Beasts, the consequences would be disastrous. When Jyorta placed the booklet down, intending to browse through the Helmets, a voice resounded in his ears.

"Weapons first, followed by suitable armours, and finally, support items. You need to consider things from the perspective that they would fit in with each other. Choose your weapons first."

Jyorta glanced around, exasperated, unable to find the source of the voice. There wasn't any indication of a staff present in the hall, despite him walking around for some time. All he had witnessed were students, mostly conforming to August and September Batches.

Currently, the August Batch was the oldest in the military academy, in their final month. Following behind them was the September Batch. At third was his Batch, the October Batch. Jyorta followed a trail on the ground, finding an arrow mark that pointed at the section with the spindles.

He soon found an information box giving a short description of the spindles. "Spindles: Short, elongated objects with pointed ends; they are used by Espers to penetrate obstacles. The middle portion of the spindle body is thicker in comparison to the ends, possessing a convex shape. The thickness at the centre is determined by its curvature."

He then followed another arrow, soon arriving before a long section. Boards were hung overhead, starting from Type 1 to Type 50. He then looked beyond, finding the shelf behind to showcase spindles from Type 51 to Type 100.

Thinking back to what the voice mentioned to him, Jyorta decided to first find the Type 59 spindle. He crossed the section with Type 1 to 50 and headed to the next section, soon finding a rack with the Type 59 spindle.

There were similar looking spindles, arranged in a cluster in every shelf, with the only difference being their colour. Some of the spindles in the upper shelves were slightly longer. There was a small metal board pinned at the bottom of the rack, on the wall between two shelves. Jyorta noticed similar boards pinned from bottom to the top, next to every shelf.

He crouched, squinting to read the tiny letters carved into the board. "Type 59 Spindle: Weighs 3.15 kilograms, 10 centimetres long, and has a curvature of 50 centimetres."

Jyorta's eyes widened, partially surprised, mostly shocked. There was even a trace of fear, lingering amid his exploding thoughts. Faint sweat covered his forehead, his body mildly trembled. He raised his hand, inching it into the open shelf, controlling his trembling.

Numerous spindles were placed one over the other in the tray. There were about five such trays stacked one over another in the shelf. All the spindles in the shelf looked the same. Jyorta picked a spindle from the top-most tray, squinting in strain for a moment.

It was heavy, the nerves in his hand felt a bit of strain lifting one. It was tiny, 10 centimetres long, and seemed about 2 centimetres wide approximately. The surface was shiny, lustrous to the extent reflecting his visage, only slightly blurry.

Sweat poured from his forehead, drenching his collar. His mind whirred in thought, glancing around, noticing the absence of students in his vicinity. He unleashed a psychic arm, seeping it into the spindle.

He faced considerable resistance, unable to swiftly move the spindle as desired. His control was sloppy, but as he willed, the spindle gently floated. It would stabilise the moment its resistance to his psychic energy becomes zero, allowing him to completely manipulate it.

The spindle floated, meaning, his psychic arm was able to lift it. But, it was this very fact that imbued in him apprehension and fear. Had the spindle been a notch heavier, then his psychic arm would have been unable to lift it.

3.16 kilograms or 3160 grams; that was the weight limit of Jyorta's psychic arm, his current limit as of present. It continuously increased day by day, requiring him to measure it with care to determine the growth. But, without any commotion, the voice had directly pointed him to the respective spindle.

He had never sensed the other party's psychic arm. Without him realising, the other party's psychic arm seeped into his body, made a couple of rounds in his head, and determined the abilities of his psychic arms. This was the scary part.

This meant that, had Jyorta roamed the Wilds, a higher Tiered Esper would be able to kill him without him even realising it. And, based on the green font he witnessed in the guide, the owner of the voice had been someone from the Marble Family, and was a Ground Controller.

He would have been able to digest it if the feat had been performed by a Sky Controller. After all, he had experienced Madam Mila's and Madam Rizenne's abilities many times while in class. But, experiencing the exact situation, with a weaker Ground Controller sought to unnerve his confidence.

He couldn't find any difference between the two. Both the Ground Controller and the Sky Controller's actions were equally mysterious, beyond his senses and his understanding.

Logically speaking, the gap widened between each Tier. The fact that a weaker Ground Controller's actions looked no different in his eyes while compared to a Sky Controller's meant that he was pitifully weak, weak to the extent unable to even gauge the difference.

Jyorta placed the spindle back into its respective tray, walking to the previous section, and arriving before the rack where the Type 47 spindles were placed. He looked into the details, heaving a forlorn sigh. It was one of disappointment.

"Type 47 Spindle: Weighs 2.55 kilograms, 10 centimetres long, and has a curvature of 50 centimetres."

'It weighs 2.55 Kilograms, the limit of my second psychic arm.' Jyorta sighed and returned to the rack with the Type 59 spindle. His two psychic arms weren't uniformly developed. His second psychic arm was Nurtured into existence after he had become an Area Controller.

Until then, his first psychic arm already had a certain length and possessed a definite speed and weight limit. After breaking into Tier 2, both his psychic arms were equally Nurtured. Since his first psychic arm was already developed to a certain extent before, it was stronger than his second and maintained the lead.

The weight limit of his first psychic arm was 3.16 kilograms and the weight limit of his second psychic arm was 2.56 kilograms. Jyorta glanced at the description of the Type 58 spindle, noticing its weight being 3.10 kilograms. Similarly, the Type 60 spindle weighed 3.20 kilograms, making the Type 59 spindle the apt weapon for his first psychic arm.

'The higher the Tier, the scarier an Esper becomes. Is this them entering the domain of omniscience?'

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