Psychic Parasite

Chapter 251: Caterpillar: The Third-rate Gangster

Chapter 251: Caterpillar: The Third-rate Gangster

'The Crust-Mantle was just a newborn when it witnessed this event. Now, it is at the peak of Tier 2. Even on a conservative estimate, that incident should have happened 15 years ago. I have to know more.' Jyorta exited the view of his blue soul, taking a couple of moments to regain his sense of self.

In order to not delude himself into thinking that he was a Crust-Mantle, Jyorta planned to experience its memories only at regular intervals. Thankfully, the memories he had obtained were whole until now.

'It is a good decision that I targeted the semi-solid murkiness first and absorbed the memory fragments within them. Just based on this fact alone, I can conclude: the more vivid a memory is, the greater the solidification of the corresponding murkiness. Now I wonder what memories existed within the memory fragments that Laila's soul tendril absorbed from me. I remember their corresponding murkiness was semi-solid too.'

5:30 PM, noticing how quickly time had passed, Jyorta looked at the plate before him, noticing the food particles that had dried. He had taken more than two hours to experience the Crust-Mantle's vivid memory. Thankfully, the blue soul controlled his actions, everything previously arranged by him. This prevented him from staring at his surroundings in a daze for hours, behaving normally.

He closed his eyes, going through what his body had done for the past two and a half hours, not finding anything amiss. He dropped his plate in its designated corner, washed his hands, and began to walk towards the exit.

He placed his hand on his stomach, feeling a mild sense of hunger. Shaking his head, he approached the counter and ordered what he desired. While handing him the food, the chef stared at him, leaving behind a remark, "Don't camp at the cafeteria."

"Yes, sir." Jyorta nodded, carrying the plate as he sat in the same seat as before. He ate the food in a hurry, thinking of what he had to do next. Finalising his thoughts, the blue soul made minor modifications to his face mask, the false persona of calm, optimism, and filled with focus.

After the minor alteration, the false persona experienced a subtle change in its effect. The blue soul kept it ready for the task he was about to do next. Walking out of the cafeteria, Jyorta breathed in the fresh air, feeling his mind relax.

In the meantime, the blue soul continued to comprehend the memories of his past and current life, firming his sense of self, his affiliation, his morals, nature, inclination, etc. It worked to offset the impact the Crust-Mantle's memories had on him.

This was why he had to always be careful and not abuse his powers. If he comprehended too many memories of a foreign entity, he would begin to develop the respective entity's personality. If it managed to grow further, then he would be afflicted by a split personality disorder. At worse, the new personality might even replace his.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Considering the danger, he had to moderate himself. Thankfully, his previous life's two decades' worth of life experience, and more than a decade's worth of his current life helped him suppress all dangerous inclinations.

'Just to be on the safer side, I should kill a couple of Crust-Mantles. Only then can I affirm my condition.' Jyorta entered the Head Office Building, taking the flight of stairs, patiently climbing past each floor.

He checked the presence of his ID card in his pocket, heaving a sigh of relief. It wouldn't have been cool if he had forgotten to bring it. Soon, he arrived into a circular hall, with doors trailing along the walls, each numbered.

Situated in the centre was a thick pillar, surrounding which was a circular counter. Four ladies sat behind it, each facing one of the four cardinal directions, their backs facing the pillar. Seeing his arrival, one of them waved at him, motioning for him to join the queue.

There were only four people before him, so Jyorta wasn't bothered, having enough patience to wait. Two minutes later, it was his turn. He stood straight, handing over his ID card, "Jyorta Bone from the October Batch. I wish to use one of my rewarded Frenzy Fruits."

The staff lady scanned his ID card, going through his information that popped up on her monitor. She smiled, "Congratulations for coming second this month too. You have been awarded nine Tier 4 Frenzy Fruits. You can use one today."

"I'll come daily," Jyorta nodded, hinting that he remembered the details concerning the Frenzy Fruits. Consuming a Tier 4 Frenzy Fruit had some risks due to the pain it induced, similar to Phase 4Parasite Assimilationof the Induction Ceremony. Even though it was a far cry from the Induction Ceremony, consuming more than one at a time was risky, even leading to a non-zero chance of losing control. That was why one was advised to consume only one per day.

As for Frenzy Fruits Tier 3 and below, even they had restrictions as to the quantity one could consume daily. The staff lady returned his ID card, motioning for him to wait, "I'll call you when it is your turn."

Jyorta stood near a door, watching a girl exit it the moment he leaned on the wall nearby. There was enough space for him to lean, so he didn't block anyone's path. The moment she exited, a boy entered, anxiousness and excitement evident on his face. Jyorta probed his aura, finding his strength around the middle of Observers.

'Is he getting his first Trait?' Jyorta wondered, not segregating too much time on the matter. He glanced around, looking at the passerby, observing their behaviour, trying to understand his peers as much as possible. These small details would prove useful to him in the future, so he continued his observation, making mental notes of his thoughts.

"Jyorta Bone, proceed into door number 7." The staff lady shouted, making eye contact with him as she pointed at a door. It was to prevent any delay. Jyorta made a curt bow towards her and briskly walked, arriving before the designated door.

A boy exited the door, wearing a smile on his face, feeling pleased with himself. Behind the open door was a lift, only wide enough to accommodate a single person. Jyorta entered it and closed the door behind him, watching the lift begin to move upwards. 20 seconds later, the lift doors opened, showcasing an enclosed room.

There were no windows, with the walls covered by shelves. All the shelves were closed, with the bare few at the top half-opened. They behaved the same as a draw, opening and closing through a sliding mechanism.

Jyorta took a couple of steps when his body became stiff. Faint sweat covered his forehead and neck while goosebumps appeared on his hands. Before his eyes was a thin thread, looking deadly sharp. If it wasn't for his breaththe air he exhaledcausing the thread to mildly vibrate, producing a faint sound, he wouldn't have noticed it. Another factor that helped him was the silent atmosphere. Only due to it was he able to hear such a minute sound.

"Your senses are passable, definitely insufficient to survive in the Wilds but enough to boast around in front of weaklings." Hearing the familiar voice, Jyorta became alert, unwilling to budge from his spot.

As he expected, the voice praised him a moment later, "I placed another thread behind you. It wouldn't have been pleasant if you had reacted with a back leap or something."

Jyorta heaved a sigh, watching the thread before him disappear. The voice though, chuckled, "But, your reaction still warrants death in the Wilds. The attacks won't be stationary. Even if you stopped after noticing it, the thread can just move forward and accomplish its objective. It is the same either way. You should have destroyed it at first sight. Only then will the initiative be in your hands."

A green coloured chair formed in the middle. Jyorta blinked once and noticed a man in his thirties seated on the chair, sipping a cold drink from a funnel. He motioned before him with his hands, "Take a seat."

Jyorta noticed a cylindrical cushion appear beside him. He was halfway into sitting upon it when his actions stopped. A barrier covered his body, defending against a thin needle on the cushion. Thankfully, the needle was like a wooden twig, thin enough to be snapped into two by a child. His psychic energy barrier successfully defended against it.

"Always be alert; and, whether or not an attack poses a threat to you, don't take it lightly. Carelessness always leads to misfortune." He waved his hand, yawning, "A Tier 4 Frenzy Fruit right?"

Seeing Jyorta nod, the man looked at a shelf, watching a glass jar fly out from it. He opened the lid and picked out an orange coloured plum using his hand, throwing it to Jyorta, "Catch!"

Having been alert, Jyorta grabbed it, heaving a sigh of relief after seeing that the Frenzy Fruit hadn't been crushed under his hold. Holding it in his left, Jyorta rested his right over his thigh, facing the palm upwards.

The blue soul in him overlaid the face mask on the subsoul, watching it take effect in a matter of seconds. Tendrils of blood seeped out through the pores on his face, condensing into a sphere before him.

It hovered in the air, beginning to morph into a crimson Caterpillar. Its face had the same scowl, like a third-rate gangster. There was no change in its appearance from before. Held on its right was a glass of winea look-alike--while on its left was a cigar.

It brought the cigar to its mouth and took a puff. There was no smoke; the Caterpillar though continued to behave as if it was smoking. It landed on his palm, continuing with its actions.

The man just observed it in silence, not commenting on anything.

'It looks the same as before.' Jyorta mentally heaved a sigh of relief as he handed the Frenzy Fruit to the Caterpillar.

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