Psychic Parasite

Chapter 290: Warlord's Legend

Chapter 290: Warlord's Legend

"Unlike the Wisdom Parasites that are manufactured by us, all Frenzy Parasites are produced by a single individual, Rhachis Ancestor Parasite. Therefore, they possess a trait of devouring fellow Frenzy Parasites and recovering their body until completion."

"But, there are three restrictions for this to occur," Madam Rizenne pointed three fingers, "One, they all should be part of the same Frenzy Beast race. Two, the body of the calling Frenzy Parasite should be lower evolved than the Frenzy Parasites it calls forth. Finally, its host must experience enough emotional fluctuations that it is on the verge of losing control."

"Even if all three criteria are satisfied, it is still not guaranteed a success. The compatibility of their bodies, the similarity of their Skills, the external factors at play, and the aura induced in them, all decide the outcome. And based on how well they come into play, the resultant increase in Sync Rate varies." She sighed once, "What you had witnessed is rare even among the rarest of cases. A 33 percent increase in Sync Rate shows its potential."

She then glared at Jyorta a little, "It is fine since such a case happened here. But, if you witness something similar in the Wilds" Her eyes glimmered with killing intent, "Make sure you kill it, no matter what."

"If left alone, such a being will definitely end up as powerhouse to reckon upon." After a moment of thought, she added, "Rhachis Ancestor Warlord was a similar case. At Tier 2, it had become a dud with a Sync Rate of 50 percent, obtaining zero Nurturing effect. Without means to increase its Sync Rate, its future ended at that point, at the bottom of Tier 2."

"But, without getting Nurtured, it wouldn't be able to attempt a breakthrough. So how" Jyorta was cut off once again.

Madam Rizenne said without giving him much time to speak, "With a Tier 1 constitution, it attempted a breakthrough to Tier 3. But, before that, it had made ample preparations, spanning decades. It was born with an intellect far surpassing its peers, so it made ample use of that."

She tapped on the table, once for each line, "It spent 20 years at Tier 1, barely surviving each day, waiting for its opportunity. It purposefully drove itself to the brink of losing control by coming into contact with the aura of powerful Floating Spiders. It refined its body using all the auras it came across, tethering on the border of madness and insanity. It scavenged the bodies of Tier 2, Tier 3, and beyond meat, consuming them while harming itself."

"The Essence of Frenzy present in their bodies ate away at its body, causing it more harm than good. There were times when it couldn't even move for months at a stretch, turning pale and weak. But every time, it survived, slowly but steadily evolving its Essence of Frenzy. Eventually, it was able to kill Tier 2 Frenzy Beasts using just the potency of its Essence of Frenzy."

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"Any high Tiered flesh it chanced upon, it consumed them. If it obtained a Heart/Brain Crystal, it swallowed them. Consuming them always proved more harm than good but it continued to do so without rest. Despite its Frenzy Parasite unable to Nurture its body due to the 50 percent Sync Rate, it soaked up in the aura and Essence of Frenzy."

"It always roamed the Wilds in search of opportunities. One day, it got its opportunity. A human Transformer had died in the Wilds. But, he dragged all his foes to death with him. It watched the earth-shattering fight between them, hidden afar within a small crevice, suffering numerous life-threatening injuries from the shockwaves."

"The moment the opportunity presented itself, it ran towards the battlefield, resisting all the blasting aura while ignoring its worsening injuries, tethering on the border of life and death. It gobbled the human Transformer's spine and Heart Crystal, also doing the same for his foes."

"It then dragged its body and hid within the crevice and attempted a breakthrough." Madam Rizenne raised a finger, "The concept I told you before was already privy in the Frenzy Beast society. The young Warlord too knew it. But, among all the beings that had died at that time, not one was a Floating Spider. So do you know what it did?"

Before Jyorta could shake his head, she continued, "When it swallowed all Frenzy Parasites and had even swallowed a Wisdom Parasite, all the Frenzy Parasites banded against the Wisdom Parasite. Moreover, the Wisdom Parasite was the strongest among them all. But the young Warlord knew that the moment they fought, its body would be ripped apart from inside. So, it initiated its breakthrough before that."

"On noticing the situation, all the Frenzy Beasts gobbled each other up, fusing without an ounce of resistance. Their combined form was a notch stronger than the Wisdom Parasite that they swallowed in their body. When the Wisdom Parasite fought back, the fused Frenzy Parasite resisted its attacks with its body. In the meantime, the young Warlord's Frenzy Parasite called it forth, beginning to eat it. The fused Frenzy Parasite constricted the Wisdom Parasite's movements as much as it could, watching the young Warlord's Frenzy Parasite consume them both."

"Its aura gushed into the fused Frenzy Parasite, empowering it while weakening the Wisdom Parasite. Its Essence of Frenzy began to damage the Wisdom Parasite's body, making it easier for the Frenzy Parasite to suppress it. The fused Frenzy Parasite also consumed all the Heart/Brain Crystals the young Warlord had gobbled up to aid its efforts."

"The resultant energy was transferred into the young Warlord's Frenzy Parasite that was used in the breakthrough process. Eventually, its Sync Rate rose while it possessed a tremendous reserve of energy to finish the breakthrough process without problems."

Madam Rizenne sighed, "From a Sync Rate of 50 percent, it ended up with a Sync Rate of 99 percent after its breakthrough to Tier 3. Its gamble had succeeded. Moreover, it obtained two perks from this incident."

She raised two fingers, shaking the first, "The incredible stress it had to endure during the breakthrough process, and consuming beings three Tiers beyond its evolution had destroyed its mind. After this, the young Warlord never faced the risk of losing control. After all, the entity wishing to take control was no longer cognitive." 

She shook the second finger, "Thanks to all the Heart/Brain Crystals it had swallowed, and catalysed by its Essence of Frenzy, it caused a certain mutation. Their fragments had combined and even replaced its original Heart Crystal, resulting in a Tier 5 Heart Crystal."

"But, using the energy stored in a Heart Crystal was only possible if it was on the same Tier, right?" Jyorta felt confused.

"Yes, normally, that is the case. We have tried transplanting the Heart Crystals of higher Tiered beings into lower Tiered beings. Their Parasites always rejected them, similar to a body rejecting an external organ implant. Moreover, this rejection was strong enough to make all the cells in the transplanted being wither, causing their death."

Madam Rizenne nodded, "But, thanks to its essence of Frenzy and its Frenzy Parasite's lack of cognition, the young Warlord managed to survive. Now, equipped with a Tier 5 Heart Crystal, despite the quality of its energy being at Tier 3, the amount it could possess was on a whole different level."

"It was smooth sailing for it after that, thanks to its advantages but," Madam Rizenne sighed, "After persisting in its insanity for 20 years, it wasn't satisfied with the power at its disposal. An increase in Sync Rate, from 50 to 99 percent, an amount unprecedented in history, a legend till today, but it wasn't satisfied."

"When it broke through from Tier 3 to Tier 4, it enacted a similar feat, though inferior in quality to its previous one, but ended up with 100 percent Sync Rate. It did the same from Tier 4 to Tier 5, again finishing with a 100 percent Sync Rate. It almost made it seem natural and without trouble."

"As for its final breakthrough, even it dared not attempt anything drastic, attempting a breakthrough traditionally. And it succeeded in the end, becoming a Tier 6 being. After that, it still desired more power, turning to the strongest race to fuel its growth, the humans. The result of it was its Unranked Skill, Greater Warlord, coining it the term Rhachis Ancestor Warlord."

Madam Rizenne controlled her anger, "To this day, it remains the sole Frenzy Beast apart from Rhachis Ancestor Parasite that is capable of fighting a human Ancestor one-on-one. Its existence is a direct slap to humanity. After all, the prime material for its Unranked Skill is a human Transformer."

She then gazed at Jyorta, her expression solemn, serious, and tinged with a threatening stare, "Rhachis Ancestor Warlord is an exception even among the Frenzy Beast. That method of raising one's Sync Rate is solely available to the Frenzy Beasts, thanks to their Frenzy Parasites originating from a single source. Humans cannot replicate this feat, never forget this."

She then pulled out a book from behind her, flipping to a page that she displayed to Jyorta, "This is the result of humans who had attempted similarly, with Wisdom Parasites, and even Frenzy Parasites."

A gaze at the picture was all it took for Jyorta's revulsion to surpass its previous zenith. Just when he was about to vomit, a pale blue psychic arm seeped into his body and healed him, negating his revulsion.

Madam Rizenne closed the book, saying with a sigh, "Frenzy Fruits are expensive and have a supply less than demand. So, desperate individuals always try to attempt it, for that improbable chance of success. But, it always ends up in failure. Even if you succeed, Marble City will still kill you."

She massaged her furrowed brows, "Irrespective of your strength, if you become a demon who sacrifices his family for personal growth, you will be killed. Marble city only desires heroes that create a Morningstar, not demons that erect a chipped sword."

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