Psychic Parasite

Chapter 303: To Ignore Based on Common Sense

Chapter 303: To Ignore Based on Common Sense

8:30 AM, seated inside a room was Jyorta. The room was shaped into a circle with a radius of three metres. The walls curved, forming a dome, with the vertical height being three metres. The ground surface was fully covered by soft mud, over which grass grew.

Even the walls were fully covered by the grass. There existed a rectangular section among a part of the wall, also covered by grass. A handle was on it; it was the room's door. The grass was the same as the one that covered the military academy's ground.

Tiny metallic protrusions existed among the walls, spraying mist from time to time in tiny quantities. The grass absorbed the mist and emitted a faint aroma in return. The mist dissolved the aroma and was inhaled by Jyorta.

It calmed his nerves, relaxing his mind while faintly improving the foundation of his body. Jyorta could instinctively sense his Nurturing effect continue without any trouble, at a pace smoother than before. The aroma was both a calming medicine and a nutritional substance that was beneficial to the human body.

As he sat there in a meditative pose, Jyorta felt that the grass had some minute differences from the one planted on the ground outside. Only the sounds of his inhales and exhales filled the room. Even the mist was sprayed in silence, creating the perfect atmosphere for one to meditate.

The room was bereft of any light, something that would have been a cause for fear to normal people. But, such a place was a haven for Warriors and Espers. It was where they could calm their mind and fortify their mental faculties.

With the Wisdom Parasite in them, they were constantly on edge, trying their best to prevent it from taking control. Such a state of constant unrest and anxiety only worsened their conditions, increasing their chances of losing control.

That was where the meditation rooms came into place. They were places where people could meditate, healing their minds while firming their willpower. It was a place they could relax and decide their future course.

The mist secreted in the room wasn't simple water. Mixed in it was a substance that mildly suppressed the Wisdom Parasite, giving the people some reprieve. It was a watered-down version of the Trait of Temperance.

The meditation rooms were expensive to maintain, but it was free for the students. The military academy invested in their students, providing them such facilities for free of cost. Though, they would have to pay the appropriate price if they needed to use it beyond the military academy.

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After a battle, the students were advised to visit the meditation rooms to recover. Most of the time, Jyorta just stayed in it for the minimum most time necessary before heading out. After all, he didn't need it. He could treat any mental condition using his false personas.

People employed the meditation rooms when they were comprehending a Skill, formulating an ability, conceptualising an idea, etc. It was the place where they could think the best without any interruptions.

Warriors used it when comprehending a Skill while Espers used it to solidify their imagination. But, Jyorta was capable of experiencing a memory over and over again using his blue soul. The effect he could enjoy was vastly superior to the meditation rooms. So, he never stayed there more than necessary; it was solely to avoid suspicion.

But now, he had a reason to employ the services of the meditation room. It was because he was about the deal with all the memory fragments he had obtained in his previous labyrinth exploration. To avoid any complications, he decided to use the place where his body could relax the most.

The blue soul created ten soul tendrils, grabbing hold of a soul husk bag. Within it was the memory fragments of a Tier 1 Crust-Mantle. He planned to go through them in chronological order from the youngest. After all, only the older ones were guaranteed to have witnessed the event from back then.

The face maskthe false persona of calm, optimism, and filled with focuslanded on the blue face. The false persona soon affected his entire being. This was Jyorta's contingency measure against the influence brought about by the memory fragments.

When he comprehended while wearing a false persona, all the influence the memory fragments had on him would be blocked by it. Even though the false persona might be damaged or even polluted as a result, Jyorta had the confidence in repairing it. Moreover, the face mask had become quite sturdy through his improvement over the months. So, it wouldn't be damaged that easily.

The two Soul Corneas coiled around the soul husk bag, exerting their influence. The psychic energy in his Brain Crystal was siphoned by ten soul tendrils and transmitted to the two Soul Corneas. The murkiness within the soul husk bag was vaporised bit by bit. Within a minute, they were fully vaporised.

Jyorta sighed, 'It doesn't even take me a minute to fully vaporise the murkiness in the soul of a Tier 1 being now. I wonder how fast I can make them my subsoul.'

He dropped the thought, unwilling to take the risk for the time being. The two Soul Corneas coiled around another soul husk bag, enacting the same. They went from one soul husk bag to another, soon finishing everything.

Jyorta got rid of all the murkiness from the memory fragments he had obtained. A couple of soul tendrils tore open a soul husk and grabbed some memory fragments. The blue soul connected twenty soul tendrils to the brain, sending memory fragments through all of them.

Jyorta immediately winced, 'Too much!'

The quantity was so high that they went past the defences of his false persona and affected him. If he went all-out with comprehending the memories, then he might end up deluding himself into thinking he was a Crust-Mantle. The blue soul retracted the soul tendrils one by one, limiting itself based on trial and error.

Only when four soul tendrils were connected to the brain did Jyorta heave a sigh. The stream of memory fragments gushing to his brain had decreased by a lot; this was his current limit. 'It will take longer for me to comprehend them all. Thankfully, there are no classes today.'

A large part of the staff had been assigned the mission to resist the Lacquer Wave. The remainder were busy with the Graduation Ceremony scheduled a day after. So, there were no classes for all the Batches. Jyorta took this opportunity to comprehend the memory fragments. He had two days of free time to finish it.

As the memory fragments continued to gush into his brain, Jyorta began to live the memories. It was chaotic, with numerous fragments of scenes flashing by. Jyorta failed to make heads or tails of it. But, he just blindly experienced them, not trying to comprehend anything.

A couple of hours later, he finished the memory fragments from a soul husk bag. Once it was done, the blue husk extracted all the memories from his brain, beginning to assemble them. It was like solving a picture puzzle.

Hundreds of soul tendrils operated, causing him mental strain. It was where the meditation room's environment came into effect. The aroma heightened his senses, placing him in the optimal mental state always. This allowed Jyorta to continue the process for long durations without rest.

Thankfully, the senses and instincts imbued in the blue soul allowed it to arrange the memory fragments in order, solving the puzzle easily. It took him half the time he used to comprehend the memories.

The blue soul inspected the face mask, noticing a white layer had covered it, trying to seep into it. The two Soul Corneas turned jet black, corroding the white layer. 'This seems a lot easier than corroding the white layer over each memory fragment. Now, the process is easier and consumes less time and energy.'

After it was fully compiled into a memory, the blue soul set it aside. Two soul tendrils opened another soul husk bag, sending the memory fragments to the brain in a stream. Jyorta planned to first prepare everything before he started to comprehend them in earnest.

He didn't wish to be interrupted, nor did he like being under suspense and waiting for the answer while the blue soul worked over the remaining memory fragments. That's why he planned to do everything in order. After all, he only retained a bit more than 50 percent of his psychic energy reserves. So, he had to be as energy-efficient as possible.

Time continued to pass as such; Jyorta's legs began to ache. Finally, when the blue soul arranged the last memory fragment into its rightful place, Jyorta slumped on the grass, taking a nap to cool his head.

3:30 PM, After waking up, refreshing himself, and eating his lunch, Jyorta returned to the meditation room. He sat cross-legged, closing his eyes before a thought hit him. He laid on the grass, taking in deep breaths to see if there was any reduction in the efficiency of the meditation room's effects.

'It works fine,' He felt like smacking his head. There wasn't any difference; it would have been fine if he slept previously.

"Haha, is this what it means to ignore based on common sense? It was wrong of me to assume meditation was only done cross-legged." Jyorta slept in a comfortable posture, closing his eyes as the blue soul sent a steady stream of memory fragments to his brain. From Tier 1 to Tier 2; that was his plan.

A couple of seconds later, Jyorta found himself atop a sand mound, situated underground.

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