QT: Against My Will

Chapter 428

428 7.52 – The Ordeal Part 5 – War Of The Wickeds

+—- Author’s note —–+

Monopoly – (an organization or group that has) complete control of something without having any competition, especially an area of business.


Didn’t Ziek just say a few hours ago how he hated PDA? So how could she come up with an idea that he wanted a kiss? Name him someone who would see Silvia’s and Ezikiel’s relationship as lover’s PDA, and one would find out there would be nobody because they were both viewed as a pair of omegas.

|”Hubby, I feel like listening to some love quotes. Bless me with one, please.”|

Ziek questioned who she was fighting for attention when she basically held an absolute monopoly over his heart.

|I don’t love you for who you are but who you become when you are with me.|

Bing Shi patted Ziek’s head, grinding her cheek under the gas mask against his, looking like one cute little pub teasing another cute little pub. He didn’t even hesitate with the answer.



|”The happiest.”|

Ziek distanced his head from her with a blank expression, holding back not to put the mischievous creature of his through some obedience lessons. This was the first time they had received adoring stares from the public eye instead of the usual, hate-filled envy.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He remembered receiving death threats from her obsessed fans and stalkers in the previous world. Some of the bunch had considerable power, giving no shits about his background. They would do some nasty things just to get him out of her life.

· · ———- · ???· ———- · ·

A few moments later...

The group weaved through the maze of trees, unable to see their own feet because of the dense grass. Their anxiety started to rise as they failed to find Liam again.

The B point should be somewhere here, gestured the group of alphas and deltas. They went back to the borders to regroup with the rest, per Liam’s last order.

How they wished to have someone with the telepathic ability in their team. The constant buzzing in their sensitive ears was driving them crazy! The forest itself seemed to come alive to trap and choke all the members.

Taking a few steps back to a safer distance, Ezikiel leapt up a tree and seated Silvia on a thick tree branch.

As a response, the rest of the team suddenly looked around uneasily, sniffing the air, they caught the lingering stench of coppery blood and the unique, indescribable fragrance of the greenery. A few sharp eyes caught the disappearing wounds in the trees that spears had made, “These have to be Liam’s marks!”

No response – only a sound of static noises resonated in their ears.

The wind shifted, caressing their hair, and before they could realise what truly happened, their bodies were lifted into the air. The Moving Ivy appeared from under the ground, wrapping its roots around their wrists. Its weed continued to sprout over the area, dragging over their sturdy bodies.

Despite the speed of Moving Ivy’s tentacles, Ezikiel was able to dodge it fast enough, allowing the vine to pass by him harmlessly.

Bing Shi watched the battle between the Moving Ivy and her team as her legs dangled in the air. Dai An refused to consume her energy, so here she was, absorbing the prayers, which helped her recover her strength faster. It was an odd feeling – she would always avoid fighting. Now that she finally felt like kicking bums, she couldn’t because of her condition.

|”Hubby, someone has the same plan of saving everyone in the direst situation as you.”|

As if Ziek was ever serious about it.

|You can’t call this the direst situation. Nobody is ninety-nine percent dead yet.|

Nearby, a female alpha caught Bing Shi’s eyes. The woman with short hair and stern brows held no weapons, but she could conjure deadly blades of winds to slice the thick tentacles, freeing every trapped team member. With her quick actions, the tide was rapidly turning in her favour.

Bing Shi had also been checking the area for the missing team members. Due to her inborn ability, thanks to which she could feel the presence of other souls (even from the other side of the world), her way of looking for people was quite distinct.

She would have to distinguish the souls from the swamp of other souls first and then, find a way to create a string of fate between her and them. Behind the mask, her eyes flickered with hues of damp fog as the ground under the team’s feet grumbled.

Thin ripples appeared on the surface of the Moving Ivy. Its branches began sprouting terrible thorns. It jabbed into its own tree trunk, and whenever it did, blood would be drawn.

Rivers of blood poured from its every pore, sending an eerie foreboding to their hearts. Someone was captured within the Moving Ivy. Liam!

The female alpha made a hand motion while continuing to cut Moving Ivy’s overgrowing tentacles – rescue mission – she pointed at the Moving Ivy – full frontal attack.

The non-mages took the front line positions with their weapons ready, preparing to burst into action at her order. No matter how unfair it sounded, the life of an alpha was priceless. They were taught to sacrifice their life if it meant one more alpha could survive.

Three deltas had stood on stand by close to the female alpha. They wore a red armour with a white cross belt over it, taking up a defensive position to repel any counterattacks.

Now! The female alpha shouted out for nobody but herself, sending a burst of controlled cuts at the tree trunk so as not to injure the person within.

After what seemed to be an eternity, the fortified fortress of brown wood still did not look as if it could be ever breached. The Moving Ivy clearly had magic abilities of its own, for it sliced through strong blades and thick armour with the ease of passing through the air. This made them realize that the school didn’t give them the latest weapons and equipment!

Bing Shi clapped her hands together in a praying gesture. On the outside, it looked like she was praying for the team, but the more knowledgeable people like Ziek knew she was about to use her godhood...

...to use her godhood on her own husband. Who would make his own ordeal intentionally more difficult? The B point which should have been under the Moving Ivy ended up inside of Moving Ivy. Not only that, but he was also cultivating a carnivorous plant?!

What was his point? Well, Ziek just wanted to make the ordeal a bit fun and exciting for himself too.

Their mouths gaped as Ezikiel dropped to the ground with no sign of waking up. They quickly looked up at Silvia? Where did she disappear to?!

Bing Shi slashed an axe, which she borrowed from one of the betas, at the Moving Ivy. She also created an invisible barrier around the battle area, excluding the soul that she was so familiar with, mainly his influence.

Crack! The team shivered, their mouths gaped as the top layer of the wood began to peel off. The Moving Ivy threw up Liam as if it couldn’t wait to clean its body of some bad toxins. The weed tendrils covered his body, darkening his flesh and crusting it like the bark of a tree, leaves sprouting on the surface of his limbs.

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