QT: Against My Will

Chapter 444

444 7.68 – Babe – War Of The Wickeds

“Call her babe again, and I will cut your throat.”

“I can call her however I want,” Liam smirked down at the scowling Juliet and slowly stood up to tower over her tall frame, “She is mine,” he growled low in his throat, “Right, babe?” He looked to Silvia for affirmation but was quickly met with a glare that made him wince.

Juliet didn’t even blink. As an alpha, she couldn’t afford to show a single weakness, “And what makes you think she is yours? You are not worthy enough to even leave a mark on her. Not by a long shot,” she said darkly.

The people in the room tensed. It was never good to have more than one alpha together in one place; they would often get territorial over a potential mate.

“It’s true, I agreed to be his,” Bing Shi sat there in the same position, a slight frown marrying her features when she felt a constant wave of gazes on her back. Why were they fighting over her and not her cute little husband? Ezikiel’s identity as an omega completely lost its purpose.

Ziek had just way too much ‘masculine energy’, and thus being unattractive in the eyes of alphas like Liam and Juliet. The simple saying opposite attracts worked quite well in some situations. Even if Bing Shi ended up as an alpha, they would probably still be drawn toward her because of her ‘feminine energy’. He uncovered a bit of his wife’s seal to prove himself.

Liam felt the bones in his knees snap before he straightened himself. Silvia was looking over at him with an unamused look on her face, but there was no real venom behind it. She didn’t even sound annoyed, more like she wanted to be heard. He stumbled back a few steps and tried to get his bearings once again, ‘My-My Lady...you have my deepest apologies,’ he bowed in her direction, mouthing out the soundless words. Correct. She was his. His Lady.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And with that, Bing Shi dismissed him. Liam could call her whatever he wanted, but only with a certain attitude – you show me respect, I give you face.

Liam’s eyes widened slightly-the tip of Juliet’s wind blade missed his neck by a margin. Juliet’s wanting to take over his dominance only made him more furious. He bared his teeth and claws, a growl rumbling through him. He jumped into the air and sent a ball of fire at Juliet. The flames hit her in seconds. However, when he landed, the fire died away and Julliet was nowhere near harmed by the strike.


His head whipped back to avoid her wind blade, and he took a step forward and lunged at her side – but she had already spun away, moving from where she stood and turning around in her own arc, her weapon pointing directly at Silvia.

Bing Shi wanted to plop another popcorn into her mouth and realised that the bucket was empty, “Juliet...I think it’s time we called a timeout.”

“Not until you drop off your position!” Juliet exclaimed as if it was not the fourth time she had initiated a duel with Silvia in the past few hours.

Bing Shi retracted her cane next to her chair, “You don’t want me as your leader anymore?”

Juliet looked annoyed but one could see the glint of desire in her eyes, “No way I’m gonna give you all that fun, not yet. How can I accept a leader that allows herself to be called ‘BABE’?”

Bing Shi nodded and stood back up. Juliet attacked with a powerful right jab which she blocked. She raised her hands to block the left jab but Julliet jumped forward and kicked her legs out from under her and she immediately hit the floor with an audible “Oof”.

Bing Shi checked her leg’s condition, wiping away some dust from off her clothes, “That was impressive Julliet, now you’ve got a chance to get me expelled and take over my position.” She quickly left to her space to avoid her husband’s madness, leaving behind the body for Silvia, “Bring her to Nathaniel’s office. He will know what to do.” While Silvia leaned against one of the many chairs with closed eyes, everyone’s gaze turned toward Julliet. They just thought that the fight was over for their ‘leader’; the kick in the leg by Juliet must have hurt a lot.

Juliet blinked a few times, shocked into silence. A loud cry interrupted her as someone called out her name. She didn’t care enough to look up, instead, she stared blankly at the blood on her hand.

Silvia had blasted up Juliet’s pinky.

Stopping the bleeding, Juliet tried to get closer to Silvia, but was held back by Liam and another two people who were trying to protect their leader’s reputation. Such an act against another student was against the rules. Silvia might really get expelled this time. They automatically listened to her last orders and dragged Juliet towards Nathaniel’s office.

It wasn’t long until Julliet stopped struggling. The questioning gaze people showed her when they saw the traces of blood oozing out of her body was something she always found annoying. The way they looked at her made her feel like they were judging and judging what she had done to end up like that. She wasn’t a monster that loved to fight, no, she could never be called one. She just hated the idea of accepting commands from an omega. That was it.

Once the original Silvia went through her memories, she almost went nuts from the risky stunt Bing Shi just pulled off! On one hand, it made her believe that Bing Shi could actually fight on the same terms as other alphas, on another, Bing Shi was doing it while risking her precious life!

Being kicked by a sudden wave of common sense, Silvia immediately marched out of the training hall, not caring about her limping leg, she called out loudly, “Wait!” in a firm voice that made everyone stop, “Bring her back!” Mumbling under her nose, she sent a spell toward Julliet to attach the pinky back to its place.

Ziek noted down some of the new discoveries. The time Silvia came back after Bing Shi returned the body was getting faster. Silvia didn’t like to obey orders, and would often do the opposite of what was expected of her. If she had allowed Juliet to be healed by Nathaniel, Silvia’s position in the school would have been even more influential.

He wasn’t annoyed when Liam called his wife Babe as before. The more he heard it, to more it sounded pitifully desperate, like a comforting lullaby to the ears.

Despite Juliet’s injury, she remained calm, believing that she would have it healed to its previous condition since it was Silvia, the healer, who caused her injury.

To Ziek, it looked like Juliet wanted to be a part of their team. She was testing Bing Shi again and again, until she was sure that the person she was following was worth it.

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