Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 748: Anti-Magic Planet

Chapter 748: Anti-Magic Planet

"..." Alisha reached her hand forward, but it stopped mid-air. She didn't expect Elysia to agree without hesitation, even though what she asked for was too tricky for Elysia's level.

There was no doubt or fear in Elysia's eyes. It wasn't the response Alisha expected, but she put that thought aside because she wanted to see how Elysia would destroy that tier-seven monster.

'All right, what can I do with only twenty thousand EP? A big bang explosion is impossible with my remaining energy, but...' Elysia patted her chin in thought. She suddenly had a brilliant idea and smiled happily.

She used her sacred vision to examine the asteroid monster's body structure for a moment. Then, she disappeared into thin air. She entered into astral mode and pierced through the asteroid monster effortlessly.

'As expected, the core is here. If I blow this up, it'll be a bit like crushing its heart, right?' Elysia found a light blue big thing in the asteroid monster's core layer.

She didn't think long and released a concentrated superheated explosion that shot out like a bullet.

*Pew* *Crack*

Elysia's explosive bullet managed to penetrate that light blue fragment. It instantly cracked and shattered into pieces.

'!?' Elysia fled as fast as she could from there because the explosion was somehow spreading everywhere. She was engulfed in a blast, but she was still in her astral mode.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


An explosion shattered the asteroid monster from within, but the blow was weak. The poor 'pac-man' monster didn't even know what had happened, and it was the end of its life, leaving several void crystals and black rocks floating in the air.

Elysia emerged herself a few kilometers from the blast center, feeling relieved. She wiped her non-existent sweat while staring at the explosion to subside. 'Phew, the explosion wasn't that big, but it had a significant impact. So, if that core fragment is destroyed, it will trigger a self-destruct explosion, huh...'

'Hmm-mm~ I'm a spirit who materialized to a semi-real form, but I can still enter my astral mode. This technique can be used as an ace for me to escape.' Elysia hummed inwardly and started to collect the void crystals that were scattered around. She moved quickly because the surrounding monsters were heading toward her.

After her task was considered complete, Elysia immediately returned to Alisha with several void crystals floating behind her. The size was pretty big, and it took Alisha off guard.

'I finished it in eight minutes! Here's what you asked for.' Elysia placed all the chunks of void crystals near Alisha's feet.

'...' Alisha gaped in astonishment. She didn't immediately respond and only looked at Elysia's face and then at the chunks of void crystals a few times. After she accepted the fact, she rubbed her forehead and asked. 'What exactly did you just do? You suddenly disappeared from my detection abilities, and that big rock monster just exploded from within.'

Alisha sighed and scanned the void crystals on the ground. Two of the chunks turned out to be high-tier ones. And they were large and rich in pure void energy!

'Heaven luck, my slave's ultimate ability is truly her luck! I thought that big rock only had mid-tier at most, but there are actually have two high-tier big chunk void crystals!? Hee-hee~' Alisha picked up two high-tier void crystals and separated them from the others.

'I can hear you~' Elysia smiled in amusement.

'You don't hear anything. You may have misheard something.' Alisha is not aware that she is still connected telepathically to Elysia. She defended herself and cut off their conversation temporarily.

'...' Alisha glanced at Elysia for a moment, then put on her hood. She hid her hands inside her sleeves, and all the void crystals were suddenly sucked into a void hole.

'As I expected. That bracelet is a storage item.' Elysia respected Alisha's privacy and didn't dig deeper into that issue. However, she wanted to have at least one Storage Bracelet here.

Elysia checked for the transparent bracelet Alisha had given her. She was aware that Alisha trusted her because of that bracelet. That item clearly held a mystery associated with it.

'Good. Looks like you weren't just bragging about what you said a while ago. We will go explore a dangerous zone near the mid-region. Will you be able to survive until we return?' Alisha folded her arms and climbed onto her pet's back.

'Sure, I can do it. I also ask you to tell me about this realm. Worry not. I won't leave you even if I know more.' Elysia went up to Cherub's back, and they quickly left the vicinity.

'Hm, you won't be able to escape if you want to. All need my permission.' Alisha looked back. The space rock monsters were crowding the spot where the explosion had occurred. She asked her pet to get away quickly to avoid unnecessary battles.

Alisha explained several things related to the realm, which she named Boundless Realm because Elysia kept asking for it.

The Boundless Realm literally was just an endless outer space enveloped in darkness with only the slightest light from a particular star or exceptional presence. Overall, the realm was divided into four parts, with the outer region being the widest and the real endless one.

There were three categories of monsters in that realm: the space rock monsters, the mindless beasts, and the shadow creatures. As for the plants themselves, they were countless, and Alisha just skipped them.

After Alisha finished speaking, Elysia began to draw some things that were still a mystery to her. 'Hmm, so it's like we're thrown to the other side of the realm if we explore too far outward from the outer region, huh… Then, it's not really boundless. The most multifunctional materials here are void crystals?'

'I guess so. However, void crystals are indeed multifunctional, apart from their side effects. Even so, it was not the most precious and special in this realm. The thing that makes my life easier is that these void crystals are plentiful and easy to find. Though, there aren't that many high-tier ones in the outer region.' Alisha handed over a palm-sized high-tier void crystal to Elysia to observe.

Elysia studied the black crystal. It possessed a slightly dark purplish sheen, resembling a curse. The ones she got in the prisoner's room earlier turned out to be only low-tier void crystals. If she used this, could she recover her magic with immense value?

'Don't try to use this without my supervision. You could die from corrosion. You may be proud of your magic, but your vessel is weak and unpolished.' Alisha gave a stern warning while looking intently into Elysia's purplish-blue eyes.

'I see... By the way, does Cherub have anti-detection skills? No monsters will notice us even if we pass them at close range.' Elysia stroked the black scales of the four-winged black dragon.

'My pet is a unique beast. He can travel anywhere undetected because of his innate abilities. Hold on to me, Elysia. I'll use my Space Warp to get us closer to the mid-region.' Alisha pulled Elysia closer.

'All right.' Elysia complied and held on tightly to Alisha. She wrapped her arms around Alisha's waist, and an energy fluctuation suddenly surged sharply.


All Elysia could see was hazy and faint darkness with a gray aura. However, it was only a fleeting moment because the scenery became the outer space of darkness again.

'!?' Elysia gaped her mouth in awe. She just experienced a dimensional warp to travel a great distance in seconds like in a space war movie. However, one thing that immediately caught her attention was several dark galaxies in the distance.

'That dark galaxy and beyond is the mid-region. Can you see the boundary? The difference in the degree of corrosion can be clearly seen in your eyes, right?' Alisha pointed at the dark galaxy and gave instructions to her pet.

'Ooh~' Elysia nodded, but her gaze was still fixed on that dark galaxy.

'Stop, don't try to look any further, or something will look back at you. A powerful monster resides there.' Alisha immediately closed Elysia's eyes with her hand because she knew what this girl was trying to do, especially when that pair of eyes started to glow.

'O-okay.' Elysia complied, and her eyes were released. She only used her magic eyes to see in the dark.

'Our destination is that planet. It has an ancient labyrinth and unsolved mysteries. I presume this planet was in the inner region before arriving here. I want you to explore this place with me and discover what is hidden in the deepest labyrinth.' Alisha has a brilliant plan to take advantage of Elysia's luck.

The planet in question was more like a moon ten times the size of Alisha's dead star hideout. However, Elysia could see an extraordinary oddity when they had just landed there.

'Wait, why did your barrier suddenly collapse when it touched the planet? Anti magic soil?' Elysia came down from Cherub's back to check the soil.

'Yeah, that's one of the mysteries of this place. The soil has an anti-magic effect but is only useful on this planet. It will only turn to dust if it is carried away from here. Quick, follow me.' Alisha looked around and approached a bottomless abyss.

'???' Elysia only followed Alisha from the side, but Alisha suddenly covered her mouth with a hand. She was confused, but Alisha suddenly carried her and jumped into the abyss.

"!!!" Elysia screamed out of a startled reflex, but it was entirely muffled by Alisha's palm.

'Don't scream, you troublesome girl!' Alisha clung to the cliff and jumped into a hidden gap. Cherub followed in by creeping like a lizard.

'You didn't warn me beforehand.' Elysia complained, but the incident had passed.

'This is a secret passage leading to a labyrinth. Follow me.' Alisha waved her hand and went deeper.

'...' Elysia sighed and followed closely behind. She really wanted to know what kind of ending awaited her in this trial held by Lifa. She only realized that she was slowly approaching the final boss, and it must be somewhere in the core region.

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