Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 788: Night Ambush

Chapter 788: Night Ambush

It was a short world tour to distribute antidote samples and prescriptions to selected international organizations with specific terms and conditions.

Elysia would force or pressure anyone against her plans if the other parties intended to prioritize personal gain or group selfishness. Those international organizations had to help her to end wars and pandemics.

And, of course, she met them using different identities and disguises, but she used an identical origin. She introduced herself as a member of a secret organization called Guardian of Dream or abbreviated as GoD for those who understood the hidden meaning.

After everything was done, Elysia and her group returned to their temporary base in Japan by teleportation.

It was almost an hour for dinner. It was quite a tiring day for nearly everyone as they had to deal with several obstacles in such a hectic time.

"Phew, we're finally back." Elysia breathed a sigh of relief. She felt a bit tired from dealing with many influential people in several superpower countries. They were pretty hard to deal with.

"Dinner? I can cook with the others, and you can relax on the couch, master." Vanessa pushed Elysia's back against the sofa in the living room. She knew her master was pretty tired.

"Eh, you all feel pretty tired too, right? Let's just order pizza for everyone. What do you think?" Elysia glanced back. She suggested voting.

"Pizza!? Do you also own a pizza company here, Ely?" Evelyn asked curiously.

"No, I'm not at all involved. However, pizzerias are in almost every city in the world." Elysia shook her head.

"Hm, so it doesn't taste like the menu at Lavely Pizza. I'm a little doubtful if it's not Lavely Pizza, but it wouldn't hurt to try, right? How do we order, Ely?" Sylvia put her hand to her chin. She had fallen in love with pizza, especially Elysia's handmade, and she was hesitant to try similar products from random restaurants.

"Worry not, I'm going to order that with this. Just give me a minute, and I'll order all the available menus for us to try. Let's pick the highest-rated restaurant nearby." Elysia sat on the sofa and made an online order with her smartphone. She ordered all available menus in multiples of three because she knew there was some glutton in her group.

"Hmm?" Vanessa peeked into her master's smartphone, but her tiger ears accidentally tickled her master's face.

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"..." Elysia stroked Vanessa's head in response.

"Hey, Sun. Turn this into pure energy for my recovery. I've been hunting for quite a few chess pieces this afternoon." Xero raised his pouch.

"Let's see what you get. Did you get the king pieces?" Elena checked the contents of that darkness pouch. She found all kinds of chess pieces, except the king.

"Unfortunately, no deities are targeting your disciple this evening. They are just cowardly rats." Xero shrugged his shoulders and spread his arms. He hasn't found any deity to hunt yet.

"If there is no king piece, you should ask my Ely for help. She is more careful with things like this." Elena returned Xero's pouch.

"Huh, why?" Xero was surprised.

"I might have accidentally reduced it to atoms if it wasn't a king piece." Elena just threw that troublesome thing to Elysia. As long as it wasn't a king piece, she couldn't take any advantage of this.

"Hmm, all right then. If you have taught your disciple for this, she can indeed be more careful to the smallest details." Xero felt it made sense because he knew how massive the power of the Goddess of Light was. He experienced it once, the blow.

Thus, Xero went to sit on the sofa in front of Elysia. "Like our agreement, I need this for my extra recovery."

"Sure, I can help you with this. We have a few minutes before the pizza arrives... Mm, let's do this now." Elysia received Xero's darkness pouch and refined the chess pieces into a black crystal ball one by one.

The process took a few minutes, and it became a spectacle that mesmerized everyone in the room.

The chess pieces vanished and were extracted into a solid black sphere like an energy core. Elysia gave it to Xero. "Here, it is pure energy stored within the chess piece. Please make good use of it."

"Marvelous." Xero received it and went to the second floor.

"How about dinner? You don't want it?" Elysia asked before the other party left.

"Dinner can't make me stronger." Xero responded without looking back at all. He returned to his room and began to meditate enthusiastically.

"Well, can these chess pieces be used as recovery energy?" Sylvia pondered what had just happened while glancing at the black pouch in the Goddess of Nature's hand.

"That is if you dare to be corrupted by the unknown energy. Not all foreign matter can be extracted into pure energy." Rhea explained a little with a faint smile.

"Well, that's not to say I'm interested in refined evil energy or anything. I don't dare to try because the risk is there. We'd better train to become stronger in a true-to-life way." Sylvia waved her hand in front of her face.

The girls soon lost interest in those evil chess pieces. They didn't even dare to hold it for long, fearing being corrupted or contaminated. The threat from the curse energy gave a terrible solid impression on their minds.

Elena then returned to the Elysian Realm for a short rest. Ai, Lynn, and Cherub exited Elysia's shadow. They joined the group in the living room to talk about some light and pleasant things.

*Ding* *Dong*


The doorbell rang. The pizza delivery guy had arrived.

"I'm going to pick up the pizzas!" Sylvia rushed to the door.

"Gio, please help Sylvi. We ordered sixty pizza variants with six bonus boxes. Sixty-six boxes in total." Elysia asked Gio for help.

And, of course, as the good boy, Gio rushed to carry out the order.

"Sixty-six, right? Mkay~" Sylvia opened the door.

"Is this the residence of Elysia-sama? I want to deliver the pizzas she ordered." The delivery guy asked politely. He stared at the white-haired beauty in front of him in awe.

"Yes, that's our order. Sixty-six boxes." Sylvia extended her hands.

"Ah, okay. Please wait a moment." The delivery guy went back to his car to pick up the pizzas. He handed over six pizza bundles, and the last ones were the free bundle. "This is the free pizza from your order. Thank you for ordering at-"


Sylvia immediately closed the door right after she got all the pizzas. She didn't even wait for the delivery guy to finish talking.

"..." The delivery guy scratched his head with an awkward smile. He then went away from there.

Meanwhile, Sylvia and Gio returned to the living room with many pizza boxes.

"Please wait. We need to check the safety of all those pizzas. I'm afraid some irresponsible party sabotaged Ely's order." Rhea stopped Sylvia and Gio. She then checked the pizzas with her scanning abilities. Nell also helped her in the health inspection.

"Hmm, no poisoned pizza or anything like that. Everything is fine to eat. It's just..." Nell pursed her lips and took two pizza boxes from the pile. She opened it for everyone to see.

"Two empty boxes? Isn't that cheating? Why would they do that?" Vanessa was a bit surprised.

"Eh? That must be the delivery guy! He ate two of our pizzas!" Sylvia clenched her fists.

"Hm, that's poor service whoever did it. However, let it be. At least we still have another sixty-four boxes. Let's enjoy our dinner." Elysia put her hands together. She didn't feel it was such a big deal to argue about.

Yuuki, Lynn, and Vanessa rushed to prepare a small pizza party in the living room. They brought some drinks and other utensils such as cutlery and so on.

After dinner was over, Lifa advised the girls to get enough rest because tomorrow would be a much busier day than today.

"..." Elysia brushed her teeth and then washed her face. She looked at her face in the mirror but felt a bit awkward. Vanessa and Yuuki were next to her, staring with hopeful eyes.

"Umm, what is it? You all brushed your teeth before bed, right?" Elysia asked in wonder.

"May we share a room with you, master? The room is spacious enough, and we will be a good cat and a fox." Vanessa grasped her hand and wagged her tail subconsciously.

"Sure, you don't have to ask my permission like this if it's your request. Let's go to the room. Fwaah..." Elysia yawned and came out of the bathroom.

When she returned to her room, she found everyone in her room. Only Gio and Cherub were not there because they were already asleep in the living room.

"..." Elysia turned to Vanessa. She didn't know the 'we' in the previous request was everyone.

Now the room would feel cramped if everyone was in this bedroom. The bed also couldn't accommodate everyone. But, where was the bed? Was it already missing?

"Ely, we'll sleep here with you. We've moved the bed somewhere else to sleep on our futons! You know, it's a bit cramped, but it's for your good. Lynn said that something dangerous will come here tonight to attack you." Sylvia came to put her arm around Elysia's shoulders and pointed her hand at the pile of futons in the corner of the room.

"Yes, I saw an event with my foresight ability. Apart from the barriers and protective talismans we have placed in our temporary base, there is a powerful entity that will infiltrate here to assassinate you at midnight. Let us watch over you while you sleep. We'll be camouflaging our aura so we can ambush that assassin." Lynn explained the situation.

It was just one of many possibilities, but the risk percentage was quite large. She wanted everyone to take it seriously.

"Mm, I understand. Thank you, I will be under your care." Elysia replied with a gentle smile. She and everyone then held their futons in a particular formation.

Three futons were in the middle, and the rest were placed in each corner of the room.

The girls exchanged good night wishes before the bedroom lights were turned off. The tranquility of the night fell over the room, and Elysia soon fell asleep.

Rhea, Evelyn, and Vanessa were sleeping on the middle futons, keeping Elysia close at hand. They and almost everyone else were only light sleepers that night, not really sleeping like Elysia. Everyone took Lynn's suggestion seriously, but it didn't disappoint them by the time midnight came.

The one they were waiting for truly came as predicted by Lynn's foresight ability.

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