Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 868 Tokyo Grand Theatre

Chapter 868 Tokyo Grand Theatre

Elysia and everyone then bid their farewell to Erina and Mio. They then flew off and disappeared without knowing where they were going.

Erina waited for a while, waving her hand and looking up at the beautiful starry night sky. She then took out her smartphone and called someone. “Hello, father. It’s me, Erina. Can you pick me up at my penthouse? We’re going to the Grand Theater together, right?”

“Okay. Are they going with you? How many cars do we need for this event?” Kenji immediately answered.

“No, father. Ellie and her friends didn’t come with me. I’ll take a shower and get ready first. Please let Mio know when you arrive.” Erina shook her head, but she smiled faintly. She knew her father and grandfather wanted to meet the Guardians of Dream members, but the latter had no reason to meet them.

“Really, you should introduce them to us someday. You’re friends with some of them, right? You might be able to arrange a time for a special meeting for example? Don’t they really want to see us even if you ask?” Kenji sighed.

“Some people are so nice, father. However, not all of them are as kind and understanding as Ellie. Regardless, you can meet them tomorrow morning at the mothership.” Erina walked into the room after glancing at the sky once more.

“Alright, we’ll be there soon. We’ll be going with a military escort. The government has also dispatched a lot of personnel and several elite teams to secure the Tokyo Grand Theatre. It’s like securing a major international event.” Kenji chuckled at the end of his sentence.

“And Ellie is still being followed by more than a hundred experts who are spying on her. They lost track of Ellie two days ago, and they will definitely be waiting for her there. This might be a little more lively than expected, hehe...” Erina chuckled lightly.

After saying a greeting and a thank you, Erina hung up the call and went to her bedroom.

“Mio, please wait for my father to come. I will take a shower first.” Erina took off her dress and entered the bathroom with only a towel.

“I’ll be waiting in this room, Erina-sama. I’ll let you know when Kenji-sama has come.” Mio nodded in understanding.

“Mkay~” Erina replied curtly.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Meanwhile, Elysia’s group had arrived at their VIP room at the Tokyo Grand Theater unnoticed by the organizers, supervisors, or guards.

“Phew, we came straight here after leaving Erina’s place. Earth Mother is understanding enough to extend our flying blessing until tomorrow afternoon.” Elysia breathed a sigh of relief.

“The show will start in about an hour.” Lifa went to sit on the soft sofa and observed the visitors who had already taken their seats.

“Mm, a lot of people are enthusiastic. Let’s see the famous artists, actresses, and people in the entertainment industry walk the red carpet. They usually come with a flashy entrance.” Elysia invites Elena to go with her.

“Okay, but we’ll just be watching from the window in the corridor. Here, put on this masquerade mask and all is well.” Elena put a peacock feathered mask on Elysia’s face. She then also wore one, but it was a golden phoenix mask.

“Mask parties? I have many. Who wants one?” Sylvia took out many masquerade masks from her Space Bag.

Everyone received a masquerade mask and put it on. A few girls then joined to watch the arrival of famous people with Elysia, while the rest chose to stay in the room.

“Ely, why are they called famous people? Are they of nobility?” Evelyn asked in wonder. She could see a man in a white coat getting out of a black limousine and walking down the red carpet. A series of camera flashes soon followed right after to take pictures of that person’s arrival.

“It’s because of their career in the entertainment industry.” Elysia could hardly recognize anyone.

She rarely tried to remember the names of famous people in the entertainment industry since her field of expertise was more into business, economics, and agriculture. Even so, it was pretty nice to enjoy the sight.

“Their careers in the entertainment industry? Comedians?” Yuuki tilted his head slightly.

“The entertainment industry isn’t just comedians. It’s very varied. There’s music, songs, instruments, dances, choirs, and much more.” Elysia rubbed Yuuki’s head gently.

“Erina hasn’t come yet huh. Master Elysia, do you know some of them?” Vanessa narrowed her eyes slightly. She could hardly see anyone’s face because of that barrage of flashes.

“No. But they look fancy and their entrances too.” Elysia shook her head.

Artists, actresses, and famous people came one by one in turn to the Tokyo Grand Theatre. Their arrivals were greeted by photographers as they crossed the red carpet to the main entrance. Several event committees then welcomed those famous people inside.

Luxury cars come and go for the umpteenth time. Several famous audiences also received much media attention and spotlight.

“They, they were the youngsters at the meet and greet event, right? They came too, huh...” Elysia muttered under her breath when she found the presence of several familiar faces across the red carpet.

“That’s Fortuna’s little boy and his girlfriends. Why does he look so overwhelmed to have beauties on his both arms?” Elena was amused when she saw someone like the protagonist in a romantic comedy story.

“Yeah, what a lucky boy. He should be happy, but he doesn’t seem to be able to appreciate his girls properly. It’s a shame.” Elysia glanced there but soon lost her interest.

“What about you, Ely?” Elena covered her mouth with a folding fan.

“I’m sincere and looking for sincerity. They are good girls.” Elysia smiled and gave Vanessa and Yuuki head pats, resulting in a few purrs and chuckles. She then leaned against Elena’s shoulder.

They had been waiting for more than half an hour, but Erina’s entourage seemed to choose to come last.

As the last car left, a group of military vehicles came from the crossroads. It was as if a Great General came with his whole escort.

“Wow, look who came almost last. They really are so fierce. Even the princesses of the Taira Clan didn’t come with their military escorts!”

“Yeah, I already feel this event is unusual because the security is so tight. Look, you can see a lot of police and soldiers around the theater.”

“I heard some elite teams were also assigned to secure this event?”

“Gosh, why did they pull this kind of security? Was it because of Erina-sama? She recently encountered that incident, right?”

“That could be true. Her family is so protective, especially because of that incident. Who knows, but that group is from the Minamoto Clan! Holy, Erina-sama came with her father and Great General Mitsuzuka!”

“Woah, no wonder why with this kind of escort and guard.”

The camera operators and media crew around the entrance and the red carpet were enthusiastic when they could recognize who was coming.

The military cars slowed down, but only one luxury car stopped beside the red carpet.

Several soldiers opened the car door, and Mitsuzuka got out of the car. He then offered his arm to a princess clad in a starry night dress with a slight golden shimmer. Kenji and Mio followed behind them.

“Uwwoogh!” Several exclamations erupted from most of the men, but they didn’t utter that out loud.

It was like the princess from a fairy tale who graced her noble presence to the commoners. Erina’s fame as the golden diva had already gained everyone’s attention, and her current gorgeous appearance captured the hearts of many. Moreover, she came with her family. The attention focused on the last group has skyrocketed significantly.

“...” Erina just smiled faintly and waved her hand in a slight gesture of greeting.

She soon noticed Elysia’s presence. She glanced at the third floor’s window. Elysia and everyone were there, waving to her.

Because of that, Erina’s smile became warm and tender, not a formal one anymore.


The moment was captured and immortalized on the camera by the photographers. That photo immediately became a headline in several media and news.

“Woah, Erina looks so beautiful. I’m now sure this event will highlight Erina a lot.” Sylvia put her hands together as she finally understood.

“Hehe, let’s go back. This show is filled with a lot of actresses and artists. It’s not just Erina or that would be unfair.” Elysia invited everyone back to their VIP room.

The program was about to start, and everyone went to their seats.

Over two hundred famous people attended the event, and they weren’t just from Japan. More than two thousand spectators had already taken their seats.

The hall lights then went out, and some spotlights focused only on the stage.

The presenters delivered Greetings, and the cameras recorded the event for a live broadcast. The initial greetings were then followed by a mild musical performance.

“Is the VIP room over there already occupied? Have they come?” The captain of the elite team asked his men.

“No further information, sir. We didn’t see anyone coming and going into that VIP room area.” A soldier answered honestly.

“They can come and go as they please. Of course, we will never know when they will come. How is the security for their room? How abaout the CCTV cameras?” The captain rolled his eyes.

“The guard is on green. However, CCTV cameras in the corridor near VIP room number one no longer work, sir.” Another soldier reported the situation.

“Then they’re already there. Keep an eye on that VIP room and make sure no one bothers them as they are the distinguished guests on level five.” The captain folded his arms and nodded slightly.

“Yes, sir!” The elite soldiers saluted and monitored the events around the theater hall.

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