Raised in Dungeon

Chapter 113 The Source Of Hatred

It was probably about twelve years I lived inside the dungeon. It was a boring and slow life filled with daily activities such as chopping wood, undergoing rigorous training, planting crops, and occasionally cooking. However, out of all these activities, cooking was the only one that provided even the slightest diversion from the drudgery of life in the dungeon. It was the only time I could momentarily forget my confinement amidst the bland and uninspiring surroundings. At least until she returned

She... is my mother.

My mother never allotted much time to me. However, I felt sheer delight in those brief moments with my mother. Outside of them, everything was a bore. I yearned to depart, but my mother's commands not to go outside echoed in my head.

I can't go out.

I must endure this boredom

I must be able to live in this house.

Until finally, mother brought a human. That human told me many things about the outside world. It made me want to get out of that place even more. That human gave me the courage to go out.

But because of that human, I said something terrible to my mother for the first time.

What was I thinking at that time? Saying something so cruel to mother just because of a human.

"Humans are the problem. They are wrong; they are bad."

"I should never meet humans."

I wanted to apologize

I wanted to tell her that I was sorry

So I went to see her right away.


Humans once again messed things up.

In front of my eyes, I can see it.

That person...

That human...

He killed mother in front of my eyes!


No matter how many times I screamed for help, no one wanted to help me. Of course I know that. They were humans, and mother was a monster. There was no way a human would help her.

But at that moment. I could see that person's face.

Leofric smiled when my mother died in front of me.

Why did he do that? Was my mother's death amusing to him? Was my desperate face so funny to him?

I hate him.

Of all humans, I hate him the most.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He's the real problem

I want to kill him!

I will kill him!

I will avenge my mother's death!

Otherwise, it's not fair—after he had singlehandedly destroyed my life, I couldn't just sit back and let him get away with it. He had killed my mother and was now living his life as if nothing had ever happened. As if my mother's death was just a minor inconvenience that he could easily brush aside. I will make him pay for what he has done.

And finally, as I entered the palace, I met Leofric again. My eyes locked on him, whom I loathed with such intensity that it was almost unbearable. The anger that surged through my veins was uncontrollable, and I longed to seek my revenge. My body shook uncontrollably as if it were weighted down with the burden of my deep hatred. The memories of my mother's warm, gentle hands that slowly became cold flooded my mind; her life had been taken by the man standing before me.

I knew then that nothing would stop me from fulfilling my vow to end his life. The desire to get the satisfaction of watching his last breath escape from his lungs would be worth every moment of pain I had ever experienced. I knew that once he was gone, all these negative emotions that had suffocated my heart would fade, leaving me free to live my life once more.

My urge to kill him was immense, but as soon as he stood before me, I found that I couldn't draw my sword. It was as if fate had intervened and denied my desire for revenge.

He had already been killed by someone else. The realization hit me hard—I should have been the one to end his life.

The absurdity of the situation seemed almost comical.

"You're joking, right?" I asked in disbelief. "

You died here?"

There was no way he could have simply perished without my involvement.

just like that?

just because of a spear that's even smaller than your weapon.

I can't accept...

I can't accept this!




A bright room, filled with noble guests. Sumptuous food and drinks lay on the tables. The place was now celebrating one of the happiest days of the royal family. But slowly, a cold aura crawled into the bodies of everyone in the room.

The door was shattered; what destroyed the door was a spear that suddenly shot out. Everyone in the room fell silent, unable to believe what they saw above them.

Leofric Regina Wildenhall, the 4th prince of the Wildenhall kingdom, was now hanging on the ballroom wall. His blood was splattered profusely behind him, and splatters decorated the room's walls, flowing all the way to the floor. From the amount of blood and how Leofric seemed motionless, it was inevitable that he was dead.

When Allen walked in, he was speechless. The sight before him was too much to bear. He fell to his knees, staring in disbelief. Leofric's body was motionless, and his eyes were blank.

'Are you kidding me?'

Allen's body gave out beneath him, weakness seeping through his limbs until he could no longer stand. He fell to his knees and cast his gaze upon the corpse of Leofric - a man he despised more than any other. The emotion bubbling up inside of him was overwhelming, and with a head bowed low, he squeezed it tightly between his hands. His breathing grew laboured and sweat began to pour down his face. All the pent-up feelings, desires, and unwavering hatred towards Leofric now created a defense mechanism. Allen had to let it out; he had to vent it on someone – anyone – or anything


That's right; it was all humans' fault from the start

I just need to kill all the humans, and then surely, this tightness in my chest and this coldness will disappear.

He wants to scream

He wants to scream and kill everyone.

But just as he was about to do so, the sound that was about to come out of Allen's throat instantly stopped as a woman called his name.

"ALLEN!" the call made Allen open his eyes.

That was the name given by mother...

How dare a human mention it so easily. Don't mention my name with your filthy mouth!

Then Allen raised his head, seeing the woman in front of him looking at him with a desperate face. A maid who always made him food, Rachel.

That desperate face reminded Allen of another person he also hated, Lavinia. He wanted to jump towards her and tear that face into pieces. Split the body and scatter it all over the room. Then he set the whole place on fire and turned all the humans into the roast meat he used to eat.

At that moment, Allen was outraged. His fist bled on his hand, and black-colored blood came out of the wound.

Rachel then ran towards him and asked him,

"Where is Lady Felicia?!"

That single word


Rachel's question made his head empty.

The black blood turned into normal blood, and her angry face turned into a shocked face.


Felicia... That name made him come to his senses from the anger that shackled him.

'Felicia... Felicia... Felicia...' he repeatedly said the girl's name in his head. Then he recalled all the moments he had spent with Felicia, from when he met her until tonight. Which also made him remember all the people in Wolverlope's house.

And finally...

He remembered the last time Felicia had left him in the rose garden. He had originally thought that she had gone back into the room. But from Rachel's question, he realized that Felicia was in danger, probably looking for him and waiting for his help.

Quick as a flash, Allen left there.

His minds, which were full of hatred, now turned into a goal,

He had to find Felicia.


Felicia ran past the ballroom. She ran away from Allen as far as she could without any particular purpose. She couldn't calm down, thinking her feelings for Allen might be the same as those for Waldo.

'After all, why did he suddenly say the same sentence as Sir Waldo said? That's totally plagiarism!' Felicia thought, still holding back her embarrassment, holding her raised and flushed cheeks.

Then an explosion occurred. Which made Felicia's consciousness, which had been floating around in her mind, now return.

"Explosion? An enemy attack?" When she calmed down a bit, Felicia realized that she had gone to the right corridor of the palace. Because of the explosion, she immediately ran back into the ballroom.

But when she almost reached the rose garden...

She met three suspicious strangers wearing black hoodies. One with a short stature, almost as big as her, was carrying a larger woman, and beside them was a red-haired man.


"I'm sorry, but... there's no other way faster than this,"

"T-take it easy. I-I don't feel the presence of humans here as much as in other places,"

Felicia met up with Norman, Arthur, and Clarissa, who were about to find their way to the king's resting place.

'Who are they?!' Felicia thought.

'No, forget about that. I have to run!'

Just by their presence, Felicia immediately felt an overwhelming sense of threat. Felicia's body suddenly went limp, and the overwhelming pressure she felt left her unable to move.

'Oh my gosh, I'm going to be killed! I don't have my sword with me right now!' Felicia thought.

"Arthur, kill her," Norman said.

"?! Why?!"

"Because you've never killed someone before! Since you aim to kill someone, you should at least get used to the sensation of killing people. At least kill one or two people!"

"I mean, why do we have to kill her? Can't we just pass by?" asked Arthur.

"Why do you think we blew up the front gate?! So that the soldiers can focus on getting there! If we let this girl go, she might report us to the soldiers, right?! And probably the knight of rounds will chase for us after!"

"B-but, she's still a kid; maybe we can make a deal to keep her quiet-"


Arthur hesitantly drew his sword, then looked at his face in the reflection of his sword. He saw his face in doubt.

As Norman said, he agreed that he should have the courage to kill others, but killing a child... He felt that it was too much for him.


Arthur immediately raised his sword and started shouting


But he stopped immediately.

Looking at Felicia's terrified face in front of him, he suddenly remembered his sister's face, whom he had left.

He saw that his sister would have the same expression as Felicia. And that made him think that if he killed Felicia, it would be like killing his sister.

He slowly relaxed his hand, lowered his sword slowly, and said.

"No-norman, I-"


From behind Arthur, Norman quickly came forward, stabbing Felicia in the stomach with his right hand.


Felicia vomited blood.

Arthur, who saw Felicia's face, immediately felt compassion, anxiety, and fear.

"I told you we don't have much time..." Norman muttered coldly.

Meanwhile, after running for quite some distance, tracing all the way from the room to the rose garden, Allen finally caught sight of Felicia standing at the end of the corridor.

"Huh, Felicia... I finally found-"

In front of his eyes, he could see Felicia was standing with her stomach stabbed by someone's hand.


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