Raised in Dungeon

Chapter 126 Monster Inside Palace

The Great Minotaur was the same Minotaur that Allen had fought when he was trapped in the dungeon. The creature was massive in size, with muscular arms and legs that rippled with power. Its horns curved menacingly, adding to the intimidating presence it exuded. In the dungeon, when Allen fainted and defeated the minotaur, Reig secretly absorbed the minotaur's body. Now Reig has transformed into the great minotaur, a centaur-bodied minotaur with a height and width of almost 40 meters in the middle of the palace.

The appearance of the giant minotaur shocked all the figures in the palace.

Everyone started to get goosebumps, like electricity was flowing through their bodies and making them stoned in surprise. The minotaur's existence appeared after Adam's third explosion, right after Adam and Ralph saved Nishizaka. The hoofbeats of the minotaur sounded as loud as a bomb repeatedly exploding. That's because the minotaur's feet dashed with a strong foothold on the palace floor, which was always destroyed with each clatter.

Alicia was taken aback as she saw the monstrous creature suddenly appear in the palace. The sheer size and ferocity of the creature, whose massive form towered over the palace walls, sent a shiver down her spine.

"Demonic mana?! A monster? No way!" everyone could sense the minotaur's presence because of the demonic mana inside it.

"The monster came out of the dungeon... Don't they need to absorb demonic mana to live? Then where did it come from?" said Harald

"It could be someone's god's blessing that could capture that creature inside their body," utter Alicia.

Birawa and Fleur, too, stopped pursuing Ivaylo's figure as they looked at the giant figure outside.

"It looks like it's fighting something," said Birawa.

"I didn't realize that Dolls also had this kind of ability," Fleur replied.

"Are we not going there?"

"Ivaylo is our priority," then Birawa and Fleur ran back to find Ivaylo.

Ivaylo was sitting in a room, sewing. Feeling the demonic aura of a monster, he came out of the room and glared at the monsters outside the window.

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"Woaaah... Unbelievable..." It was the first time Ivaylo got surprised because the minotaur was not in his plans, and it was one of the unexpected things that could happen. There is no plan A, B, C, or Z that can predict that thing. But he was somehow happy, even though the minotaur's presence could threaten his plans.

Even Adam and Ralph, who were going to the next point in their plan, also immediately stopped. As their carefully laid plans were forgotten, they gaped in disbelief at the monster that now raged far away.

"That direction, isn't it where Norman and Clarissa go?" Ralph said curiously.

"I'm jealous; it looks like they're fighting an extraordinary person," Adam replied with a surprised face while smiling.

"No, you should think about our work. If it's really against Clarissa. Then Clarissa can't use instant death on him, and chances are the two of them are overwhelmed against them."

"Yeah... Although, in the end, I'm sure the boy will definitely win," Adam replied.

For soldiers, As the minotaur let out a thunderous roar, sending the gathered soldiers into a frenzy, they could feel their hearts racing in their chests and their minds struggling to comprehend what was happening. It was as if a nightmare had come to life—a surreal and terrifying experience that left them feeling disoriented and vulnerable.

Having received a report from Alicia about the human puppets that would attack the palace, some soldiers left the palace to deal with them. But the minotaur's presence caught their attention, leaving them at a loss as to what to do about it. The monster that appeared in the palace could endanger the lives of the royal family. Or the people who Ivaylo is controlling.

"Don't stop! Just save the people first! Remember! Don't kill! Just capture all the people who are being controlled! I'll take care of the monster!" Alicia shouted using a loudspeaker amnis.


"Brother, please bring me there; we must get there quickly," said Alicia.


Harald carried Alicia's body then quickly ran towards the minotaur.

"Shouldn't we go to Father's place? Most likely the Dolls probably went there too," Harald asked.

Alicia then replied,

"No... The only people who can go to the king's room right now are those who are related to the king, which means only the princes. Among the princes, those who know Father's current position are you, me, Leofric, Mathilda, and Elizabeth. If we go to the father's room, and someone is following us, they will succeed in finding the king's room."

"But, does this person exist? If I am being followed, I sure will realize their presence. And I'm sure Mathilda and Elizabeth will realize it too."

"You don't have time to doubt it anymore; someone actually entered the ballroom without suspicion. The possibility is very high; I would not be surprised if someone were literally behind us right now."

In the shadows, there was a girl's voice sighing.

"Sigh... Leader, plan B has failed. At this rate, we'll really have to rely on Arthur's eyes," it was Elinor, one of the Noctem Dolls. Her entire body was purplish-black; she was running behind Harald and Alicia without the two of them noticing.

Elinor's god's blessing was the Heart of Darkness; she could hide her entire body with her mana. What made her ability "completely hidden" was the set of conditions she had to fulfill in order to use it. Those conditions are: She can't touch other people's mana, nor can she attack other people while shrouded in darkness. So Elinor rarely used it to kill; she used it to extract information from people. She had infiltrated the palace since the Noctem Dolls arrived in the capital. Unfortunately, she couldn't pull information from rooms full of mana, so she could never get into the rooms of the prince and the council with their many protectors.

Elinor's task was to follow Alicia or Harald to find out the location of the king, who was said to be impossible to find even if you opened all the doors in the palace. In fact, Elinor had searched the room for as long as she had been in the capital and still couldn't find it.

But Alicia had expected it, so Ivaylo's plan B to follow Alicia has failed.

'Following Alicia and Harald is useless. The other princes don't seem to know anything about this, so there's no point in spending time looking for other princes. If I'm not mistaken, I should move on to plan C, the royal prison.'

Back to Norman. Reig, now transformed into the great minotaur, quickly, systematically, and carefully kicked the running Norman. Felicia didn't get hit because Reig softened the part of the leg that was going to hit her, turning it into a normal shadow. The result is Felicia was fine; she just Felicia threw back but not as far as Norman.

When she saw the shadow mark on Reig's leg, Felicia immediately came out of her panic.

"Reig?!" said Felicia, shocked.

Felicia remembered that Reig could turn into "anything" he ate. Because Reig had only turned into something small and simple so far, she had no idea that Reig could become such a large creature.

Felicia patted her cheek, trying to wake up her still-shocked self.

She had something she had to do.

That was to save Allen.

'My body is not tired yet; I can feel it... My mana is still flowing inside me,' muttered Felicia who immediately went to Allen's.

As soon as she arrived at Allen's lying body, Felicia was in shock. She covered her mouth, and water came out of her eyes.

There was a mark where Norman's sword had diagonally smashed into Allen's body. Probably all the bones inside him had been shattered. Then the wound on his abdomen was very severe.

Allen was unconscious, but it wasn't just a faint. Felicia could see that Allen's eyes were still open, but no light was inside them. Allen's red eyes, which always seemed to shine, were now dark, almost black in color.

"No... Don't..."

Felicia tried to hold Allen's chest.




He was still alive.

Felicia noticed there was still some breathing inside him.

Not having time to slash her hands, Felicia immediately bit her arm as hard as she could.

"HMAHWOIHKGADJFJWFJGJDSGDAK!!!" She endured the pain of the bite. The thought of stopping the pain was instantly lost because she had to save Allen as soon as possible.

And she had to do it.

Her blood came out faster, and she carefully made a circle with her blood around Allen.

"Allen... You can't die... You can't die here!" As soon as she said it, flowers grew in her blood, becoming a garden. Felicia was quite surprised because she thought she couldn't use her god's blessing anymore. It was already the third time she had used her god's blessing.

Allen's wounds were slowly healing,

When Felicia finally breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that the flowers that grew were short-lived. They soon withered and returned to the ground. Allen's wound wasn't covered too much, it was still very severe. So what she did was almost useless.

"Huh?! Why?!"

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