Raised in Dungeon

Chapter 255 Transfer Student Report 1

Chapter 255 Transfer Student Report 1

My name is Hilma Fledging, and I am one of the teachers of the mana class in Primarium and Secundari Classes. My speciality is to teach the students the basics of mana and amnis. This is my report on the two new students who will be entering the Praeterea class in this unusual year. This report will provide the student's information, what happened in the entrance test, and my personal opinion about them.

In this context, the individuals referred to as "transfer students" are not truly transfer students but rather individuals who gained admission through alternative channels. This unconventional method involves providing a specific sum of money as a bribe to the academy and to the boards of teachers, essentially engaging in dishonest practices to secure enrollment.

Or it should be to secure the enrollment.

The boards of teachers, however, openly told the examiners about these bribes. That's when we found out that the board wasn't taking bribes to get them into the academy in the first place but was doing so to show the nobleman that what he was doing was futile. That's why the examiners were taken from the teachers of the secondaries, and all of them agreed not to pass the two children.

That is what I thought.

But the arrival of a new teacher as an examiner, Petronella, changed our perception of the test. Her arrival indicated that some of the board members wanted a neutral vote among the examiners. This exam might have something to do with the politics going on between the boards and councilors, and these two kids might be used as tools for their plans. But that reason made me even more convinced not to accept that child into this school.


The results of the private-entrance test conducted at the end of the month of fire

The two participants, namely Felicia Ayde Boldenville and her knight, Allen.

Both passed with almost full votes.


Report of the first tested student, Felicia Ayde Boldenville.

"My name is Felicia Ayde Boldenville. Nice to meet all the examiners."

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'Boldenville? I see; she's the daughter of that Earl Boldenville. No wonder she has enough money to bribe the board.'

The name Earl Boldenville was quite famous in the academy, especially among the teachers. Because the school's new uniforms were also ordered at their sewing house, the House of Felicia, and named after his eldest daughter.

Besides the quality of the clothes, the House of Felicia was famous because the owner of the name was nicknamed the Maiden of Eden Garden by the kingdom. It was said that she played a big role in rescuing many soldiers who fought during the invasion of the castle by the Dolls.

Of course, not many people from the academy really believed in that story because it had a lot of holes, like the story about the girl drinking a lot of potions, even though the potions only had the effect of three to four bottles.

Her manners were already good, as expected of a noble. But manners alone were not enough to jump into the Praeterea class.

Jumping into the Praeterea class means she has mastered almost all the basics of study that we teach in the secundari class. And since she just jumped into the praeterea class, we could-NO-we should assume they deliberately didn't enter secundari because they didn't need the basic classes.

"When you entered the academy, what subject would be your focus in your studies?"

"Caster, I'm pretty confident in my amnis and mana."

"Then show us a basic amnis shot at the target provided."

The girl drew the most basic type of amnis attack, a fireball. People who saw it would immediately know what she drew. Moreover, she was writing slowly. The average student would indeed write amnis orders that slowly, but that meant she was not worthy enough to enter through the inner passage.

"Fire spirits of god's subordinate, answer my call, and burn the target before me, Fire Ball."



That was the fastest fireball shot we had ever seen.

Some of us were stood there in awe. There was no particular intensity to her voice, but she could command the fire spirits to do that fast shot, and in that moment, we couldn't help but wonder if there was something more to this student than met the eye. The fireball that erupted from her outstretched hand was nothing short of extraordinary. The flames danced and twisted in mid-air, glowing with dazzling brightness without much delay and shooting at incredible speed. As it reached its target, a burst of heat radiated from the flames, engulfing the object in a fiery inferno. The sheer power behind this spell left us astounded as we realized the depths of the student's skill and connection with the elemental forces. It was a moment that would forever be etched in our memories, a testament to the limitless possibilities that could access our minds since it was just her basic fireball.

"T-that's that is just normal. The average person in this academy can do that if they scrutinize the fire and order the spirits properly," said one of the examiners who was trying to prevent the girl from being accepted.

What he said was not entirely wrong. There are indeed many people in the academy who can do it, but it should be done using a second-tier amnis, where you add a bit of speed energy to fire the fireball. Whereas what we saw was a single-layer amnis.

"That's only for the second-layer amnis. But what if she used the second layer on her amnis? I wonder how fast it will be," said the new professor, Petronella. "But yeah, it's not something that can get you accepted here because it's not something extraordinary."

I saw that girl's expression that day,

She was smiling, hearing that from the Petronella.

"Alright," she said with her fake disappointed face. "Then, how about this."

'She drew a second layer to the amnis. But just increasing the speed shouldn't make us more amazed.'

That's how I thought at first.

The girl stood confidently, her hands outstretched and palms facing upward. As she began to chant incantations, small flickers of flame danced around her finger, growing brighter and hotter with each passing second. The intensity of her concentration was evident on her face, reflecting the determination and focus she possessed. Gradually, the fireball growing bigger and become the size of a head. But it was not the size of the fireball that would leave us astonished.

but rather its astonishing color.

"No way, the color of the fire turned blue!"

Gasps echoed in the surrounding air as the flames transformed into a mesmerizing shade of blue. It was not something a common student or even a teacher could do. The transformative power of the fire, with its rich blue hue, held a mysterious energy that seemed to pull us all closer, capturing our attention completely.

The blue fire. It burns with an intensity that can easily surpass that of red fire, its heat radiating with a strength that is 1.5 times hotter. Such a fiery spectacle could only be achieved by adding specific materials to the inferno at precisely the right moment, just as the amnis was activated. In certain circumstances, the blue fire served a practical function. The military, for instance, harnesses the power of blue fire to swiftly dispose of war corpses. Its intense heat allows for a more efficient and rapid incineration process.

Surprisingly, this girl didn't do anything particular to the fire. The fire seemed to transform, changing color on its own. All she did was vary the casting slightly. Perhaps, she created the fire while adding a bit of her own mana by creating acitelina and propane in the fire. But she should be able to create that unsure in her own mana without releasing them as amnis, and she did that while casting the fireball.

At that moment, we understood that we had witnessed something truly extraordinary. The girl's ability to summon and control the rare blue fire showcased her remarkable talent and expertise in the realm of amnis.

She was definitely a child beloved by the spirits.

Without further comment, everyone passed her over.

Report of the second tested student, Allen.

"My name is Allen; I'm a knight of Lady Felicia. Nice to meet the examiners."

'Being a knight in a famous earl's family, plus his black hair, he must be a talented other-worlder.'

By then, everyone was getting serious about the test and began to think that this kid was just as outstanding.

"Please show us the basic amnis."

He did the same with the girl. A fireball basic amnis

He drew the amnis faster than the girl, but the power of the shot was lacking; it was too ordinary compared to the girl.

"As expected, a kid who doesn't understand amnis won't be accepted in the Praeterea class; you must attend the secundari first."

"Really? I thought using the first layer of amnis was the limit of acceptance?" Allen asked.

"That's for those who enter normally. Not bribing like you!"

This kid was definitely not an expert in using amnis like the girl before, so I asked.

"What can you do? Where do you focus on studying if you get into the academy?"

"I'm pretty confident in my physique, so probably anything related to that, like vanguard training or defender."

"Then show us what you're capable of," said Petronella, who made a quick earthen amnis. She created a large boulder above the boy's head.

"Professor Petronella! Are you going to kill him?!" I shouted.

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