Raised in Dungeon

Chapter 289 Duel

Chapter 289 Duel

"You are weak," Sharik's words reverberated, a proclamation of superiorit like a palpable challenge. His confident eyes mirrored the certainty in his voice, leaving no room for doubt about the authenticity of his instincts.

But, there must be a miss in his instincts.

'He's just a newborn dog,' Clarke thought, a subtle smile playing on his lips. 'I admit that he's probably strong, but it must only be at a level stronger than the average commoner since he's a knight raised in a noble environment.'

Clarke smiled, now taking out her sword from its sheath, 'Well, compared to me, I'm undoubtedly stronger. Experience is my advantage!'

Upon entering the secunda class, Clarke realized one thing,

Most of the secunda students in the academy had never done any real combat experience. Unlike him who had actively participated in dungeon expeditions. This experience had propelled him to a commendable rank, distinguishing him from his peers. Few within the academy could match his skill, and defeating him proved to be a formidable challenge for many.

The distinction between the experienced and the inexperienced lies in determination! Those of us who have delved into dungeons are intimately acquainted with life-and-death situations. I'm sure just give a huge slash on his chest enough to scare him away.'

Allen stepped forward, ready for the duel, but without removing his outerwear.

"Are you certain you'll face me in those thick clothes?" inquired Clarke.

"Yes, even with restricted movement, I believe I can defeat you," responded Allen with unwavering confidence.

"You ignorant commoner! I'll unveil the might of a gold-ranked dungeon explorer!" Clarke retorted, his words echoing with the assurance of one who had conquered the depths.

Daphne pressed her student executive symbol, summoning forth a manifestation of mana in the form of a harpy clutching an hourglass.

"This is the watch bird issued to all student executives," she explained. "Its purpose is to sound when the allotted duel time elapses. Once this bird emerges, the duel is officially recorded, and the defeated party cannot evade the consequences of their loss.

I will explain the rules of the duel."

Oxwade Academy's dueling rules by the Student Executive Board.

Firstly, the use of advanced amnis, capable of causing permanent disabilities or fatal injuries, is strictly forbidden.

Secondly, participants are permitted to use any weapon at their disposal, provided that the inflicted wounds are neither fatal nor result in permanent disfigurement.

And finally, victory will be declared if one of the participants surrenders or falls unconscious.

"The one who violates the rules will be promptly declared defeated, and the supervisor possesses the authority to intervene and ensure the violator ceases their actions," Daphne asserted firmly.

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As Daphne raised her hand to initiate the duel, Clarke had already formulated his strategy.

Unlike the duels in secunda, Praeterea permits the use of amnis up to the intermediate level! Since everyone can employ amnis, the first step in a duel is clear: harnessing the power of amnis.'

In the midst of a duel, employing amnis proved challenging due to its extended activation time, especially for amnis of advanced levels and above. While some adept enchanters could swiftly inscribe amnis, many students, including Clarke, found this to be an impractical task.

Setting up amnis became feasible only at the commencement of the duel, when the opponents were still at a distance. Numerous students held the belief that the one who successfully activated their amnis first would secure victory.

Clarke's confidence radiated from his meticulous analysis of Allen.

"If, for example, this commoner is as formidable as the dog claims, at least he can't use amnis!" Clarke mused, drawing confidence from Allen's struggle to invoke amnis during training.

As he readied himself with his stance, Clarke also focused on his hand to swiftly draw amnis. "I'll utilize advanced amnis of fire, tapping into his surrounding oxygen to induce dizziness. This way, I can launch a decisive attack.

I've already won this duel!'

Daphne, who raised her hand, continued, "The duel starts in three,




Before Daphne could utter the word "start," Clarke had swiftly begun drawing his command amnis.

"STAR-" However, the word "start" that Daphne was about to say, was never actually voiced,

Because in front of her...

Clarke had unexpectedly collapsed to the ground, and Allen, who had silently positioned himself behind Clarke at an indiscernible moment, stood over him.

The sudden turn of events left everyone in stunned silence, struggling to comprehend what was happening.

'I-I can't see the movement,' Daphne thought.

The student who really saw everything was,

Rasheeda El-Malakooti. Ever since the arrow test, she had been watching Allen's movements. "He's fast, and experienced," Rasheeda thought. "That's a technique demi-human wolves are used to, quick movements that blend into the ground. He went behind his enemy very quickly and hit his nape and back simultaneously."

"Are you kidding me..."

"Clarke lost?"

"Isn't he one of the front row rankers in the secunda class?"

Daphne bit her finger, a pang of regret surging within her for not paying closer attention. "Even though Miss Kethryllia asked me to come watch the two of them! At this rate, I'll get scolded," she thought. Her gaze shifted to Allen, now surrounded by his jubilant friends, celebrating the victory.

"Allen Boldenville," Daphne murmured. "He's as formidable as Miss Kethryllia stated, but I didn't anticipate him being this strong. His prowess rivals those at the top of the third years; soon, he might receive an invitation to become an imperial student. No, he might even surpass them. At the very least, his speed is comparable to the chairman of the student disciplinary commission, Hussain!"

"I can't believe Clarke is really lost." Hallie's complexion paled as she witnessed the knight she admired collapse so ignominiously. And as soon as she glanced at Felicia, she could see Felicia's extremely annoying smug smile.

Sharik leaped with joy onto Allen, wrapping him in a tight hug. "HURRAY! I knew it was going to be like this."

However, Allen, less enthusiastic about the embrace, pushed Sharik away, remarking, "Stay away, your furs are tickling me."

"I also knew that Allen would win," Sharik declared, confidence undeterred.

Geirhild, on the other hand, was the sole individual displaying surprise, unable to fully believe in Allen's power, much like the other students still grappling with the unexpected outcome.

Sharik turned towards the assembled students and proclaimed, "My instincts are never wrong. Allen is the strongest man in the academy!"



Daphne walked out of the field room disappointed.

Daphne exited the field room with a sense of disappointment hanging over her. "Miss Kethryllia must have forgiven me, but still, I don't want to be a useless figure to her anymore! Aaaaaa!!!"

Someone walked in, and greeted her. "Do you want me to help you? I saw everything, and I can explain to you what that boy did earlier."

"Ooh?! Really?! Then-" Daphne stopped as soon as she realized who she was talking to.

"Hussain!" said Daphne in an exasperated tone. "You've been snooping around for a while, haven't you?"

"No, I was just passing in front, and I happened to come across a dueling person," Hussain paused and continued. "So what do you think? Do you want to exchange information? I can explain the boy to you in exchange for you telling me what Kethryllia told you to do."

Daphne puffed up her cheeks and looked away from Hussain, "Get a grip peasant, I don't have time to talk to people like you. There's no way I'm going to reveal anything to you."

"Well, that makes sense," said Hussain. "What do you think? Is my new member strong?"

"He's- eh? A new member? What do you mean?"

"I'll make him a member of the student disciplinary commission."

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