Raised in Dungeon

Chapter 70 The Orcs Instinct

That place was very warm—the kind of warmth Allen craved. He wanted to sleep there, together with his mother.

Allen knew that place no longer existed. After all, he was in a different dungeon this time. But still, standing in front of a door that was very similar to that one made Allen wonder. Then his suppositions turned into hopes.

a hope that never came true and one that Allen already knew would not come true.

But he still hoped.

His little heart wanted it.

When he opened the door, he wanted his mother to stand there, scolding him for going out.

Scolding him for going outside that door

Telling him it was dangerous outside.

Allen took hold of the cold doorknob and pulled it.

A bright light came out of the door as Allen pulled it, so bright that he had to squint his eyes. Allen knew what light was; it was the crystal light reflecting the outside world, precisely the same as the one in the dungeon of the Barkaley region.

"Mom, I'm home," Allen muttered.

The door then opened.

Allen's eyes immediately adjusted to the bright light.

But inside...

It was not the same as what he was used to seeing in the Barkaley dungeon.

He thought he would see a river, grass, flowers, and a big tree.

But what was in front of him was...

A bunch of angry-looking orcs are eating other orcs lying on the ground.

Allen didn't enter; he was speechless as his expectations were shattered instantly.

It would be a lie if he thought he would meet his mother, so he didn't expect that.

But the horrible scene he saw in front of him was far from his expectations.

'Isn't this supposed to be a beautiful place?' thought a confused Allen, shocked by what he saw.

Because the door was open, the orcs immediately screamed hysterically.

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They ran out of the door desperately. It was as if they couldn't stand being there and wanted to leave the place immediately.

"ALLEN!" shouted Lavinia.

Lavinia's shout made Allen instantly come to his senses; he tried to jump to the side, but it was too late; one of the Orcs pushed him, so just as he was about to jump, he leaned slightly to the side and fell.

"ALLEN!!!" shouted Felicia, who no longer saw Allen in the crowd of orcs; she tried to chase him, trying to see Allen, but Lavinia immediately held Felicia.


Lavinia knew very well how strong Allen was when she met him; there was no way Allen's body could be destroyed just by being crushed by a few orcs.

Rather than that, seeing many orcs, Lavinia thought

'ten, twenty, thirty, so many! What are the orcs doing in that room?! Isn't there a room without demonic mana?! Orcs can't stand being in that room; the last time I saw a monster inside it was Queen Orc. And the reason she could survive was because she had a large stash of demonic mana. Whereas ordinary orcs don't.'

The orcs ran out, and when they saw Lavinia and Felicia, they headed straight for them.

"Lady! Let's quickly go back!"

"What about Allen?!"

"He should be fine, trust me. I know him very well. Let's go!"

Felicia then looked around and was confused as to why she hadn't seen anyone else besides them.

"Miss Lavinia, where is Wulfgeat?"

Lavinia was immediately surprised. She looked towards the corner where Wulfgeat had taken the plant, but he wasn't there. The flowers hadn't been picked either.

'By any chance, did he leave us? Did he know there were orcs inside, so he asked me to open the door? If so, then how did the orcs get in there?'

As she was thinking that, from the hallway where they entered, Wulfgeat was standing, looking at them with a shocked face.

"Wulfgeat, where have you been?!" shouted Felicia.

"I'm taking a shit! What the hell is going on?!"

"Sir, the explanation will be later. Can you hold off these orcs for a minute? I have a plan!"

"Alright! Come here quickly!"

'Why didn't he just come here? Does it have anything to do with the way his abilities work?

Lavinia and Felicia immediately ran to the door, followed by the orc behind them.

But their running wasn't as fast as the orcs, so Lavinia ran while drawing amnis circle. Since amnis couldn't be written in the air while running, Lavinia wrote it on her palm.

"Fire spirits who aid God's affairs and angels who see us, combine your abilities, and save us from your enemies," Lavinia said, pointing her palm at the orcs.

"Flame wall."

Flames came out of her palm. It burned the orcs behind her.

"Is it over?"

"No, I'm not a caster; my class is a medic. The wall of flame only slowed them down. Since I'm chanting with prayer, I hope the power is enough to kill the orcs."

The fire did kill the orcs, but only those directly hit. Those behind them, however, continued to advance through the flames, running toward them.

"What should we do?!" shouted Felicia.

"Calm down, lady. The fire was just buying time. I have an amnis that can defeat them, but it needs to be activated just above the ground and takes about a minute. We're almost in the hallway. There's Mr. Wulfgeat there who can help me buy time until I can use the amnis-"


Lavinia fell, a small hole suddenly appeared in front of her step, and because she didn't look forward well, she stepped on it and fell.

"Miss Lavinia!"

"Don't come here! Keep running! I sprained my leg! I'll catch up!"

"No way!"

Felicia tried to lift Lavinia.

"Let go, Lady!"

"No way!"

After standing up, Lavinia started running again. She forced her sore legs to run.

'This pain is nothing compared to being dragged by the Queen Orc.'

But it was useless; even though she forced herself to run, she was not fast enough to get to the hallway.


One of the orcs threw his mace at Lavinia. Lavinia's reduced speed meant the orc could now see and aim at Lavinia's back nicely.

"La-dy, run," Lavinia lay helplessly, blood pouring out of her mouth, and her spine was probably crushed from the mace throw.

Felicia returned, pulling Lavinia's fallen body.

"I won't leave you!"

Then Lavinia collapsed, unconscious.

"LADY, HURRY UP! HERE!" shouted Wulfgeat.

But Felicia didn't listen to him. Instead, she took out a knife and cut her hand to activate her god's blessing. Her blood dripped around Lavinia's body and grew roots and flowers.

"Miss Lavinia, now that you're in my garden, you'll be fine."

The garden shone brightly in the room, its light overpowering those coming out of the resting room.

While holding her hands together, Felicia said

"You are my personal knight, so you must protect me; it's your duty, your obligation, and your promise..."

"LADY, HURRY UP!!!" Wulfgeat repeatedly shouted from a distance, but Felicia ignored him; there was no way she could ignore Lavinia alone.

Felicia then yelled as she looked at the approaching monstrous orcs.



Right after Felicia shouted, Allen came from above like a cannon, bisecting the orc's body in front of her.

"Allen! Where have you been?!" said Felicia, angry with tears in her eyes.

Allen looked at Felicia, who was expressionless and not saying anything. Then he looked at Lavinia and sighed.

"Watch out!" shouted Felicia when she saw another orc trying to attack Allen.

Allen was still looking at Lavinia; without turning his head forward, he swung the sword in his hand.


His sword split the hand of the orc, who was about to hit him with ease.

"How stupid. You should have left that woman and saved yourself," Allen said annoyedly.

"If I did, I have a feeling that you wouldn't have come," Felicia replied.

Allen snickered, leading Felicia to believe that Allen was deliberately letting Lavinia die first and then helping her.

'I didn't expect your hatred for Miss Lavinia to be that big. What has she done, Allen?' Felicia asked in her mind.

Allen then threw down his long sword, took out a dual blade from inside his scarf, and started killing the orcs in front of him.

Quickly and swiftly, Allen attacked all the orcs mercilessly but with enough energy. Striking only their necks and chests.

"Crazy crazy crazy! This kid is much stronger than I imagined!" Wulfgeat shouted in his heart. But he wasn't amazed; he was scared and annoyed.

"UGHAAAAA!!!" The orcs started screaming, trying to run away; some began to leave Allen and turned to attack Felicia, but Allen didn't let them.

Allen continued to slash wildly at their flesh. Spinning, jumping, and impassively killing all the orcs, they were frightened when they saw Allen's red eyes. They didn't think or have good sense, but their instincts forced them to run away. It was the first time they were afraid to see humans.

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