Raised in Dungeon

Chapter 74 Inside The Cave

"Why do I have to do this?! Reig somehow always tries to save this girl, even without my orders. There's some kind of unwritten contract between us to take care of her, but there shouldn't be any need for me to go to this much trouble."

Allen complained while undressing the unconscious Felicia. He first removed her iron armor, then moved on to her chainmail, leaving only her underwear and panties.

To keep them warm, Allen needs to light a fire. But since they were practically trapped, Allen couldn't just go out and look for things to burn.

Allen then saw the rabbits lying around. When he saw them, Allen immediately got the idea to make a fire, so he took one of the rabbits and placed it in the center.

"I hope there is a fire spirit here…"

Allen made a fire symbol and a command spell around the symbol. After finishing, he managed to activate the fire amnis he had learned.

"Glad the fire spirit exists. But how do we know they exist or not? I thought the fire spirit didn't show up in moist places."

The amnis only shot a small amount of fire directed at the rabbit.

"As I expected, it is small and weak; if I'm not mistaken, Lavinia can make it bigger. If I chant, can it be more powerful?" Allen said curiously. He recalled that he could not use amnis properly when he first learned it at Isabelle's home. Allen could use amnis, but it was always weak, as if he were constantly out of mana for some reason.. Likewise, if Felicia had activated, there would have been more fire. But right now, a small fire was all he needed.

"I'm not going to use a big fire in this cave anyway." he muttered.

The rabbit turned out to be instantly glowing with fire.

"Haaaah... good," exhales Allen.

The rabbit's body was not burning, but its horn was. Allen remembered seeing the same texture and shape in his home. It was something his mother used when going out. The rabbit horn was a material that grew on living things; if we burn that material, the fire will not goes off for about an hour.

"Now that's enough, right?!" Allen uttered irritably, calling for Reig to come back and cover him.

Reig came out of Allen's shadow and transformed again into a scarf. But this time, he didn't directly cover Allen; instead, he sat Felicia up and wrapped her body.

"Wait! Why her?! After we lit the fire, she should be fine now!" protested Allen.

Allen's protests were useless because Reig hadn't intended to just wrap Felicia in the first place. He tied Felicia up to make her sit down, and then after that, Reig immediately reached out to Allen and also wrapped him.

"Haaah... why did it become like this..." complained Allen.

Reig sticks Felicia's and Allen's bodies together and wraps them together. So now Allen and Felicia were sitting next to each other while being covered or tied up by Reig.

"Of course, it's warmer this way... but... for some reason... I don't feel comfortable with other people this close. And because I could feel her soft body beside me, it made me feel… a… bit… weird…" Allen thought as he slowly fell asleep. Using Reig's rampage exhausted him because it sucked up much of his mana.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Half an hour later, Felicia woke up.

"Wh-where am I?" When Felicia opened her eyes, she immediately saw the fire in front of her.

"And also... what is this? It's so warm—" When Felicia turned her head slightly, she realized Allen was sleeping next to her, and his head was on her shoulder.

"Wha-wha-wha, wha what happened?!" cried the perplexed Felicia as she noticed Allen's head next to her, which instantly brought her back to reality.

"Allen! Get up, get away from me immediately!" shouted Felicia as she smacked Allen lightly.

But suddenly, Felicia felt strange; she realized something more important, that her skin was now touching Allen's sleeping skin beside her. She could feel Allen's body next to her very well. and that made her panic even more.

"Don't tell me... Allen and I are almost not wearing anything right now?! KYAAAAAA! What the hell is going on?! Why am I almost naked, and Allen is sleeping naked next to me?! Then what is this cloth wrapped around me?! Could this be the scarf that Allen always used to wear?! AaAAAargh! I can't get this off!"

Felicia's face became so red that it reached her ears. She wasn't even thinking about how she got in here. All she could think about was how to get untied and get away from Allen.


But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get the bonds off. The strange thing was that even though the scarf wasn't binding her that tightly, Felicia still couldn't get them off.

Finally, Felicia decided to wake Allen up.

"WAKE UP!" Felicia banged her head against Allen's as hard as she could.


"Akh! Why is this kid's head so hard?!"

But it was useless; Allen was still asleep, even though she had banged her head hard. He slept like the dead, but he was alive; Felicia could clearly feel Allen's breathing next to her, which was actually the most uncomfortable thing for her.

"Why don't you just really die, Allen!" shouted Felicia in the cave.

Felicia tried many ways; she shook her body many times but failed. She wanted to try moving her hands, but she refused to touch Allen's body; she didn't want to make the mistake of holding something else.



There was nothing she could do.

Felicia realized that, and she finally gave up. She ended up just staying still, enduring the embarrassment and pride that felt like being torn apart. The more she moved, the more she felt strange because Allen's body against her moved as if caressing her, and then Allen's breath next to her was tickling her neck. So she just stayed still while repeatedly swearing.

"When you wake up later, I will kill you... Just watch; I will kill you... I will really kill you... You peasant... you crazy peasant... this is abuse... this is a serious offense... I will kill you... I will definitely kill you..."


Almost half an hour had passed since Felicia woke up. Finally, Allen opened his eyes, and because he felt Felicia's soft body next to him, he immediately turned his head to the side.

"Ah, you're awake," Allen said flatly.

Felicia silently looked at the fire in front of her, her face flushed, her body sweaty, and water coming out of her eyes.

"Reig, it looks like she's warm enough; let her go," Allen said.

"ARE YOU REALLY WANTING TO DIE? DON'T JUST LET GO RIGHT AWAY!" Felicia was strangely angry, which confused Allen.

"W-what's wrong?" asked Allen.

"DON'T LOOK AT ME!" said Felicia angrily as she used her head to bang Allen's head.


Allen immediately looked the other way as Felicia ordered.


"Reig, let go."

Reig then released them both.

Felicia took the opportunity to pick up the clothes beside her and covered her body with them.

Then she picked up Allen's sword and swung that at Allen's head.


Felicia hit Allen's head with the sword.

"AGH! What are you doing?!" yelled Allen in pain.

Felicia swung again; of course, Allen immediately came forward, picked up that sword, and grabbed Felicia's hand.

"I'm going to kill you and kill myself!" shouted Felicia.

"What's wrong with you?!

You're just a coward; how could you possibly kill me? If you wanted to kill me, you would have used the sword's blade to cut my head instead of bam it to me."

"After harassing me, next, you want to insult me?! You perverted peasant! Let me go!"

Allen picked up his sword and immediately released his grip. Felicia fell and bowed her head.

"I'll kill you... I'll really kill you..." Felicia repeatedly mumbled.

"You look feverish. Is the heat making you crazy?"

Felicia lifted her face again and shouted.


"I see... so that's why you're upset...

It was because Reig forced me to."

"Rei- what? At a time like this, you're lying?! There's nobody inside this fricking cave beside us!"

"Haaah... whatever... Anyway, I did it because Reig forced me to. Your clothes were wet, so I took them off, and to keep you warm, Reig wrapped us together."


"Yes, Reig did it. He's my scarf."

Allen's scarf turned into a small slime; then, he waved a small hand at Felicia.

"Wh-what's this?!"

'it looks cute.'

"I told you, he's Reig. He's my scarf, and he's my friend. He's the one who forced me to save you…

Gosh... if I knew it would turn out like this, I'd rather just let you freeze to death."

'What the hell?! Why is he talking like that?!' thought an upset Felicia. She had been the victim just a moment ago, but now she felt guilty for hitting Allen out of the blue, when he had only meant to save her.

'No, no, there's no way I can forgive him! What he did was too much!'

"Reig, come back," Allen said as he sat down again.

Reig then turned into a scarf and wrapped around Allen's entire body.

"Those things are really fickle," Felicia muttered, amazed.

Then suddenly, Felicia could feel a cold wind that pierced her bones. The place was very cold, and Felicia felt like her blood might freeze from the cold. Felicia immediately grabbed her clothes, but they were damp. If she put it on, it would only make it colder.

"How's it going? Want to come in?" asked Allen, who offered for Felicia to get back inside the scarf(blanket) with him.

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