Re: Apocalypse Game

Chapter 128 Final Battle 7

Chapter 128 Final Battle 7

With less than three hours remaining until the end of the round, the situation in Calumet town remained precarious.

[2 hours and 50 minutes left till the end of the round]

[Updating current players: 2,922]

[Updating Nazi soldier: 4,850]

Although the numerical gap between the two forces seemed manageable, only a little over a thousand players were daring enough to march into the heart of Calumet town at that moment.

The looming threat of the Nazi fighter plane, strafing the area with machine gun fire and dropping deadly bombs, continued to haunt the players. Each passing second brought the risk of losing more comrades to the relentless aerial assault.

The Nazi base itself presented a formidable challenge, with multiple layers of barricades and well-armed soldiers wielding machine guns, ready to mow down any players who dared to approach.

Captain Carter, leading the four companies—Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta—had devised a meticulous and strategic plan. The orders were clear: march cautiously until they reached a distance of 500 meters from the Nazi base. At that point, all four companies would take a defensive position and prepare for a coordinated assault.

To enhance their firepower, each company was equipped with special weapons, drawn from the experiences of veteran players from the previous year's game. Among these weapons was the L 16 Mortar:

[Name: L 16 Mortar]

[Type: Heavy Firearm]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Rarity: Superior]

[Attributes: Firepower 200-300 (300-500 meters), 250-350 (500-1000 meters)]

[Magazine: 81 mm]

[Fire Rate: Up to 1 round/20 seconds]

[Effects: Area damage 30-100 (10 meters)]

[Able to Bring Outside the Game: No]

[Remarks: Light but Lethal]

These mortars were capable of delivering devastating firepower within a specific range, making them invaluable for breaching the Nazi defenses and providing cover for the advancing players. Despite their potency, came with a significant limitation: each company was allocated just a single box of 10 rounds of ammunition. This meager supply prompted immediate concern among the soldiers.

"Just 10 rounds, Captain! It's not enough for a battle of this scale!" one sergeant protested.

Captain Carter, however, maintained her resolve.

"That's all we have, Sergeant. Remember, this is only the second round. Just make sure each shot counts! aim accurately!"

The initial phase of the battle unfolded with a relentless barrage of explosives from both the mortars and the Nazi fighter planes. The thunderous detonations and fiery eruptions painted a chaotic picture of destruction across the battlefield.

When the dust began to settle, Captain Carter emerged as a beacon of leadership. She rallied her troops and called for an all-out assault. Over a thousand players, comprising the four companies, militias, Blood Patriots, and other independent players, converged on the Nazi base from four different directions, their weapons blazing in a synchronized advance.


As the players closed in on the heavily damaged barricades of the Nazi base, a notification awaited them, heralding the commencement of a new hidden quest:

[Hidden Quest Activated]

[You received D level quest: Clear out Nazi base]

The stakes had never been higher as the players embarked on the perilous mission to eliminate the Nazi threat once and for all.

Captain Carter's audacious charge into the heart of the battle sent shockwaves through the ranks of Delta company. She fearlessly led the charge, pushing ahead with only a dozen soldiers at her side, surmounting barricades and heading straight for the imposing gates of the Nazi base. All eyes in the vicinity were fixated on her, torn between amazement and deep concern for her safety.

However, Captain Carter had more than just courage on her side. Even under a hail of enemy fire, she remained steadfast and drew a special item from her inventory—a long silver pole adorned with a flag of blue colour. This was a unique item of the game.

[Name: Guardian Flag]

[Type: Accessory]

[Rarity: Unique]

[Attributes: +100 defense (stationary)]

[Effects: All players within a 300-meter radius of the item receive a 30% increase in defense rating]

[Can be used one hour per day]

[Able to Bring Outside the Game: No]

[Remarks: Raised high to save the day]

This is a unique item, one level surpassed the superior tier, making it exceptionally rare. It was bestowed by the US military to the highest-ranking military figure on the server. As Captain Carter held the Guardian Flag aloft, she couldn't move or risk losing the invaluable buff. Fortunately, the additional 100 defense it provided helped her absorb a significant portion of the incoming Nazi gunfire.

[Shooting: Received 6 damage]

[Shooting: Received 8 damage]

[Shooting: Received 7 damage]

Nonetheless, the task remained perilous, and the soldiers quickly rallied around their valiant captain, forming a protective perimeter.

"Guard the captain!" their battle cry echoed, a testament to their unwavering dedication to the mission and their leader's safety.

As Delta company managed to clear out the immediate area around Captain Carter, their luck took a turn for the worse when a fighter plane streaked overhead and released a bomb perilously close to their valiant leader.

"Captain!!!" The soldiers cried out in unison.


The explosion was lethal, and Captain Carter bore the brunt of it.

Smoke and debris billowed around the area, obscuring vision, but miraculously, the captain remained standing, her unwavering grip on the invaluable Unique item drop, the Guardian Flag, unbroken.

"Fight on! Fight on!!" Captain Carter's resilience and determination served as a wellspring of inspiration for her soldiers, reinvigorating their spirits. With renewed morale, they launched a ferocious assault on the Nazi defenses.

Lieutenant Summer and his elite special forces unit surged forward from the opposite side, taking advantage of the flag's protective aura. After receiving the flag's buff, Lieutenant Summer called upon his elite team to activate their unique abilities, one by one:

[Soldier Spirit] [Warrior Spirit] [Knight Spirit] [Rogue Spirit]

These formidable buffs imbued them with unparalleled strength and resolve. They turned their attention to the final layer of Nazi barricades and, with the help of explosive charges, breached the formidable steel gate.

At this pivotal moment, a notification flashed before them:

[Nazi Base is breached]

[Weapon of Mass Destruction activated]

[Countdown started now]


Tension gripped the soldiers as they faced an ominous countdown, knowing that the situation had become even more dire.

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