Re: Apocalypse Game

Chapter 78 Craft

Chapter 78 Craft

While everyone was busy with their task, Alan convened his newly formed group.

Marie, with her silver hair tied in a loose bun, once been a celebrated fashion designer who transitioned into owning a boutique. Every dress she made was an embodiment of her passion, a testament to her skilled hands. The forced closure of her business, a result of unforeseen governmental regulations, had left her disenchanted and bitter.

Then there was Shamus. His tall, well-built frame was covered in grease stains, a by-product of his twenty years in car body repair. The deep lines on his face told tales of a man who had experienced the hard knocks of life. Recent bouts of law enforcement brutality against his community had only added to his disdain for those in power.

Beside him stood Gus, the stark opposite of Shamus in age but not in talent. His youthful energy was infectious, and his eyes sparkled with love for carpentry. The new wave of idealism sweeping through the country had affected him, making him question the very foundations of their governance.

Alan looked at them, recognizing not just their skills, but their shared sentiments. "Alright," he began, his voice firm, "All three of you will help me for the next 5 days, Don't worry I will make it worth your time".

As Alan laid out his vision, an unmistakable cough echoed from behind him. Turning, he met the gaze of Vicky and Rose. Their expressions, a mix of defiance and expectation, spoke louder than words.

"Three? What about us?" Vicky retorted a hint of playfulness in her tone.

She was chosen primarily to see the extent of her [Gifted] skill. As for Rose, Alan could not quite pin down why she chose to shadow him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Clearing his throat, Alan gestured towards an old truck parked at the side of the farm. Shamus being experienced with cars said, "Do you want me to fix this car or something?"

Alan shook his head "No, I want you to tear it apart, in pieces"

The enormity of Alan's request left the group in stunned silence. But Shamus merely arched an eyebrow and got to work without a word. The sound of metal being dismantled filled the air as he systematically began to strip the vehicle of its parts. Marie was also asked to help dismantle the interior. With a finesse only a tailor could muster, began dissecting the car seats, extracting the leather and fabric with precision.

Meanwhile, Alan led Gus, the young carpenter, into the dense forest nearby. Handing Gus an axe he'd borrowed from Daniel, Alan pointed to a sturdy-looking tree. "This one," he instructed. With determined strokes, Gus set about his task, the rhythmic thud of the axe echoing in the forest.

As Gus worked, Alan, his artistic instincts kicking in, began sketching a simple design on a piece of paper. Handing over his drawings to Gus, Alan instructed, "Craft these as precisely as you can" Noticing Vicky's idle stance, he added, "Vicky, you can assist Gus"

Vicky's voice, tinged with both curiosity and concern, reached Alan as he began to walk away. "What about you? Where are you headed?"

Alan paused, shooting her a smirk. "Not sure you'd like where I'm going. But feel free to tag along."

Unable to resist the challenge in his voice, Vicky decided to trail him. To her surprise, Alan's destination was the creek bank. And without hesitation, he began to descend towards its muddy edges, intent on digging up some clay. As the reality of what he was doing settled in, Vicky's face drained of color. She stammered, "I think... I'll go check on Gus."

Alan chuckled, fully expecting her reaction. But what he hadn't anticipated was Rose's subsequent actions. She calmly set down her rifle and began taking off her jacket and shoes. With a determined look, she joined Alan, her hands eagerly delving into the cold, wet clay.

Catching the surprise evident on Alan's face, Rose quirked an eyebrow "Problem?"

Alan, taken aback by her straightforward approach, replied, "No, not at all. Thank you for stepping in."

Their hands worked in unison, the creek's water occasionally splashing them.

With a considerable heap of fresh clay in tow, the two headed towards a quieter corner behind the farmhouse. There, he meticulously laid out a blueprint in his mind before embarking on his mission. Piece by piece, he combined bricks and mounds of clay, slowly erecting a monolithic structure characterized by gaping holes on its top and bottom. The eerie silhouette of the structure soon took shape under the waning sun.

Rose, observing from a distance, finally made the connection and exclaimed, "You're setting up a forge, aren't you?"

Alan glanced over with a smirk, replying, "Getting there. It's not quite ready yet."

Constructing the forge was one part of the equation; making it functional was another beast entirely. The real challenge lies in engineering a robust blower system. Without hesitation, Alan began fashioning a makeshift blower. Using slender pieces of bark, he crafted fan blades and paired them with a sturdy stick, forming a rotor. With dexterity, he encased the entire contraption in clay, molding it into a manually operated blower.

Patience was key. Once the clay had dried, Alan initiated the forge, setting its insides aflame. The radiant glow soon captured the attention of the group, who congregated around this innovation.

Witnessing the intense flames dance within the forge, Shamus voiced the collective wonder, "Is it really possible?" Without awaiting an answer, he instinctively started feeding the forge with metallic scraps salvaged from the dismantled car.

Guided by a sketched design, Alan meticulously supervised as the forge's fiery embrace melded metal, creating one fist-size lump. Alan then collected a piece of wooden stick created by Gus and cut out leather prepared by Marie.

Channeling his [Science] crafting skill, the amalgamation soon bore fruit. An in-game notification resounded in his consciousness:

[You have successfully crafted an item]

[Name: Metal Hammer]

[Type: Weapon/Tools]

[Rarity: Common]

[Attributes: Damage 8-10]

[Equipment rating: 8]

[Remarks: Basic Hammer, sturdy enough to shatter a watermelon]

The atmosphere was thick with astonishment. This was after all the first time civilians were allowed to join the game, hence many still don't understand much about crafting in the game. To be able to create an item, complete with attributed stats, was beyond their expectations.

For Alan, this was but a manifestation of his elevated [Science (Expert)] skill. With this newfound expertise, he could circumvent the method of breaking down marked game items for crafting. Instead, he could craft directly from raw materials, provided they mirrored their real-world counterparts closely. This nuance was why he'd rallied the team of skilled crafters.

With a flourish, Alan handed over the freshly forged hammer to Shamus, a glint of anticipation in his eyes. "With this, you can start making different shapes of metal"

Eager to dive into his craft, Shamus lost no time in constructing a rudimentary anvil. His fingers danced over the metal, forging and shaping with a precision that left the onlookers in awe. Parallelly, Alan, in tandem with Gus and Marie, focused on fashioning the perfect handle, enhancing the grip and durability.

Their combined efforts bore fruit once more, As Alan put all the pieces together the system notified:

[You have successfully crafted an item]

[Name: Metal Dagger]

Two such daggers emerged from the fires of their collective effort. Alan handed one to Marie and the other to Gus, entrusting them with the tools to expedite their tasks.

Marie, examining her new weapon, noted its uncanny resemblance to her personal dagger. Eyes gleaming with admiration, she exclaimed, "Alan, this is truly a marvel!"

Alan nodded, his eyes surveying the group. "Whenever you earn extra survival points or receive rank rewards, consider investing in upgrading your crafting skills," he advised. "While there will be limitations based on rank, as you progress, you'll gain the ability to craft intricate items, even surpassing what I can make."

The revelation brought a new light to the eyes of the trio. This game had always felt distant, almost superficial to them. But now, with tangible items crafted from their own skills, they felt a sense of belonging and purpose. They were no longer mere players; they were contributors, shaping the outcome with their own hands.

Seeing their enthusiasm, Alan continued, "Now that you're acquainted with the process, I need you all to create a bunch of items for me"

The atmosphere was thick with anticipation. Shamus, Marie, and Gus exchanged looks of determination. Unified in their newfound resolve, they responded in unison,? "Tell us what you need. We're ready."

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