Re: Apocalypse Game

Chapter 82 Quest

Chapter 82 Quest

The sun hung high, casting long shadows on the ground as the group of players, under Alan's lead, moved away from the safety of the farmhouse. Each of them was armed only with a sword and shield.

Murmurs of unease rippled through the ranks, with some glancing nervously at the distant horizon where the dark smoke of the Nazi-occupied town could be seen.

The fear in their hearts was palpable. They wondered if Alan, their leader, had any plans of making them confront the well-armed Nazi soldiers. The image of trained soldiers against their rudimentary weapons was a frightful one. But as they kept moving, it became evident that they were headed north, away from the potential conflict. Relief washed over some, but the burning questions persisted.

"Where is he taking us?!" whispered a young player to his companion, his voice tinged with a mix of fear and curiosity.

"Is he going to make us killed!?"? another muttered, gripping his sword a little tighter.

As they continued their journey, the buff effects of their recently consumed meal began to wane. An hour into the walk, the landscape began to change. Ahead lay a picturesque valley, a serene grove cradled between the towering embrace of two rocky hills. Birds could be heard chirping, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves.

Alan, stopping at the entrance to the grove, turned to face the group, his expression serious. "Alright, this is the place," he announced confidently, pointing to a narrow path that meandered through the grove.

The players exchanged puzzled looks, their unease evident. "Why are we here?" a voice from the back called out, echoing the thoughts of many.

Before Alan could respond, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. A low rumble, almost like distant thunder, began resonating through the valley. The ground beneath their feet vibrated slightly, sending waves of panic through the players. Just then, a notification popped up on their game interfaces, offering some clarity.

[Hidden Quest Activated]

[You disturbed a rodent nest]

[You received F-level quest: Eliminate Rodents]

Suddenly, the ground erupted in multiple places as dozens of creatures, each about the size of a human arm, burst forth. Their beady eyes fixed on the players, teeth bared.


[Type: Beast]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Rank: F-]

[Remarks: Probably the most despised animal in the world]

Standing at the forefront of the group, Alan swiftly unsheathed his [Arming Sword], its blade glinting menacingly in the sunlight. "Stand your ground! Fight! Show them what you've learned!" he commanded, his voice echoing with authority.

The scene before them was chaotic. Dozens of rats scuttled forward with surprising speed, their claws scratching the earth and their beady eyes filled with a primal hunger. The sight was overwhelming, and instinctively, many players began to retreat, taking involuntary steps back. But as the notification on their game interfaces highlighted the creatures' low rank, a spark of determination ignited in some.

Gathering their courage, they lunged forward, their swords cutting through the air.

[Stabbing: Inflicted 24 damage, Target dies…]

Another sword thrust cut down another rodent, almost effortlessly.

[Stabbing: Inflicted 22 damage, Target dies…]

However, not all were lucky. A rat, faster than its kin, bit into the leg of a player.

[Bite, Received 8 Damage]

But as they felled these creatures, a realization dawned upon them. No just their bite was not lethal, their training had made them capable of taking down these creatures with a single blow. The taste of victory, even against such lowly foes, was intoxicating. And as the game notifications rewarded their efforts, their morale skyrocketed.

[You gained 20 XP and 20 survival points]

"I got one! I got one!" An ecstatic shout pierced the din of battle as a player triumphantly raised his sword, a slain rat at its tip.

The once peaceful grove now echoed with the sounds of clashing steel and the death cries of rodents. All 70 players, unified in purpose, turned the area into a veritable battleground, each doing their part to thin the numbers of the invading horde.

But just when they thought they had gained an upper hand, the ground trembled again. Emerging from the very same holes were creatures of a different kind. With bushy tails and sharp, piercing eyes, a new enemy was upon them.


[Type: Beast]

[Rank: F]

[Remarks: Watch out for its bites]

More agile and resilient than the rats, these squirrels required the players to draw upon their training, employing the 3-step sword techniques they had so recently mastered.

[You gained 40 XP and 40 survival points]

As the minutes turned into what felt like hours, the players found themselves bearing the brunt of countless scratches and bites. But with each wound, their determination only grew fiercer, their resolve steeled.

The sun had started its descent when the final creature was slain, marking the end of a battle that saw over 500 rodents defeated.

[You have completed F level quest: kill rodents]

[You received 200 survival points, 100XP, rank F reward]

With the dust settling, the players stood amidst the aftermath, their chests heaving, but their spirits soaring. They had faced a challenge and emerged victorious.

Some playfully boasted about their feats, comparing numbers and sizes of their kills.

"I took down five of them!"

"Only three for me, but did you see how big they were?"

However, not everyone shared the sentiment. The Blood Patriots Guard, ever so vigilant with their firearms, seemed somewhat out of place, perhaps even regretful that they hadn't participated.

Amid the celebration, Alan allowed them a moment to bask in their achievements. But as the sun dipped lower and the excitement began to wane, he took charge once more.

"Help me pick up all these corpses. Thank you." His voice was firm, brooking no argument.

The task was grim, but the rewards were tangible. Over 500 pieces of meat – a veritable treasure trove in their circumstances. Alan did some quick calculations, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. He estimated that their haul could be converted into more than 1,000 portions. With this, they'd have ample sustenance for the rest of the game's round.

As the last of the creatures was collected, Alan looked up and scanned the faces of the players. The expressions he saw were transformed, a mix of pride, determination, and newfound camaraderie. With a nod of approval, he bellowed, "Let's go!"

But as they moved on, restlessness began to creep in. They had expected to head back to their safe haven, the farmhouse. But as the path winded and twisted in an unfamiliar direction, doubts and murmurs spread like wildfire.

"Where is he taking us now?" one whispered, eyes darting around nervously.

"Could it be...?" another trailed off, as dread began to fill the gaps of uncertainty.

Their destination became clear when they reached the gaping mouth of a large cave, its darkness beckoning ominously. The familiar ping of the game link broke the tension.

[Hidden Quest Activated]

[You have found a bat cave]

[You received F-level quest: Clear out the caves]

The players exchanged glances, a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Another challenge awaited.

The entrance of the cave seemed almost alive as dark shapes whizzed in and out, barely visible to the naked eye.


[Type: Beast]

[Rank: F+]

[Remark: cute flying creature]

Though these creatures might seem relatively harmless or even endearing to some, the challenge lay not in their might, but in their agility. Bats, quick and unpredictable, darted around the cave's interior. Catching them demanded keen senses, fast reflexes, and a heightened level of perception. A single swing of a sword often met only with the empty air.

The players sweated and panted, muscles aching as they chased after the elusive targets. The once confident group, who had recently taken down a swarm of rodents, now faced the frustration of chasing shadows.

But determination prevailed. An hour of intensive effort later, with players learning to anticipate the bats' flight patterns, the awaited notification rang out.

[You have completed F level quest: clear bat cave]

[You received 200 survival points, 100XP, rank F reward]

Alan stood a bit apart, watching with satisfaction. These quests weren't just stumbled upon. They were part of a larger scheme, a carefully laid plan based on knowledge he had gleaned from previous game plays. The earlier players had chanced upon these challenges, but their lack of preparedness meant they left many quests incomplete. They weren't prepared for the sheer numbers they'd face.

Alan was different. He saw these challenges as opportunities. The days leading to this, where he had seemingly burdened them with chores, were actually a rigorous training regimen in disguise. Every task he gave them was designed to enhance their stamina, their agility, and their combat skills.

And it paid off.

By the time the tired but triumphant group made their way back to the farm, a palpable change in their demeanor was evident. Along with tangible rewards like experience points and survival points, many players found that they had also unlocked additional skills or attributes. Some even discovered they had earned the [sword skill(basic)] without spending any points.

Alan's pride wasn't just in the quests they had completed but in the arsenal of resources they had amassed for the round. That day alone, they had gathered food equating to 2000 portions. It was a feat that ensured not just sustenance, but also a strategic advantage for the plans he had in store.


Author Note

Dear Reader, I should have finished the privilege chapters yesterday. Unfortunately, I spent the last 36 hours in the hospital taking care of my wife. Daily chapter will be shown again tomorrow or the day after. Thank you for your patience.

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