Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 18 Black Wolf Pov

Author's note: I have not edited this chapter so if you find any mistakes then, mention them, i would fix them asap, and please give this novel your power stones and reviews.

you can also skip the chapter, its the Point of view of the wolf, form the last chapter,

i am typing the next chapter so there might be more coming soon, I think.

enjoy the chapter.

Black Wolf Pov:

I had imagined that we would encounter a fierce creature as we climbed the hill, but when we got there, all we saw were a kitten and a young child. I was quite surprised to see him because he had no blood thirst or aura, and I was wondering if he was the so-called ruler of the forest, who had lived on this land for the previous 90 or so years.

He spoke to us with complete authority, explaining how everything was going to work and what he planned to do with the world tree. There were many questions, but he had already addressed them all. However, as soon as he began speaking, I could tell that he was not normal.

The odd thing about this, however, was not the kitten but the young child who had approached my leg and had begun to pat it. I was honestly surprised to see how little the child seemed to be afraid of me.

I was in disbelief. Even though I was the king of the forest and could kill the little girl in an instant, she showed no signs of fear.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She then approached the tiger, climbed up on him, and began patting him as though it were natural.

However, I had the impression that the tiger was somehow enjoying it; was this the reason why the kitten was allowing the youngster to interact with him? for pat heads? possibly, who knows?

But the kid wasn't finished yet, so she moved on to the lion next. He has a somewhat threatening appearance, so I was sure the kid wouldn't approach him, but then something comfortingly interesting occurred.

For a moment, they shared direct eye contact before the lion licked her face.

How odd and yet adorable was the child who pouted before trying to show her affection by hugging his snout?

After that, the kid tried to approach the boar. I looked in his direction, wondering if he would attack the kid. But the kitten told the kid to turn around, and I sighed as I did so. For some reason, I wanted to defend the little girl in case that brat tried to attack her. If the previous king, who was in charge before this brat, had been a wise beast, he wouldn't have acted in the same way. The small kitten told us his plans and what he wanted us to do after that.

To be honest, I didn't want to offend him in any way. It was obvious that he was suppressing his power, and I didn't want to know why. I knew for a fact that all of us were thinking the same thing, so the lion, the tiger, and I agreed. After all, there were benefits for all of us if we listened to him.

Why do we even need to protect those long-ear monkeys and plants? I am one of the kings of the forest; I won't protect anyone; they are just taking over the jungle, and all of you are helping them do it. The bore said while pointing at all of us, "

What the fuck is this brat thinking?" Is he going to go again as ruler of this forest like that? "The jungle doesn't belong to us; it belongs to everyone," the tiger said. "What are you, a gullible child? How did you even become a king? The jungle belongs to the person who defeats the last king of the area," he said, as he looked at all of us disappointingly.

He is going to get us killed, I am sure of it, and by the looks that the others were giving, they knew this too. Should I just kill him here so that we can save ourselves? I thought, however, "Hmm, you're right about that," the kitten said, as he stood up from the kid's lap and stretched my back. "The four territories belong to the strongest beast in that area," he said as he walked towards the boar.

'Exactly, that's my point, we don't need to help those weaklings out in any way, we should just kill them. This jungle belongs to all of them.' "However, you are mistaken about one thing," the kitten said, interrupting the bore and then stoning him for saying anything more than that. "You may rule over the four areas, but I rule over the entire forest." Since you all reside in my domain, you must understand what that implies. He asked him, and in the next moment I couldn't help but look at what was happening in front of me in awe: the small kitten started to grow, his whole body became twice our size, and then


: what kind of power is this, is this the power of the Ruler? No wonder he had been ruling this frost for over 90 years. As I was thinking this, I looked down to see that my legs were shaking, I was afraid, and after a long time I was afraid of the existence in front of me; it was the same feeling as when I was young and couldn't defend myself from the other beast in the forest "If I want, I can devour you, kill you, or just replace you." The ruler of the forest said as he looked the boar light in the eye,

"Starting today, you are no longer a king of this forest." He said, "Y-you can't do this to me," the boar said. "What a fool does he think he has the power to dice what the ruler can and cannot." Who's going to stop me? "You?" he said,

As we headed this, I looked swords at the bore just to see that he had urinated himself; he is but a child after all, and we can hold it in because we have been through many life and death situations, but he just became a king a year ago; there is no way he could do anything in front of the roller. As I was thinking this, the ruler looked towards us and asked if there were any more objections, but we were too afraid to even say anything. I finally looked toward the others who were beside me; they were all shaking like a leaf on a stormy day.

When the ruler was done, he left with the little kid on his back and left us alone, and as for the bore, he had run away as soon as the ruler turned around. "He deserves his title," the lion said, once he was sure that the ruler was far enough away.

"Ya, I don't think we can win against him even if we were to team up," the tiger said. "It's no wonder he lets us do as we please; we are bugs to him," I said as I looked toward the direction where he vanished,

"Who should we pick as the new fourth king?" The tiger asked,

"Should we just split the territory equally?" The lion suggested "Are you sure we can do that? He commanded us to appoint someone, so let's do that and not anger him," I suggested to the two of them, and they agreed. "Well, one thing is for sure, I don't think we would regret following him," the king said. "Yes, that is true; he is a wise ruler; he didn't kill the kid either, so I think he is not going to do anything to harm us or anyone in our territory," the tiger spoke; "Hmm, you might be right about that," I said, "Let's get going and do the work." Lion said as he walked towards the forest.

Somewhere in the jungle,

"Who does he think he is? How can he remove me from my rightful position? It's because of that brat, that small monkey, I would kill her," the bore screamed in some part of the forest. "Will you kill her?" a voice asked. "I will; if not for that cat, I would kill them all; I will kill them and eat them," he said, not dousing the place where the voice came from. "But I am weak; he would kill me if I did that," the bore said as the resolve to kill all the elves wavered a little. "Do you need power?" the voice asked. "Yes, I do," the boar said. "Will you kill them all with the power that I give you?" The voice asked again,

"Yes, I would." The board said,

"You will destroy the world tree for me?" The voice asked,

"Yes. I would destroy the world tree for you, master," the boar said; however, there were no emotions in his voice as he spoke this time. "Good, then do it for me, my puppet," the voice said.

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