Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 21 Elf Tribes

Author's note: hey everyone we are in the top 800 right now, I hope that you all will continue to show this novel your love and support.

As I said earlier, if we can reach 150 power stones within this week, I will do a mass release of chapters and by any chance, if we reach 200, I will release even more chapters.

I hope you all will continue to support this novel, please share this novel with your friends so that this novel can grow even more,

that's all, enjoy the chapter


A magic circle or a chant of some sort, huh? Can we even make it somehow?

[that would be taxing to do, even if we were to work together, it might take years before we can get any results to begin with]

Hmm, you are right about this Star, but what if we make some sort of research team that can work on it?

[If you are talking about all of your copy cats, then we might get some results faster, but it will still take a lot of Time]

I see, but what about the dryads? They can use mana. easily, they even made houses inside the trees without harming them in any way.

[they can use mana because they are like you, they are more of beasts and Elves come in the category of humanoids]

But even so, we can probably use them as a basis to see how mana can move in humanoid creatures like elves and humans.

[ya we can, but who would be a volunteer for that anyway?]

Hmm, it's human experimentation after all. Well, anyway, for now, let's just keep moving and get this meeting over with,

We walked through the jungle in a specific direction,

'Can you tell me more about these elf tribe leaders?' I asked Zeno who had been leading me for quite some time, it was better to know what I should expect from them to see what it's all about.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Well, there are some tribe leaders which were led here by dryads that you commanded, but for some reason they didn't hear your announcement, they think that my tribe is tricking other tribes by using your name. So before they would join us they wanted to meet you so to make sure that I wasn't lying about everything"

'So they didn't hear any announcement, huh?'

Star the amount of mana that I used should have been enough for everyone in the forest right?

[yes it was more than enough, the announcement should have been sent through your domain. It's quite strange that they didn't hear anything about you.

I see, should we investigate it?

[I don't know if it's a concerning matter or not but I think you should do it just in case.

Alright, I should send a Double-Ganger to investigate, we might be able to find some clues as to why they didn't hear anything.

As we were walking, something moved on my back, the girl from before is finally waking up, huh?

I placed her on the ground and [Size manipulation] to shrink back to my small kitten size to not scare the child,

Zeno just looked from the side with curiosity in his eyes,

"You care about kids a lot lord Nova, did you perhaps have kids of your own at some point?"

'no, believe it or not for my race I am just a newborn kitten' I said, to him as I waited for the little girl to open her eyes.

"That is surprising," he said, I was going to reply but the girl's eyes started to flutter and soon she slowly opened her eyes,

"Hum? Big sis?" she asked as soon as she opened her eyes and looked around. She was still half asleep from the looks of it. Her eyes landed on me first and then Zeno.

As soon as she saw Zeno, tears started to flow out of her red ruby-colored eyes, and she started to crawl back, "D-don't hurt me" she muttered again and again.

"It alright little one, no one is going to hurt you," Zeno said, as he knelled to approach the little girl, but the girl started crying more and started backing off, she was scared of other elves, and anyone would be after what they did to her.

'Step back, she is afraid of you,' I said to Zeno and then started approaching the little girl carefully,

She was fully focused on Zeno, as she had completely ignored me, and I could tell that she didn't even notice me after I reached her,

'Hay little one,' I said as I went near her and then jumped onto her lap,

'It's going to be alright I said, and the girl finally noticed me, she was still crying but her attention was now on me,

'No one is going to hurt you I said to her in a soft voice, 'now then, stop crying and why don't we introduce ourselves

'You can call me Nova. what is your name I asked,

"Ruby," she said amidst sniffles, "Ruby Enran," she said after stiffening a few times.

"Oh, then you are the little sister of the blood elf tribe's leader," Zeno said from the background. He tried to approach us once again, but Ruby started crying again as soon as she saw him approaching,

'Get back she is scared' I snarled toward Zeno, but this time something new happened,

"hiiiiiiiiiss " what the? Did I just hiss? I didn't even know I could do that, but even so, my body just did it on its own.

Seeing that I was not happy, Zeno took some steps back in a hurry, to be honest, I would be the same if someone as powerful as me would do that to me.

But anyway, I need to calm this girl first.

'It's alright Ruby, he is not going to hurt you in any way. I am here to protect you,' I said as I rubbed my head onto her face, brah what the fuck am I doing, What the Fuck bodyyyy?

Star, what's going on

[they are just instincts don't worry about it]

How do I not worry about it, I am behaving like a cat?

[you are a cat tho]

But my soul is of a human, I screamed in my mind,

[grow a cat pair and accept it you're a cat now, and should you be talking to me right, now you have a little girl to handle.]

Ya, I know, but even so

[no buts]

'It's alright now, stop crying. How about we go see your sister' I said in hopes that she will stop crying,

"Swister?" she asked me, is it me or little kids are cute as f- anyway let's not think about that right now,

'Yes, let's go see your sister. We were going there anyway.'

"Hmm" she nodded her head when she hear this,

I used [Size manipulation] to go back to my original size and put Ruby on my back, with [wind magic].

She was a bit startled by this, but even so, she stayed quiet because she was more afraid of Zeno, who was right next to me. Is she afraid that Zeno would hurt her if she says something? I thought, but that thought was in the back of my head.

'Alright then let's go

'Zeno lead the way' I commanded Zeno, who had regained his composer,

"Yes, this way," He said as once again we started to move to where the leaders were,

'Are you enjoying the view from up here?' I asked Ruby, who was on top of my head,

"Hmm," she said as she started to pat my head, and soon

"Prrrr prr prrrr" my body was purring like a car engine, why the fuck am I so loud it's like I am a race car or something, what the actual fuck body.

"We are getting close, Lord Nova" Zeno said, it seems that we are close to where the leaders are, so I reduced my size after placing Ruby on the ground safely.

And after that I jumped onto her shoulder and sat there while we made our way to the place and soon we can see it, many huts were all around the place, honestly, it looked more like a village, there were different kinds of elves that I had never seen before, there were even animals that they were razing that I had never seen before, they looked as if they were picked out of a fantasy world, there were some kind of cow that was 2 times the size of a normal cow on earth, and they looked to have tough skin just like a lizard while having 4 eyes and big and sharp horns, what a fascinating creature I could see that they were milking them, and they were not attacking the surrounding elves.

They must also eat their meat as well, as we walked I could even see a pack of wolfs that had four eyes and 2 tails, with two pairs of ears they were the size of a horse, wow this is like a movie, I could see many things that were really fascinating around me,

I am getting more and more excited about this meeting, that we are going to have.

Should I try some eat the meat of these cow-like animals, hmm that might taste good too, now that we were getting closer and closer to the center of the village, I could see people who were wearing some sort of Armour as well, it looked to be made from the scales of the cow that I saw earlier.

So they use them to create stuff too,

"RUBY!" as we were walking we heard a voice of a female. As I looked around to see where the voice came from, I could see that there was a girl with blood-red hair and eyes running towards us.

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