Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 23 No Choice, But To Join!


Author's note:

Hay everyone, I am palming on adding the premium chapters after Chapter 25. So after chapter 25 you all will have to pay for unlocking the chapters with coins, the support on this novel has been great up till now, and I wanted to thank you all for everything,

I know that I might not see everyone in the future after the chapters are locked, but I hope that most of you will stay.

Please comment your thoughts on this.

That's all, please enjoy the chapter!


Vicril Pov:

"Do you think he would bring this so-called ruler here?" Dorelor asked me,

"I don't know, I want to believe him, but the idea is for fetched," I said,

"hmm you are right, I hope he won't do something that he would regret," he said,

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"hmm, we are his father's friend, so let's knock some sense into him,"

"ya, your right his father was a great person, I wish you were here with us old friend, maybe you could have knocked some sense into that son of yours," I said as I raised my wineglass in his memory and we both took a sip.

"where is Elstaer, he was supposed to be here with us," I asked Dorelor,

"That bastard is still fucking around, if only he had some brains and he would do his work properly, he is too enticed in his power, I wish we could change him, he is just leading his tribe to doom at this point," he said but he is right, he is too intoxicated by the power he has over others in his tribe, he would leave his tribe to a dark path if this goes on,

"we should try to talk to him, maybe we could-" while speaking I saw someone open the flaps of the tent, and Zeno and Allisa came in, but there was someone else with them, a kitten.

As soon as the kitten came into the tent, it jumped onto the table and then walked toward me,

'Is this the so-called ruler a kitten, you got to be kidding me I think we might need to knock some sense in Zeno's brain' I thought as I looked towards Dorelor, by the look on his face he was thinking the same thing as I am,

As I looked back to the kitten, I saw it looking at my wineglass with interest, soon it touched it with its paws and then pushed it a little, and tilted its head a little to look at the glass from a different angle, and once again he pushes the glass, making it slide forward, soon enough the kitten pushed it one more time and then it fell onto my lap, the red wine made up of flowers all wasted because of this small thing but there would be no way to blame this small animal for doing something like that, he was just playing with it, but as for Zeno,

"Lord Nov-" Zeno tried to speak but Dorelor cut him off,

"Zeno, what's the meaning of this? YOU bring a normal cat here and call it the ruler of the jungle, do you think of us mere children who would believe your lies" Dorelor asked, he was furious by Zeno's behavior,

"Zeno, I am Disappointed in you, what would your father think?" I scolded him, I am quite disappointed in him, but there is nothing a good beating can't fix right.

I was ready to give him a peace of my mind but, soon I noticed something, Allisa was just standing there, quietly observing the small kitten, why is she behaving Like this? I thought as I too started looking at the kitten, it stood up from where he was sitting and walked to the middle of the table.

'Aham, sorry for the earlier misconduct of mine, I couldn't help myself when I saw the Cup with Juice in it'

I heard a voice, no it was not a voice that I heard, it had been said inside my mind,

"What the- he can talk," I said, perplexed that a small kitten could talk in the same language as us,

"H-how?" Dorelor asked,

'Hmm? What's up with the questions? You wanted to meet me right? So why are you two so shocked?' he asked,

"A-are you perhaps the ruler Zeno had been talking about?" I asked, my voice a bit shaky because of the shock,

'Yes, I am, you all can call me Nova' Nova said, his golden eyes looking at us, as I looked into those eyes, an involuntary shiver went down my spine.

"How can we believe that you are the ruler of this forest, no offense just look at yourself your just a small kitten at best," Dorelor who had composed himself said, in a domineering voice.

'Oh, do you want to see my strength?' Nova asked, by the sound of his voice I could tell that he was amused by this, "yes If necessary If would love to see your strength, please take no offense, I just want to make sure that the people in my tribe will not be in any danger," Dorelor said, he is trying to test the water to see how strong this so-called ruler of the forest is.

Everything would depend on how strong Nova is and depending on that we should decide to go under his rule or go against it.

As soon as Dorelor has spoken those words. Pressure descended on us,

Dread had been the only word I can use to describe this feeling, the pressure was terrifying I could feel my legs losing all strength as I fell to the chair I had been sitting on the until now, as I looked towards Nova I could see his eyes glowing slightly, there were no emotions behind those eyes, all I could see was my reflection and something more that I could not describe, the shiver that had gone down my spine a moment ago, was nothing in front of the fear I was feeling right now.

I knew that he could kill me any moment without even a thought of hesitation, I am afraid of something after a long time, too afraid to even move,

As I was thinking this, I realized something I had stopped breathing, the fear had gripped to so much that I had stopped breathing the moment the aura was released and I was running out of breath, looking around Dorelor looked to be In the same state as me, he was struggling to breathe, I couldn't breathe because my lungs had refused to work but for him, he couldn't breathe, there was no Air to suck on, it had all dissipated the moment the aura had been released as if too afraid to stay in this tent,

However soon, a breath of air finally entered my lungs as the aura vanished as fast as it came, I sucked the Air into my lungs greedily, trying my best to calm my wildly beating heart,

'I hope this would be enough because if I were to go all out you might just die because of the aura alone' Nova spoke,

'T-this was not his full power?' I asked myself after he spoke these words, just thinking about what his full power might do was harrowing,

"H-how d-do we know that y-you won't just eat us later on," Dorelor said, he was shaking from head to toe, and as he spoke I could tell that speaking this one line had taken his full willpower.

'You don't have to worry about that, I don't need to eat anything in the first place, I do not consume flesh to sustain myself' Nova said, his voice perfectly calm and collected,

After hearing this I had one question in my mind that I wanted to ask, I didn't want to ask this but for the future of my family and my tribe, I had to do this.

"A-and w-what if we r-refuse to join this kingdom," I asked, my voice cracking as I spoke, Nova finally looked Toward me, his golden Iris judging my every action, it felt as If he could see right through my soul, I looked down as to not, make eye contact, and I noticed that I was still shaking, my legs and arms were shaking like a leaf on a windy day,

'Just his gaze is enough to make me shake in fear' I thought to myself, as I tried my best to stop my legs and arms from quavering.

'You can refuse to Join, I never said that you had to join.' He said, I finally looked up and soon I regretted it, Nova was sitting right in front of me, his two tails going from one side to another,

'However, where will you go after that, I control the whole forest, the kingdom is small right now, so there is plenty of areas for you to live in but in a decade or so this kingdom might grow as big as the forest itself then where will you go?

To other kingdoms I thought to myself, too afraid to speak it out aloud,

'To other kingdoms' Nova answered as if he could read my mind, 'but do you think that it is a good idea? You might get a place there, but the probability of that happening is too low, you will most likely be turned into slaves, your women used as playthings, and your young loud be forced to make more offspring to for more slaves, you would be nothing more than stray dogs that can be killed by a passer by' he said and I couldn't help but imagine everything he had said up until now, and realized, there is no place for us to go other than to join this kingdom.

'So let me ask you, do you want to live as slaves by leaving or someone as of equal status as all the people here?'

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