Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 3 Rebirth?

In the back of the ambulance, I could not help but wonder if they let the cat come with me or if it snuck in with me.

I looked toward the two bikers that were sitting in the ambulance right beside me, as soon as I made eye contact with one of them, they started to speak something but I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't even lift a finger to point at the cat as my hand had stopped working a while ago.

"W-w" I mustered all my willpower to ask the question. As soon as I started to speak one of the bikers leaned closer to me so that he could hear what I was saying.

"…a .ca.t o-n the sta…ncher with me?" I asked him, an immense amount of pain assaulted my body as I spoke but even so I said the full sentence.

I couldn't hear a thing but even so, I could see the confusion on his face, when he heard my words. When I saw his confused face I knew that I had been hallucinating the cat the whole time.

"Hahaha cough cough" I couldn't help but laugh when I finally understood what was going on, the pain assaulted me as I laughed but even so I couldn't help it, however, the coughing of blood finally made me stop.

'Why are you laughing?' the voice once again asked me,

'Because I am hallucinating' I replied to it in my mind, I had finally lost my mind.

'Are you?' the voice asked me back, but I didn't reply, what good replying to a figment of my imagination would do anyways.

I stayed quiet after that, I couldn't hear anything. All I could feel was pain and I knew that I would not make it. I could feel my heartbeat slowly fading as I lay on the stretcher. I would die before they can get me to a hospital.

But even so, there was nothing for me to do, now in my final moments all I could think about was my miserable and lonely life

'Was it miserable and lonely? What about your family, parents, lover?' the voice asked me, I thought about it. And decided to answer this time.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'I never had anyone, I have been an orphan, I never knew who my parents were. As for lover? I never found someone I could love. How could I, I had important things to do? I worked so head to earn money when I was a kid, I somehow paid for my school fee and completed graduation, got a job. And bought a house and finally a bike. It took me years to get to where I am today.' I thought as I remembered the past.

'One thing I did enjoy was watching Anime and reading manga. They were fun at least.' I thought as I thought about an isekai manga.

'I got hit by Truck-Kun, I wonder if all these isekai manga and Anime are true, I guess I will find out.' I thought

'Would you like to get isekaied?' the voice asked me.

'Ya sure why not, it would be nice to explore a big world with different races. Anyone would say yes to that I replied

'What about reincarnating into a family?' the voice asked me

'Nah, humans and other races are too much for me, I want to live in peace I don't want to get involved with all that' I answered.

I could see that everything around me was slowly turning dull as I spoke, I was dieing.

But even so, it was nice to have a conversation with someone or should I say something in my last moments.

'What about overpowered stuff?' the voice asked me again not caring for my inner dilemma.

'I would want a system with many cheat skills, and it might take a long time to explore so why not immortality while we are at it. It would be nice if I can get that all to explore the land and well stay at places for a long time if I don't have to worry about me aging and thinking that I have limited years to live I thought more to myself than answering the voice.

I could feel my heartbeat, slowing down while I thought about all this. I could feel it death was coming for me.

'you are an interesting person, people would wish to be a hero, or a king but you don't even want to be a humanoid being' the voice said with a chuckle.

'I will grant your wish, I will give you a body of a child of my kind' the voice said.

'No, don't' I stopped the voice, I don't know why but even if the voice said something it was not like I would get reincarnated.

'Why?' why the voice asked me.

'I don't want to steal someone else's body and pretend to be that person I said.

'But you won't reincarnate like that' the voice said.

'So?' I asked the voice.

'Hahaha, interesting alright I will put your soul in the body of a dead cat' the voice said.

'Ya, I don't mind as long as the cat does not have family or someone who loves and cares for it. I want to meet people but not the people that the previous owner of the body knew.' I said playing along with my delusions.

'Oh alright, I can arrange that the voice said,

When the voice was done speaking my heart had finally stopped beating. I could feel my consciousness fading, as everything started to descend into darkness, but even so, I looked around me to see everyone panicking around me, as they saw the heartbeat monitor go blank.

That was the last thing I saw before, everything went completely dark, it felt as if I had just fallen asleep, the sweet embrace of eternal sleep.

My thought started to become incomparable to me, as my surrounding's started to fade away as if it was all a dream.

"KRaaaaa, Kraaaaaa" I heard a voice, what the fuck? What is that noise? I thought through the darkness.

Didn't I die? Why do I hear noises? I thought but soon a feeling of something warmth could be felt on my skin

Wait skin? Warmth? What is going on here? I thought as light entered my eyes and everything became white for a second.

And what I saw after that shocked me to my core. I was in….a forest. I looked around me was a forest, a carpet of fine evergreen needles covered the forest floor, perfuming the clearing with a pungent yet sweet scent. Chocked by its overgrown branches the forest resembled a sprawling fortress, barricading the earth from the warmth of the sun and the blue sky, letting only a few rays of sunlight reach the ground from in between the leaves of the tall trees.

Where the fuck am I? I asked myself, why does everything seem so big? Everything around me looked great. Even the roots of the trees were big.

Wait something is wrong here? It's not the trees that are huge but I was instead small, I looked down and all I saw was black fur.

What is going on here? Once again I asked myself. I had pow's instead of hands and wait I have 2 tails? Wait am I some kind of Cat? What? How?

There were so many questions that I wanted to ask but there was no one here to answer them.

Alright, let's calm down and think about this with a clear mind.

What is the last thing I remember? I was dieing inside an ambulance. And I was hallucinating, about the cat and the voice.

The last conversation, we had was about me being reincarnated into a body of a dead cat.

Wait does that mean? I wasn't hallucinating. It was all true then.

So that means that this is my new body. And by the looks of it, I am a kitten now. Huh?


I heard a voice from one of the trees so I looked over and what I saw interested me. It had four eyes, two on one side and two on the other. Its body other than that seem's to be normal.

It was looking right at me. It had the same voice that woke me up.

Hay there Mr.crow I waved my pow towards it.

"Kraaaaaa" it screamed as soon as I did that and started to come towards me at high speed, wait is it attacking me? I thought

As it flew toward me I closed my eyes subconsciously in fear and tried to wave it away with my pow,

"Crack" something hit my pow and the sound of something cracking reached my ears.

However, I felt no pain. So I decided to open my eyes and saw that the crow was laying on the ground lifeless.

[Level up]

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