Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 39 Fairy Village.

Author's note: thanks for all the support that you guys have shown so far, we have reached the goal of the week so I will be posting a chapter soon,

Anyway enjoy the chapter,



And here I thought that I would just get to laze around for a while longer, if I am correct it's probably a unique skill that is infecting these beasts, should I visit all the reincarnated to see which one it is?

Star reminds me to find a way to check over all the reincarnated in the future,


Well, what should I do with this Afti Jaguar,

[its almost, lost its mind so it would be better to put it down]

I see,

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'May your soul rest in peace,' I said to the Afti Jaguar, as I thrust my claws into its skull,

Now then what to do? I should gather all the beasts and intelligent species near the hill, it would be good as I would be able to study them too and see how they are mutating and how is this thing getting into their body,

Thinking this I walked toward the fairies, that had been staring at me dumbfounded,

'Take me to where all the fairies live,' I commanded then, bone fairy nodded hurriedly as she pointed me to follow her once again, and started moving, as we walked to the jungle, tooth fairy kept looking back towards me from time to time, and once again when she did this our eyes met, I gave her a questioning gaze, she hurriedly looked back forward and then never looked back.

As we were walking I kept thinking about, what I saw back there. If it is a doing of a reincarnated one, then should I kill him or not? I have the obligation to protect this world but this doesn't mean that I have to kill them myself, I should give them a chance at the very least, and then if they become a threat anyway might as well just cut their heads and the then go back to my daily life,

But the thing is that how should I warn them, it would be best to Give them a warning, while I am at it right.

Should I visit them as soon as they are born and then give them a warning so that they won't do something that would get them killed, actually that would be a good thing but I should make a place for them a place where they can come and ask for help, if I do that I would be able to monitor them and at the same time make sure that they are not a threat, and if I deem them as a threat then I would kill them.

"W.e….AR.e…her.e," the bone fairy said, as I found myself in front of a cave that went underground, hmm interesting, so is this the place the fairies live? I thought as I followed them inside, it was pretty dark, there were some carvings on the walls of the cave, and they depicted fairies. Finding a place to live and a village where all the fairies lived happily, and stuff like that, as we kept going finally I could finally see light at the end of the long tunnel we had been going through.

It was bright I would say it was too bright infect, as we entered the light I found myself in a small village, for small fairies, I could see a hole in the ceiling that let the light in, there were small plants and small houses that looked like dole houses, to me as I walked behind the fairies I could see that there were many eyes fixed not me, many fairies that were doing their work looked at me, in wonder some even came closer, and some closed their door or window's when I looked at them, well even in my normal kitten size I look like a giant to them so I guess I am pretty frightening to them, but I am just a small overpowered kitten, what are they so afraid off, it's not like I would kill them for no fucking reason, as I thought this I felt something on my tails, that had been going from one side to other.

I stopped and looked back, just to see that two kids were trying to catch my tail, as soon as I looked back they stopped but the look that they were giving me was of someone who had been caught red-handed.

However I just ignored them as they were just kids like they were smaller than the other fairies that were around me, so I kept just walking as if nothing happened, and the kids seeing that I was not saying anything got bolder and bolder, started to feel my fur and then sat atop my head enjoying the view, as I kept walking without saying anything, what the fuck am I suppose to do slap them and tell them to fuck off if I do that I am pretty sure that they would just die, my slaps can blow this whole village away, well not that I would do that.

But there was another reason why I didn't tell them to go away as when other fairies would see that I am not attacking them they would be less afraid of me, and by the looks of it, my plan was working perfectly as there were some fairies that were bold enough to come closer to inspect me, and even touch my balls.


I hissed at the fairy that was getting too bold, what the fuck does she think she is doing,

'I am not saying anything doesn't mean that you can do anything you want women' I scolded the bold fairy,

She looked to be ashamed as she went red from her pail skin, after that incident we finally reached a house that looked to be a little bigger than that of other fairies.

As we got closed many fairies were following me, while some more kids enjoyed the ride as I had become a public bus for the kids that were all over my back.

I stopped right in front of the house as It was too big for me to enter,

As I waited outside, the bone fairy and tooth fairy both went inside, to call whoever was in charge, as I waited I felt kids climbing my back and some were even sitting on my snout,


The fuck am I meowing for? I thought as I looked around, it looked like a peaceful village with many different types of fairies around, I could even see a fairy that looked to be a fire elemental, there were many other elemental Fairies, and even a fairy that looked to be a nature element.

Well at the very least many verities were around here.

As I thought this the door to the small but strangely big house opened and a fairy that looked to be older than the others entered my site, bone fairy and tooth fairy were following him,

'Are you the leader of this village?' I asked the fairy,

"Yes I am," he said, and continued "may I ask who might you be," he asked me,

'I am the ruler of this forest' I said, as I heard many gasps and many fairies, laughing behind me,

Sigh not again,

I released my aura so that I won't have to go with all that who is power full now drama again and again, as I released my aura, I shielded the kids and only pointed it toward the adult fairies.

All the fairies that were around me fell to the ground some even fainting as soon as my aura landed on them.

'pack this whole village up and move to the hill where the elves have started to live'

I commanded them as I stopped my aura from leaking out.

"W-why" the fairy leader asked,

'You must have noticed that there are beasts that are going missing right, and there are beasts that are changing as you fairies call it, I think that something is wrong and you guys might get dragged into it, it's for your safety, and while you are at it if there are any other Fairy villages around the forest then tell them to move as well, tell them that this offer will stand for a limited time, if they come crying to me later I won't help them.'

"Y-yes, I would inform them as soon as I can," he said, while stuttering.

'Alright, then my work is over, I will inform the elf king to make a place for your guys, and one more thing, If you by chance find a any other races along the way then tell them to move as well.' I commanded them as I moved the the exit of the cave were I came in from.

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