Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 73 Scarred Face!

Chapter 73  Scarred Face!

In the bustling city of Nova, where creatures of different species lived together, each with unique features such as elongated ears or multicolored skin, the trees towered so high they could be considered skyscrapers. Bridges connected one tree to another, and the entire city seemed like a picturesque scene from a fantasy book.

At the bottom of a hill, a majestic castle stood with white patches of flowers and trees behind it. The castle looked like it belonged in a fairytale, with its grand architecture and intricate details.

It was a sight to behold and left visitors in awe. The city itself was full of energy and excitement, with merchants selling exotic goods, street performers showcasing their talents, and people going about their daily lives with a sense of purpose.

People could be seen reverently praying in front of intricately carved cat statues that appeared to be imbued with life. The statues were so lifelike that one couldn't help but feel like they might move at any moment. Some of the more mischievous residents of the city would watch from a distance, amused by the reactions of those who came to pray for the first time.

Meanwhile, children ran and played in the bustling streets, laughing and shouting as they chased each other around. The sound of their laughter filled the air and brought a smile to the faces of passersby.

The market was alive with the vibrant colors of fresh produce, handmade crafts, and unique trinkets. People haggled with the vendors, trying to get the best deals on the things they wanted. The scents of various spices and cooking food wafted through the air, making one's stomach rumble with hunger.

The city was a beautiful and bustling hub of activity, filled with people from all walks of life, living together in harmony.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

 Guards with spears patrolled the streets, their varied features and unique traits making them stand out. Some looked like walking humanoid trees, with bark for skin and green lights flickering as their eyes.

The locals went about their daily routines, visiting the market to buy goods, children running around and playing in the streets. It was a lively and colorful scene, with the hustle and bustle of daily life in full swing.

Among the crowds of people, a figure dressed in tight-fitting clothes moved stealthily, constantly avoiding the gaze of the guards stationed throughout the city. He moved from building to building, carefully staying hidden in the shadows and behind corners. His face was concealed by a cloth mask, and his movements were graceful and precise, as if he had practiced them a thousand times before. Slowly, he made his way to the outskirts of the city, all the while keeping a sharp eye out for any sign of danger.

A lithe bag was tied to his waist, swaying back and forth as he moved with swift, calculated steps. From time to time, a small white paw would emerge from the bag as if reaching out to grab something, only to quickly retreat back inside. As he made his way through the bustling city, the figure kept a watchful eye on the guards who patrolled the streets. He ducked behind buildings and slipped around corners, doing his best to avoid being seen.

Finally, he reached the outskirts of the city where the streets were quieter and sparsely populated. The figure looked around carefully, making sure that no one was following him. With a nimble grace, he leaped onto a nearby building, using a plank that was sticking out of the side to propel himself upwards. As he moved from rooftop to rooftop, he took care to avoid the weak spots on the old, crumbling structures. Despite the danger.

As he approached the tree, he carefully scanned the area to ensure that no one was following him. He then knocked on the tree trunk in a specific pattern and whispered some unintelligible words. After a brief moment of silence, the tree suddenly opened up, revealing a hidden entrance. The figure knew the drill and wasted no time jumping inside.

Once inside, he found himself in a small underground room lit by dim torches. The walls were adorned with various maps and sketches, and there was a small desk in one corner cluttered with parchment and ink. The figure navigated his way through the room and approached a bookshelf, where he carefully placed his hand on a particular book. The bookshelf then slid to the side, revealing a hidden staircase that led even deeper underground.

As he descended the staircase, the air grew colder and the sound of running water echoed in the distance. Finally, he reached a large underground cavern filled with various contraptions and machinery. The figure navigated his way through the maze of pipes and gears until he reached a small alcove hidden behind a wall of rock. He knocked on a metal door three times, and after a few seconds, a small slit in the door opened up. A pair of eyes peered out from the darkness, and a voice whispered, "What's the password?"

The figure spoke a few words, and the door opened up, revealing a small room filled with various gadgets and gizmos. The figure navigated his way through the room and approached a large console, where he inputted a series of codes and commands. The console then came to life, and various screens lit up with information and data.

The figure sat down in front of the console and began to analyze the information. He knew that the fate of the city rested on his shoulders, and he was determined to do whatever it took to protect it.

Unfortunately, the reality was far from what he had imagined. The metal door he had envisioned was merely a plain wooden door, and the gadgets and gizmos he had created were nothing compared to his idealized inventions. In the room, there were four other small figures who stared at him with curious expressions on their faces, but none of them uttered a word. Finally, a girl spoke up and asked, "Are you finished with your strange behavior?" as she noticed the figure had stopped acting erratically.

"Ya ya" the figure said as he took down his hood, as he did a pair of blue eyes with blond hair that were cut appropriately appeared, however the figure didn't take off his mast, still covering his face.

"EL, did you bring anything snacks with you?" a boy with brown eyes and hair said from the side he looked to be a little chubby in comparison too other,

The figure known as EL shook his head, "No, sorry. I had to be careful while coming here." He took a seat on the wooden bench and looked around the room. It was dimly lit and filled with tools, pieces of machinery, and other contraptions that EL had made. The other four figures in the room were also tinkering with various gadgets.

EL was known for his talent in creating gadgets and gizmos that were far beyond what anyone else in the city could make. He was constantly tinkering with different materials and designs, always pushing the limits of what was possible.

"I have something to show you all," EL said as he pulled out a small, intricate device from his bag. "It's a new invention that I've been working on for weeks."

The others in the room gathered around as EL explained the functions of the device. They were all impressed by its capabilities and couldn't wait to see it in action.

As EL began to demonstrate the device, the wooden door suddenly creaked open. The group froze, unsure of who could be coming in. They quickly hid their gadgets and waited for the intruder to reveal themselves.

A girl with green skin entered the room through the door. She wore a dress made of leaves, giving the impression that she was wearing a bush shaped into the form of a dress. Her dark green eyes and long green hair made of thin vines made her stand out. She seemed annoyed and spoke with a pout, "EL, it's not fair that you're late."

EL just smiled and shrugged, "Sorry , I had to make sure the guards didn't see me. But I did bring something for us to snack on." He reached into his bag.

With a gentle hand, he reached into his bag and retrieved a small, furry white ball that wriggled around. Upon closer inspection, one would see that it was a tiny kitten, which he had found a few days prior. Its snow-white fur was soft and fluffy, making it look like a miniature cloud. But upon closer inspection, one could see a deep scar on the kitten's face, where her eyes should have been. It appeared as though someone had deliberately cut her with a sharp object.

{Author's note: there will be another chapter  released tomorrow ヾ(^∇^)   }


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