Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 9 Dumb Fuck!

Author's note: i am sorry for the late chapter release and one more thing, please write the Reviews for the novel, i want this novel to progress as much as it can, all i ask for is 10 reviews and your Power stones.

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Well lets not think about the God of war right now and calm down, FUCK YOU GOD OF WAR, alright now lets calm down and go over my titles.


Cat of the Cave

A title gained by living your life in seclusion in a cave for decades. You are like a hermit of the cave but as a Cat or kitten.

Ruler of Demon Forest

Your Aura is so terrorizing that the 4 kings of the demon forest that are on top of the food chain of the forest are too afraid to even fight you, they consider you as their ruler.

Hard worker

You have gained the recognition of many gods that have deemed you a hard worker

Blessed by god's

You have the blessing of many gods

Enemy of all Slime's

You are the Enemy of all slime's they fear you as much as a mortal fears a god.

Mana Core collector

Your collection of mana core's is one of the biggest in this world.

Loved by Nature

You are loved by nature itself.

Child of Nature

The mother nature consider's you one if its children who control the nature. You will be recognized as a Child of Nature by all the Nature element species.

Dumb Fuck.

You are considered a Dumb Fuck.


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Cat of the cave, what a odd name, well I see so its given to me because I....secluded myself in a cave for decades.

Has it been that long? How old am I now.

No wonder I saw so many new things in my system that were not there before.

Well Age doesn't really matter anyways, lets see whats next

Ruler of Demon Forest

My Aura is so terrorizing that the 4 kings of the demon forest that are on top of the food chain of the forest are too afraid to even fight me, they consider me as their ruler.

Brah….what the fuck? I don't even know who they are and they considerer me as their ruler???

I never asked for this position, I just wanted to gather Mana core's in my Cave In peace.

Well whatever lets deal with them later.

Hard worker well lets not read this the title says it all anyways.

Blessed by god's its the same lets just skip it.

Enemy of all Slime's ah I expected to get a title like this in the end, after all I killed thousands of them. And all that came from one slime.

I wonder if I am a bad kitten? I have been tormenting this little Random slime for Decades now.

Well what ever, its not like it can do anything to me or anything like that, and even if it could I would deal with it eventually.

Mana Core collector ah this one is quite obvious too I am proud of this one actually, I worked hard for this.

Loved by Nature this one must be because of the blessing of mother nature. Well whatever.

Child of Nature this one is quite interesting. I am considered as a child of mother nature and I will be recognized as a Child of Nature by all the Nature element species. Now that is really nice, does that mean that the species like nature fairies or spirits won't harm me, wait a damn minute isn't elf's one of the species that are Nature element species?

Hehehehe elf's pretty and beautiful elf girls hah aha.

No don't get tempted by these thoughts, you are a Giga Kitten.

Yes I am a brave Giga Kitten, even without the jawline.

Well lets just read the next title and not think about weird stuff.

Dumb Fuck.

You are considered a Dumb Fuck.

..... You got to be Fucking kidding me right now, Fuck you system, I hope your mother- wait you don't have a mother, you Dumb Fuck HAHAHAHAHA.

I swear if system was a person I would have killed it by now.

Alright Kitten, try to stay calm anger won't do anything.

Yes breath in breath out.

I should use Cloaking (LV 68) skill to hide this title form others this would ruin all my reputation if someone were to see this.

Wait do I even have any reputation to speak of???

Well not really. So it won't matter if someone were to see this title but even so my consciousness won't allow this.

Yes let's just hide it. That would be for the best.

Hmm should I also go over all my skills before seeing my evolution options?? Ye lets do it but lets skip the obvious ones and only read thorough the one's that have something interesting in them.


Darkness magic (LV 50)

Darkness magic, it is one of the destructive magic types.

It is used to can destroy anything that come's in contact with with it. This magic is used

in medical fields along side light magic.

Light Magic(LV 40)

Light magic, it is one of the peaceful magic types.

It I used to mostly used in medical field to heal the injuries. Mastery of light constructs

is possible at a certain level.

Gravity Magic(LV 62)

Gravity Magic, one of the magic types that effect the surroundings of the user,

This magic has a unique field of magic that can be obtained after mastering it to a

certain level

Space Magic(LV 70)

Space magic is one of the most difficult types of magic types to control, it can let the

user teleport to any destination he has been to or knows the coordinate of the place he

want to visit

Multi-tasking(LV 74)

User can split their mind, into different consciousnesses and control them at the same

time. They can keep the skill active as long as they have mana.

Cloaking (LV 68)

Users can Cloak the Status bar from anyone who has an Appraisal skill or something


Double-Ganger(LV 72)

User can create a Copy cat of them self that they can control at will they can maintain it

as long as they have mana.

Telekinesis (LV 78)

The user can move objects just by thinking about then as long as they possess enough

Mana in their body.

Barrier Magic (LV 57)

Barrier Magic is a type of magic which can create barriers as long as they have enough

mana or a substitute for mana.

Telepathy(LV 55)

Ability to form mind links with anyone they please and communicate with them.

Regeneration(LV 76)

Skill which can heal the user as long as they possess mana or anything that can

substitute for the mana


Interesting very interesting, all these skills are unique in one aspect or the other.

Light and darkness magic are not what I thought they would be. They are used in healing.

I would love to experiment on these types of magic in the future, I should probably make a lab here so that I can do everything I can to learn about these different types of magic.

Cloaking is the skill that would be most useful to hide the title I have at the mount, I like this skill already.

Double-Ganger and Multi-tasking if I can make them work together then I might be able to make clones of myself that are practicals me, if one of my bodies die's I might be able to put myself into a different one.

Hahahah I might even become unkillable if I can achieve that.

Telekinesis and Telepathy might be useful skills that I can use to lift objects or talk to people.

Gravity Magic and Space Magic have a lot of potential, I wonder if I can make that with these two, No no if I make that I might as well become a demon lord kitten and set out to destroy the whole god damn world.

Yes lets not do this for the time being, it might be too dangerous for me.

Barrier Magic and Regeneration magic also have potential, I wonder If I can create something out of these two as well.

Hmm It might take decades to do all this to, well it really don't matter time is irreverent for me. All I should focuses on right now is what I want to do.

Well now then all this is over should I go to the thing I have been waiting to do.

Evolution huh? I wonder if I would become a big cat or something.

Hmm that would be awesome.

Just thinking about me being being a big cat Is really interesting. I want to see how strong I would get after the evolution tho? Will I become just a little powerful or will I become overpowered as fuck? Well what ever I might become I know it would be a new and exciting experience.

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