Rebirth: King to Superstar

Chapter 101 - Practice Continues

'Damn, does this guy have a vendetta against me or something? He looked really scary just now, as if I killed his entire family or something. Shouldn't this be just acting, his actions were too close to being real?' the guy cursed and got ready. 

Dokgo Ki in the back also felt a shiver run down his spine when he saw the look on Joon-won's eyes. He felt he was being watched by a predator and felt pressure when he heard Joon-won's cold voice. He couldn't help but gulp in fear a little and only snapped out of it when San Min shouted at the middle-aged man. He could even see the female lead clenching her fists tight and standing like a robot. Turning to Joon-won, who had an expressionless face, he gritted his teeth a little and stayed alert.

The middle-aged man and Joon-won started again as the middle-aged man banged the table and told the dialogue, to which Joon-won responded in the same way. This time it didn't catch him off guard and he said in the same tone, "Just because you have money doesn't mean you can do anything you want CEO. Using your power to push us down and making things worse. We'll go to the police if you do this?"

Joon-won looked at all of them with the same smile. There were only three people on the opposite side, the heroine, her father, and the hero who stood at the end with a fierce expression.

"The police? What will you complain to the police about? Now, what will happen if the company files a report against you, even before you go to the police? Let's say that you have smuggled money from the company and that was the reason I fired you after finding it out. Do you know what's the punishment for this? Old man, what is the punishment again?" he turned towards Kar Jung.

"It depends on the money involved, young master. It can go up to life imprisonment and also land the family involved in enormous debt they can never recover from." Kar Jung responded with respect as he looked at the people in front of them. 

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"See, here that? Lifetime imprisonment. That's a lot. Are you sure you want to go up against me now? You are probably getting too old to even think now." he chuckled after hearing Kar Jung and looked at them. The smile on his face never left the whole time.

The middle-aged man gulped and was sweating. Suddenly, as the room went into silence, the hero rushed forward and banged both his hands on the table, and said, "Let's go to the police. Come on, If a thug like you can think anything is possible just because of money our country would have collapsed long ago. I'll fight you to death."

Joon-won laughed at hearing him and stood up. He walked to the front of the stage, facing all the audience, and said, "Now, the reason you are here is that you love that girl now, don't you. Wait, both of you are lovers." and looked back at them. The middle-aged man was stunned as he turned to look at his daughter, and the heroine stood there staring at them blankly. 

"Yes, we are lovers. We both love each other." the hero proclaimed only to get pulled back by the heroine. 

"No, no. This guy is just joking. How can we be lovers, when we both are going to get married? Nothing of that sort is happening, Mr. CEO." the heroine hurriedly tried to explain. Her face was full of panic, and she was scared out of her wits.

Joon-won ignored her and walked back to his chair before taking a seat. He looked at the middle-aged man, who was shocked as he looked at his daughter. 

"Don't look at her with that expression. Look at me." he knocked on the chair and ordered the man. The middle-aged man turned towards Joon-won with an expression that couldn't even be described properly. 

Joon-won leaned back in the chair and said, "Now, imagine how shocked I was. On a rare day off, I walk to the park thinking about the upcoming marriage and my life after that. I hear something very familiar and turn to see your daughter, my fiancee, sitting on a bench with an unknown man playing and flirting around. Imagine how shocked I was when I see her go up close and kiss him. Tell me what should I do?" he stood up as he shouted the last sentence with a fierce expression before banging the table. 

"Young Master, you don't need to get angry over people like this. Please have a seat and drink some water." Kar Jung spoke up as he gave him a glass of water. Joon-won nodded and sat back in the chair. 

He looked at the three, who all stood still in shock. The father was shocked to find out what truly happened and to find out how her daughter became. The hero who found out the truth of his lover and the heroine who found out that her fiancee knew that she had a lover. 

"Now, why are all of you silent? Come on, speak. Tell me what you have in your minds." Joon-won spoke out with a smile once again. But he got no response from all three of them.

"Now, if you three don't have anything to say, see yourself out. I have another business meeting to get to." he waved his hands and dismissed all three of them. All three of them did as they were told and walked out like three zombies. 

Watching their back disappear, Joon-won looked at Kar Jung and said, "Begin phase 2 of the plan and make their lives more miserable." To which Kar Jung nodded, and the scene ended. 

Joon-won walked off stage as the next scene involved the two leads and their family regarding what happened just now. Even though he was a villain, unlike in movies where a villain would have a lot of screen time, he didn't. Kar Jung had more stage time than him because he would plan everything about how to take down the family instead of him. 

Joon-won went to the table by the side of the backstage and took a glass of water from it before downing it completely. He felt good about the practice and was slowly getting the feel of it once again after so long. Kar Jung also stood beside him and drank some water. 

Both of them took a seat and Kar Jung looked at him and said, "You were going out of control out there. Were you trying to scare those people for real? This is the thing you should try and control a bit to make it into the movies." Before sighing. 

Joon-won nodded and kept silent. He knew he probably went over the top a little at the beginning, making the middle-aged actor fall out of rhythm a little. Jung-hwa would laugh if she could hear his thoughts. He was facing similar problems as she was. He simply closed his eyes and thought about the practice just now. It wasn't enough, and he had to do a better job going in the same tempo. The whole drama should be in one tempo and that was important for theatre. Now he was the one causing a few disruptions. 

The practice continued for the rest of the morning. He only had a few more scenes before the final scene of the drama in which he was alone on the stage thinking about how things unfolded. That scene turned out to be good because it was only him and was also the finale, so not restraining was a good thing because it gives a bigger impact.

After the practice ended, all the actors were in the backstage waiting for San Min to come through the door and dismiss them for lunch. As they expected, she did and looked at everyone in the room. Her eyes were as scary as ever as most of the people didn't dare look back at her in the eye. 

"Alright, that was a good practice just now. There were mistakes made by a few people on the stage, but that could be fixed. I want them fixed by tomorrow morning and no one is going home till they are. Alright take a lunch break for an hour and come back here so we can start again." and walked out with her assistant. Everyone in the room eased up and people slowly made their way out in groups. 

Most of the people brought their own lunch box but Joon-won, who woke up late and didn't get the idea, didn't cook, so he had to eat outside. Kar Jung told him to eat healthily and walked out of the backstage. Joon-won felt a hated stare towards him and turned to see it was actually Dokgo Ki. This made Joon-won confused. He didn't understand why the idiot was angry this time, so he just shrugged it off and walked out of the room. 

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