Rebirth: King to Superstar

Chapter 115 - Car Journey

Joon-won was on the backseat, looking outside the window while completely ignoring the rambling machine at his side. Since he got in the car, he ignored Hea-Jung's constant boasting and chatter. She hasn't stopped since he got on and was constantly talking about how good she was as a senior. 

He sighed and finally looked to the side and said, cutting her off, "Alright, Hea-Jung. Stop talking for a second. Now talk a deep breath and control yourself. It looks like you are getting cocky once again after coming here." Narrowing his eyes a little. Han Ju looked in the mirror at him after hearing his words.


Hea-Jung was startled a little when she heard him and said, "Of course I'm not getting cocky, my smartass junior. I am just telling about my experiences in the set so that they can be helpful for you. Come on, don't be that angry with me now." while averting her eyes a little. She was trying to show off towards him as she felt she had a little upper hand, but he found out. 

Joon-won took a deep breath and looked at the lying girl. He looked outside the window and said, "Do you know what you did wrong? I hope you do. Because you didn't even tell Do Hwan of all people." mentioning her abrupt decisions yesterday. Even though he was a little grateful for the role, he didn't like her doing things on a whim.

This time Hea-Jung hung her head down and apologized for her mistake, "I'm really sorry little brother. I just got too excited, and you also had the drama back there, so you wouldn't be able to pick my calls, anyway. That's why I decided on my own. Don't be too angry at me, I am sure you won't regret my decision." And her voice got lower and lower as she continued.

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Han Ju was about to speak up and try to refute Joon-won but stopped when she saw Hea-Jung sending her a glare through the mirror. She swallowed it and decided to just remain silent for the time being and talk with her in private. 

Joon-won didn't notice it and just remained silent. He had one leg over the other and his chin on his hand. He hummed for a second and replied, "It's alright if you understand. But you should at least think twice or even thrice before you do things from now on. If this goes on, you could make rash decisions that are nowhere good for you. So try to understand what I am saying and learn instead." 

"Next time you have anything like this for anyone, you should either give them a call before giving out promises. If I fail in this role tonight, that will not only look bad on you but also give me a very bad start in the industry. Both of us would have problems in the future. You would be seen as non-cooperative, which is important in this field and I would be seen as a dumb idiot who didn't use his chance well. So think properly next time." 

He felt a bit helpless at the girl. She only did what she thought was right, but she didn't think of the complications that would bring, and that was always a bad thing. But he could just start lashing out at her as if she was a young girl. She was an adult who had to be a little more responsible, that's all. So he hoped she would slowly learn from his numerous lectures.

"Oh, I am not at all afraid of you failing at all. I am very confident as your senior sister that you would uphold my face in front of everyone tonight. So you don't need to worry. But all aside, tonight is going to be interesting, don't you think? I mean, I am the detective hahahahaha, I get to interrogate you." With her hands on her hips, acting like a boss.

Joon-won looked at her before shaking his head and looking out again. He had no more energy to explain. The journey continued until they finally reached the restaurant. As they got down, Hea-Jung introduced the place.

"I come here almost every day or get orders. The food here is great. Come, let's go in." And she was about to walk in, she was stopped by Han Ju who held the helm of her shirt asking if they could speak a little. 

Seeing her expression, Hea-Jung turned towards Joon-won, asked to go inside and start ordering food as they had to speak about the shooting schedule in private a bit. Joon-won just shrugged them both off and walked into the restaurant. Hea-Jung looked at Han Ju after he entered the restaurant and asked. 

"What happened, Sister Han? You are acting very strange and I don't like it much. So make this very serious or I'll get angry." She was serious as she didn't like what Han Ju was doing. She noticed Han Ju was getting riled up about something and that it also had something to do with Joon-won.

Han Ju looked at Hea-Jung for a second and said, "It's not me who is acting strange. It's you. Why are you so... I don't know, docile? when you are talking to him. I mean, you even talk back to the director and everyone. But when it comes to him you are even apologizing even when you did no mistake." She just found it strange and was unable to accept the weird thoughts she had in her brain about the situation.

"Please don't tell me you are in love with him. That is very bad for you, Hea-Jung. You are just starting on your acting journey and things like this can become huge burdens in the process of things. So tell me now if you are. I don't want to be in the dark about things like this. Your mother trusted me to deal with all these kinds of things, and I can't let her down." 

Hea-Jung kept quiet, hearing all Han Ju said. She folded her hands and had an eyebrow lifted as if she was angry. But suddenly she started to laugh out loud. So loud that some people on the streets turned their heads towards them. Han Ju felt embarrassed seeing all the stares and said while pulling both of them to the side.

"Hea-Jung, do you think this is funny? Do not laugh like an idiot. Everyone is staring at us. This conversation isn't a joke at all." Acting very stern. She didn't like the stares they were getting, she didn't like Hea-Jung herself taking her as a joke, she also didn't like Joon-won. 

Hearing her, Hea-Jung went silent as her head was facing down. She whipped her hair up and looked at Han Ju with a very deadpan expression. She took a deep breath and said, "Then what? What should I think if this isn't a joke? Should I think you are crazy or something? Should we go to a hospital? Tell me?" Demanding an answer. Hea-Jung was feeling extremely unpleasant right now. She hated being stopped and questioned like this, especially when the questions are extremely dumb and idiotic like Han Ju's.

Han Ju, on the other hand, was taken back at the questions she heard and couldn't respond. This was the first time since both of them started working did she see Hea-Jung angry and deadly serious about something. She saw her angry, but never to the extent, she was seeing now. So she just kept looking at Hea-Jung to continue. 

So Hea-Jung did continue, "I don't know if you lost a part of your brain. Since yesterday you were very apprehensive about Joon-won and my decision. I know you are just caring about me and things, but do you think I'm dumb? Tell me. I might be a bit reckless, but I'm not dumb. I know what I am doing and I don't need to explain anything to you. But since you are like a sister to me, I explained to you what I thought, but you are still being like an ass."

Han Ju stammered a retort, "But, that guy isn't grateful at all. I mean, you got him a good role, but he is instead of scolding you. I haven't heard a single thank you from his mouth since he came here. Who does he think he is?"

"You think there is any need for him to thank me? You are being dumb if you think that. Do you want to know what he thinks of himself? He thinks of himself as the best actor in the world and I think he should. He would become the best actor and even if I didn't give this chance to him, he could still get a good role elsewhere to start off with his talents. This is just me doing things as someone who has high hopes for him and also as a friend." She didn't give Han Ju any chance to talk and just continued to walk back. 

"And you think I like him? Please, just after speaking and watching him for a few days, I knew he would never be interested in me, just like I won't be. So just shut your mind off and follow my orders till this ends." 

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