Rebirth of a Village Girl

Chapter 242: 094: The truth about plotting against Mo Hudie, torturing Li Xianxian_7

Chapter 242: 094: The truth about plotting against Mo Hudie, torturing Li Xianxian_7

Mo Qishen gave her an up and down look, “I’m just a worthless reject who’s had his engagement broken off, Miss Zheng. You’d better not waste your time on me.”

“No! You’re not worthless!” Zheng Xianjing declared firmly, “Even if the whole world looks down on you, I won’t! Uncle Mo, in my heart, you’re just like a hero!”

Only someone as blind as Zhao Jingrong would consider Mo Qishen worthless.

Just wait.

Soon there will be a day of regret for Zhao Jingrong!

At that point, she will be envied by everyone!

With this in mind, a light quickly flashed in Zheng Xianjing’s eyes.

“Hero?” Mo Qishen sneered with a curl of his lip, “May I ask what heroic deed

I’ve accomplished to move you? To make you so sure that I’m not worthless?”

Mo Qishen, to the outside world, is a complete loss.

No education.

No respectable job.

Every day he just idles about, waiting for death.

He is avoided by the spoilt rich girls in their circle.

Zheng Xianjing knows nothing about Mo Qishen, yet firmly believes that he isn’t worthless. These words are just too hypocritical! Zheng Xianjing is so set on him, she must have seen something that she’s not supposed to see.

In Mo Qishen’s heart, Zheng Xianjing and Zhao Jingrong who climbs and steps

on people are no different, both carrying a mask of vanity that is just nauseating.

Mo Qishen narrowed his eyes inconspicuously.

Zheng Xianjing continued, “Uncle Mo, I know you’re not worthless! One day,

you will rise to great heights!”

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“Stay away from me,” Mo Qishen said coldly with a disgusted look in his eyes,

“You’re just making me feel nauseous!”

Upon finishing his statement, Mo Qishen turned and walked away abruptly.

Zheng Xianjing was left stunned.

The development of events seemed a bit off.

She believed in Mo Qishen so much; he should be very touched. At this time, apart from her, there was no one else who would believe in Mo Qishen!

No way!

She can’t admit defeat so easily!

She must hold onto Mo Qishen tightly and get him to stay by her side.

Zheng Xianjing turned and followed Mo Qishen out the door.

As soon as she reached the lobby, she saw a very disturbing scene.

There she saw Ni Yang, the little wench, affectionately addressing Madam

Zheng as grandma.

Madam Zheng was beside herself with joy.

Zheng Xianjing knew Madam Zheng all too well, she knew Madam Zheng’s

smile was genuinely happy.

This damn old lady!

Does she even know who her real granddaughter is?

Ni Yang, that little wench, was absolutely shameless too, daring to call Madam Zheng grandma!

Who did she think she was?

Zheng Xianjing swallowed her anger and walked over to Madam Zheng with a smile, “Grandma, young Divine Doctor.”

“Xianjing is here,” Madam Zheng warmly took Zheng Xianjing’s hand, “Just look, I just acknowledged a younger sister for you. Don’t call me Divine Doctor anymore, it’s too formal, just call her sister, it’s much better.”

Madam Zheng genuinely liked Ni Yang, otherwise, she wouldn’t have said so.

Damn old woman!

Zheng Xianjing cursed Madam Zheng in her heart a thousand times over, but her voice was still soft when she said: “Hello, sister.

One should never hit a smiling face. Although Ni Yang knew Zheng Xianjing didn’t like her, she still greeted her with a smile, “Sister Xianjing.”

Zheng Xianjing didn’t want Madam Zheng and Ni Yang to be alone together.

Her intuition told her that if these two were left alone for a long time, something bad was bound to happen, “Grandma, it’s too stuffy in here. Let me take you out for a walk.”

“Ni Yang, you come too,” Madam Zheng pulled Ni Yang along.

Since Zheng Xianjing didn’t like Ni Yang, Ni Yang wasn’t going to make herself uncomfortable either. She wasn’t a masochist, “Grandma, you go with Sister Xianjing. I’m going to find Brother Mo.”

Brother Mo?

Zheng Xianjing narrowed her eyes subtly.

Was Ni Yang’s Brother Mo referring to Mo Qishen or Mo Baichuan?

It should be Mo Baichuan, right?

A social climber like Ni Yang would surely not see Mo Qishen as worth her time. Thinking about this settled Zheng Xianjing’s heart somewhat, and she took Madam Zheng out the door.

Ni Yang elegantly walked towards the right side of the lobby.

Here, Ni Yang had to admit to Li Xianxian’s superior socialising skills.

Li Xianxian, who was initially disliked by everyone, was now surrounded like a star among a crowd of rich young ladies.

“Miss Li, you really have a way to buy the limited edition ’Ice Skin Jade whitening moisturiser?”

Li Xianxian nodded, her tone gentle, “Yes, really. Why would I deceive everyone?”

“Miss Li, could you help me get one? I haven’t been able to buy a second one since I bought the first.”

“I want one too!”

“Me too!”

Li Xianxian raised her hand, “Don’t worry, one at a time. I have some connections with the boss of ‘Ice Skin Jade1,1 believe he will do me a favour.” The brand ‘Ice Skin Jade’ had already gained popularity in the upper social circles, especially the whitening moisturiser, which was highly sought after by this group of people!

Because the effects were just too good, and almost as soon as it was produced, it was bought out immediately!

Honestly, owning a bottle of whitening moisturiser was a sign of status in this circle!

Ni Yang’s moisturiser for the next month had already been ordered by a mysterious buyer. Looking at Li Xianxian’s confident look now, this mysterious buyer was probably her.

Seeing Xianxian’s confident look, Ni Yang lightly curled her lips.

Hmm, an opportunity to make money was in sight.

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