Chapter 182 - 182. Awakening Process

Away from the palace kitchen. Fu Xie Lan and Gu Yi made their move again.

Unlike before, right now they were just walking around, relaxing a bit. Busy in each other's thoughts.


"Gu Yi," called Fu Xie Lan.


"Do you believe me?"

"Why do you say like that? Of course, I believe in you," Gu Yi replied.

"What's wrong, Queen? You don't usually ask questions like that," said Gu Yi.

"Do you believe that I am human?"

"Whatever you say, I believe even if it's a lie," Gu Yi replied.

"But this time I'm serious."

"I know."

Fu Xie Lan's steps came to a halt.

"Alright, we better head back first," said Fu Xie Lan.

Gu Yi immediately lifted Fu Xie Lan's body, and at the same time, it rained heavily.




Arriving in the room, Fu Xie Lan then told all about it to the man, Gu Yi. everything, about her origin which is not really from this world, and about the real life of Fu Xie Lan who is the eldest daughter of the Zu kingdom.

The man listened to all of Fu Xie Lan's words without missing a beat.

"I don't care about all that, Queen," said Gu Yi hugging Fu Xie Lan's body, bringing the girl to lean on him. Regarding her being from a different world, Gu Yi had already guessed since when he first saw the soul cover rune seal on the girl's body.

To him, wherever the soul came from, it was the same. Because the two souls in the body that are currently resting on his chest are the souls of his queen. Just waiting for the seal to open and Yu Yi's figure will return.

Although his words seemed unconcerned, his current expression was really cold and frightening especially when she was telling about Fu Xie Lan's real torture.

"Do you want me to destroy this palace? Hmm?"

"No, it's not like that."

"They've made you suffer, Queen. Even if the entire human race bears the same burden, it will not be enough to repay what you feel."

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"Not for the moment."

"I want you to help me find my father, can you?" Fu Xie Lan asked slightly looking up at the man.

"Why look for him again? Isn't it ..."

"Just this once, please. The current state of affairs in the palace is very different from what I previously thought. I could have exacted my revenge if life in the palace remained the same as before, but he who rules now is not my father, you know he's someone else and strangely everyone seems to be fine with it," Fu Xie Lan begged the man.

"Maybe my father also has the answer to everything that happened here," added the girl again, deep in her heart she wished her father was still alive.

"Okay, if that's what you want," Gu Yi replied slowly kissing her neck.

"Let me rest tonight, Gu Yi."

Stopping his action, the man rested his chin on Fu Xie Lan's shoulder.

"Okay. Tonight I won't do it," Gu Yi replied kissing the girl's neck.

The two of them were silent, there was no further discussion.

Only the sound of raindrops filled the silence.

'Hao are you asleep?' asked Fu Xie Lan inviting Hao to speak.

'What is it, Miss?' Hao replied with a buzzing voice in the girl's head.

'Did you know anything about the tower in the forest before?' Fu Xie Lan suddenly remembered Hao telling her to be alert when around the tower.

'The snake skeleton?'

'You saw it too?' asked Fu Xie Lan.

No answer from Hao.

'Yes about that skeleton, have you ever seen a similar creature? I mean, I know it's a snake, but it's really weird for a creature like that to be there, and again that ball of light. I don't understand at all,' said Fu Xie Lan when she felt that Hao was reluctant to answer the previous question.

'I never saw it at all, Miss.'

'But one thing I do know, that creature is not from this world.'

'Regarding the ball of light that Miss saw, it is a new soul born into this world,' Hao explained one by one.

'A new soul?'

'That's right, Miss. A new soul is the result of human intercourse,' Hao said and at that moment the girl's cheeks turned red again.

Hearing Hao's words, it meant that she and Gu Yi too...

'It didn't like what do you think.'

'Huh? What does that mean?' asked Fu Xie Lan.

'There is no generating spell in your body, Miss.'

'What exactly are you trying to say? I don't understand,' Fu Xie Lan replied.

'What does Miss want to know?'

'Everyone, tell me everything you know,' Fu Xie Lan said. At this time the girl closed her eyes with her head resting on Gu Yi's broad chest.

'From all that Miss has seen, it is the process of awakening.'

'Reviving a dead being, especially if it's not from this world would require a lot of souls.'

'Why do you know that the creature is dead?'

'That's because of the resurrecting spell that comes with the souls that go to that tower, Miss.'

'And again, if the snake isn't dead yet. Then there will be no process as you see. it only requires a summoning spell and the creature will come without going through a complicated process like this,' Hao explained at length.

'Summoning spell? Is it that easy?'

'I don't know that much more, Miss. Maybe Miss can ask Huang Bao if you come back.'

Fu Xie Lan was silent for a moment, digesting everything Hao said.

'Then what did you mean by that?'

'Which one, Miss?'

'You're saying there's no awakening spell in me?'

'Indeed, Miss. Not like the man who is with Miss at the moment.'

'You mean in Gu Yi's body there is a generating spell?'

'That's true Miss, but it's weakened and it might be gone tomorrow. Not like when he just drank wine in the hall,' Hao explained again.

As soon as Fu Xie Lan seemed to be enlightened by her previous confusion, the wine containing the aphrodisiac was not given at random but was given to the chosen ones. An aphrodisiac that is also accompanied by a generating spell. The goal? It was clear to make it easier for those people to produce new souls due to the effects of the drug.

'So what about that soul.. that result... erm Gu Yi and I?' Fu Xie Lan asked a little embarrassed, but because of her curiosity, she was forced to ask it.

'Is that soul going there too?' added Fu Xie Lan again.

'No, Miss. Since the soul is not qualified, in Miss's body there is no generating spell,' Hao replied

'So where is the soul?'

'As for that matter, I don't know Miss,' Hao replied.

'Why don't you tell me everything?'

'You didn't ask me, Miss' Hao answered simply. As long as it doesn't endanger Fu Xie Lan's life, then Hao will remain silent.

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