Chapter 376 - 376. Looking For Mrs. Wang's Whereabouts

Immediately Fu Xie Lan rose from her position, with violet eyes flashing coldly, scanning everything she saw without a hitch.

"Where are you going?" Wan Lie asked when he saw his mother suddenly stand up, he also did the same.

"Looking for Madam Wang," Fu Xie Lan replied then stepped closer to the stairs.

"Me too, Xie Lan," Xue Ning immediately got up from her position, followed by Ju Xian and Xue Ying who also did the same with the girl.

Down the second floor, the four wizards simply followed where Fu Xie Lan's steps would take them all without asking a word.

The atmosphere outside the castle was getting dark, several men wearing the robes of the Wang family clan were seen passing by on the castle grounds.

Everything has only one purpose. Looking for Madame Wang's whereabouts, Even They don't seem bothered by the presence of Fu Xie Lan and company among them.

Suddenly someone approached Fu Xie Lan and managed to stop the girl's steps.

"Miss, sir. This is for you," said the man while holding out a pile of red robes in his hand.

"Young Master Chou asked me to bring this for you on the second floor, but I didn't find anyone there. I didn't expect to see you here," he added.

"Is that true? This is for us?" Xue Ning asked immediately grabbing the robe.

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"That's right, Miss. You are allowed to wear the robes of the Wang family clan," the man replied again.

"In that case, convey our thanks to Young Master Chou," said Fu Xie Lan interrupting.

By wearing those red robes, their existence would no longer be in the spotlight.

"All right, Miss. Then, I'll go first," replied the man and then withdrew.

Fu Xie Lan immediately put on the star-embroidered red robe, followed by the others. So they looked like a bunch of Vampires from the Wang family Clan.

"It fits perfectly on my body," said Xue Ning looking at her appearance from the toe.

"Where are we going now, Xie Lan?" the girl asked again when she had finished admiring herself.

Fu Xie Lan only glanced over at the origin of the voice.

"Earlier, Xie Lan already said that she wanted to find Madam Wang."

"I mean, where are we going to look for her? Whereas we don't know anything about this area," Xue Ning replied, rolling her eyes.

Ju Xian just shrugged his shoulders, because he didn't know where to go.

Since earlier, after wearing that red robe. Fu Xie Lan focused on the area around her. Using her eye abilities, finding Madam Wang's whereabouts was not difficult for her.

But unfortunately, what her eyes saw did not match her expectations.

Where did the woman go?

Fu Xie Lan's brow furrowed, as far as her eyes could see she couldn't find the whereabouts of the figure she was looking for.

chit... chit...

chit... chit...

The sound of the bird squeaking perched on her shoulder caught her attention. The bird was seen jumping there as if trying to convey something to her.

'Miss, up there,' Hao's voice suddenly buzzed in her head.

At that moment Fu Xie Lan looked up and at the same time she immediately shot out a blue ball of light.


"Mom...." shouted Zhou and a few others who happened to be in the same castle grounds as Fu Xie Lan.

Madam Wang fell from the top of the castle after being hit by Fu Xie Lan's mana ball. The clank of silver daggers sounded first hitting the floor of the main road that divided the courtyard, followed by the woman's body which fall.

And it managed to make everyone hold their breath.

"Xue Ning..."

As if understanding Fu Xie Lan's words, the girl immediately jumped onto her wand and moved, darting fast through the air towards Madam Wang.

A sigh of relief sounded as Xue Ning caught the woman's body.

Fortunately, Fu Xie Lan spotted Madam Wang's whereabouts a little sooner. If she was even a second late, she couldn't imagine what would happen to her.

Previously, Fu Xie Lan saw very clearly that Madam Wang wanted to stab her in the chest with the silver dagger in her hand. It's just that what the woman was going to do immediately failed because of her actions.

Immediately everyone moved closer to Xue Ning who had already landed on the castle grounds.

"Thank you, Miss," said Zhou bowing repeatedly. The man then led Mrs. Wang into the castle followed by the other vampires.

Leaving Fu Xie Lan and her four friends standing frozen in the castle grounds.

"Phew… That was close," Xue Ning said then grabbed the silver dagger that was lying right not far from her.

"I can't imagine what will happen if you don't find that woman soon, Xie Lan," Xue Ning said as she held out the silver dagger in her hand.

"Keep it, and give it to Zhou or Chou when you meet," said Fu Xie Lan.

"Hmmm... okay," Xue Ning replied then put the thing into her cosmic bag.

'Thank you, Hao. Thanks to you, Madame Wang was saved," said Fu Xie Lan to her magic beast spirit. Whereas previously she thought that her eyesight had problems because she couldn't find the woman, it turned out that Madame Wang was not in the area that her field of vision.

'It's not my doing, Miss, it's all because of the bird, I'm just trying to guess the meaning of its movements,' Hao replied.

Fu Xie Lan who heard Hao's words was silent, before, she did feel that the winged creature was trying to talk to her, only that she couldn't understand it and maybe because she wasn't used to its existence.

'Whoever it is, this time we've saved one life, Hao,' said Fu Xie Lan and the magic beast spirite just didn't respond anymore.

By now, it was night. The lanterns had already lit up several points of the castle courtyard.

Fu Xie Lan slowly walked towards the door at the right corner of the castle, and of course, the others followed.

They all returned to the second floor, choosing to rest earlier than usual.

Only the hysterical screams of a woman filled the silence of the night. However, they weren't bothered, for Zhou had already told them everything including his mother's condition.

So Fu Xie Lan and the others could only understand and try their best to ignore the voice.

Until the night was getting late, Wan Lie and the others were already asleep in their respective rooms. Except for Fu Xie Lan. Since entering her room, the girl did not feel the slightest sleepiness. Even though the last time she slept was only when she was in Kanca City.

Her eyes refused to cooperate with, kept her awake all night.

Standing on the edge of the window she had left half-open, looking outside, watching the activities of the Vampires at night.

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