Chapter 68 - 68. Magic Beasts Attack

And if she still hadn't stopped, maybe he would have been unable to protect her from the dragons.




Several dragon tails fly ahead of each other, and all are headed for Fu Xie Lan.

Hao had doubts about himself, he had now started to weaken maybe because of the few months he never rested and continued to fight the magical beasts that kept trying to annoy his Miss.

"Miss, wake up fast. We have to get out from here immediately," he didn't know how many times he had sent telepathy to his Miss but got no response.

He was already overwhelmed, but there was no other choice but to protect his Miss from the dragons and some magical beasts that had also surrounded them from all directions.

The harsh sighs that managed to escape Hao's lips sounded many times, it seemed that he had resigned himself to the situation. Maybe this was the end of his life as a magic beast. He then realized one thing. Getting a new Master did not guarantee that he would live long.

Several dragons that were spitting fire from their mouths were seen flying low. The fire that was released managed to make the cold river water become a little hot.

Even so, it didn't make Fu Xie Lan move from her place.

Hao who saw several magical beasts running towards Xie Lan immediately created a mana barrier to protect his Miss who was now surrounded by various types of magical creatures. Some beasts that approach the mana barrier appear to be scorched before they even touch the barrier, while others appear to be trying to enter it.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hao flew up, standing at the top of the barrier he created, he then prepared to face the swarm of dragons that were very close to him.

Now his form is no longer a cute little creature with thick fur. But a burly grown man.

Gathering the remaining mana in his body, he then flew off like lightning landing his feet on several dragons, in his hands there was mana in the shape of a stick that was so sharp on both sides, stuck it on the dragon's head, moving to another dragon slashing their wings turned to the tail until they could no longer fly. But that's still not enough.

Several other dragons then attacked Hao very brutally and managed to send the man's body collapse and causing trees to fall as far as his body was dragged, like a big road in the middle of the forest

A rumble sounded, lightning and thunder returned appear to each other. Heavy rain began to fall, but it did not affect at all the heat of fire emanating from the dragons.

Hao got back up with a swell of anger. If only the conditions were at their peak maybe the dragons were already lying on the ground.

Currently, his position was very far from Fu Xie Lan due to being dragged by the dragon's attack.

He then again tried to communicate with his Miss, but again to no avail.

His memories of his previous Master suddenly flashed through his mind.

Will the same thing happen again?

His memories of his previous Master suddenly flashed through his mind.

Will the same thing happen again?

His memories of his previous Master suddenly flashed through his mind.

Will the same thing happen again?

Not. He wouldn't allow that to happen again. If I'm honest, the master before Fu Xie Lan also experienced a similar incident to like this time, and the attack of a swarm of dragons that time also managed to make him sleep long, and only the last hundred years he woke up. But everything has changed. No more wizards entered the Dark Zore which made it difficult for him to find new masters and it weakened his body every year. Yes, it happened before Fu Xie Lan entered the place.

Hao flew up again, it seemed that several beasts had managed to break through the barrier he created, making him panic. He swiftly flew towards Fu Xie Lan, broke through the barrier, and removed the magical beast that was already very close to its Miss.

After a few seconds, Hao's body turned into an enormous giant beast. Looks to have fluffy fur like a rabbit that fills its body, two wings spread out with both legs having claws like an eagle, one head that looks more like a lion staring intently at a swarm of dragons, Two heads on the left and right with large beaks looks ready to prey on anything in front of him. This is the original form. His tier-three magical beast form.

The roar that came out of his mouth was like the roar of hundreds of lions, and it managed to make the ground tremble. Even so, none of the dragons looked frightened and on the contrary, turned around to spit fire fiercely. The roars of Hao and dragons filled the Dark Zore's night sky.

The rumblings and thunders sounded very small when compared to the roars.

But something was strange, All the magical beasts that attacked them stopped for a few seconds, then immediately attacked them blindly, attacking Fu Xie Lan to be exact regardless of Hao's presence.

Hao who is now in the air with his true form moves very quickly, twisting the tails of several dragons that he managed to grab and then throwing them at a very far place, occasionally he makes a protective shield to protect himself and his Miss from bursts of fire and attacks other magic beasts. Some of the trees around the waterfall were blackened from burning, the water that previously looked very clear now turned red because it was mixed with blood.

He managed to take down several dragons and other magical beasts, but the fire attacks intensified, all the magical beasts stared at Fu Xia Lan as if they were going to devour her right then and there.

Hao who tried to dispel all the magical beasts seemed to have reached the limit, he tried many times to make contact with his Miss but still in vain.

Because he was too busy protecting Fu Xie Lan that he didn't notice that some magical beast was aiming at him and it managed to break his wings and fall onto a large rock right beside Fu Xie Lan.

Seeing that, the other magical beasts didn't stay still and quickly gnawed and broke the protective barrier, several magical beasts were scorched on the spot due to being hit by the dragon's burst of fire. But it did not stop the movement of the other magical beasts.

Hao tried to get up but soon fell back down. His mana has been drained. Its body has now shrunk into a small beast with fur that has been mixed with red. His mana was drained, and he was seriously injured. Even to move is very difficult, fortunately, he fell on a large rock, otherwise, maybe by now, he is already having trouble breathing because he is submerged in water.

The barrier had already been shattered, the protective shield Hao created had also cracked. All the magic beasts attacked simultaneously and focused solely on Fu Xie Lan.

Fu Xie Lan was still in a calm state as if oblivious to the chaos surrounding her.

Hao who saw everything was now resigned again, although he wanted to help his Miss, desire alone was not enough. He's been badly injured.

The shield that was previously only cracked was now shattered, and all the magical beasts immediately scattered onto Fu Xie Lan's body which was covered in enormous mana, like a starving beast that suddenly found delicious food.

Hao who couldn't bear to see everything closed his eyes, he was very scared. Even now, tears seemed to escape his eyelids, drenching his blood-red fur.

Suddenly, enormous mana appeared from where Fu Xie Lan was, accompanied by light with some black mist flickering faintly.

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