Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 88 Fight Against The Rebels(3)

The elegant Princess Aurora stood amidst the chaos, her glowing bow radiating with ethereal light. Each time she pulled the string, a magical arrow materialized, hitting its mark with precision. It was a mesmerizing sight, her skill and grace captivating all who watched.

Pulling the string to the extreme, Princess Aurora loosed her grip on the arrow which then went on to its mark just as princess Aurora had imagined.

It was a spectacle to watch!

By Princess Aurora's side, Julia wielded a newfound weapon acquired from the Royal Museum. She unleashed a torrent of fiery spells, engulfing the encroaching monsters in a scorching inferno. 

Meanwhile, Babel Von Agnus valiantly carved his way through the creatures, his sword slicing through the air with deadly accuracy

All of them were fighting the monsters from the start and they were pretty exhausted by now, but they knew that they couldn't stop now so they held on challenging their limits.

In the midst of Princess Aurora's preparations to unleash another magical arrow, she sensed an impending threat hurtling towards her. Reacting swiftly, she chanted a protective spell, abandoning her bow, which dissipated into shimmering energy. 

"Spirit Guard!"

She clasped the ring on her left hand, conjuring a spiritual shield just in time to intercept the oncoming danger. 

Before she could even see what was approaching her, it met with her spirit shield and the force of the attack shattered her shield like fragile glass, leaving her momentarily vulnerable.

"Aurora!" Julia's voice rang out, her concern echoing through the battlefield. She frantically scanned the surroundings, searching for the assailant who dared to harm the princess. Dust swirled around Princess Aurora as Babel, alerted by the commotion, swiftly made his way to her side. 

As the dust settled, they discovered Princess Aurora, clutching a shield that had intercepted a spear aimed at her.

Rushing to her side, Julia anxiously asked, "Are you okay?" Meanwhile, Babel assumed a protective stance, surveying their surroundings with a wary gaze. 

Princess Aurora leaned on the shield, her expression a mixture of pain and relief. The shield had been a gift from her brother, stored within her ring and infused with spatial magic. Without its protective power, her injuries would have been severe.

"I thought that would be enough to kill you! But as expected of a princess, you have some 'good' items, huh?"

Unfazed by their concern, a voice pierced through the air, drawing their attention. A fiery-haired woman emerged from the shadows, striding purposefully towards them.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Julia immediately positioned herself in front of the princess, while Babel stood guard, his focus fixated on the approaching intruder.

With caution, Babel questioned, "Who are you?"

"Do you know what you just did? Attacking a student of the freljord academy that took the princess of the Mauryan Empire! You would be killed on the spot as a punishment!"

He emphasized the gravity of the situation, reminding the woman of the severity of her actions—attacking a student of Freljord Academy, particularly the princess herself, would be met with immediate and severe consequences.

"Punishment? Punishment is for the criminals, kid!"

The woman scoffed at Babel's words, her crimson gaze filled with defiance. "Punishment? Punishment is reserved for criminals, kid," she retorted, imbuing her spear with an ominous red glow.

"And unless you are caught, you are not a criminal!"

The woman said, gripping her spear.

Babel realized that reasoning with her would be futile and turned to Julia, silently conveying his intentions.

"You ready?"


Julia understood what he meant without the need to explain. 

Babel sensed the immense power emanating from the woman, an aura that he alone could not hope to overcome. The realization prompted him to make a crucial decision—they needed to work together.

Julia had also felt the same so she agreed with him.

"Support me," Babel instructed, his grip on the sword tightening. 

"Support? Please, I'll be the one to deliver the killing blow," Julia replied playfully, readying herself to unleash a spell.


However, before Julia could release her attack, the red-haired woman ignited her magic power, launching herself forward with incredible speed. In a matter of seconds, she closed the distance between them. Babel, caught off guard, managed to raise his sword with a grunt, but it proved futile. The woman's spear collided with his sword, propelling Babel through the air like a bullet from a gun.

Julia, witnessing the dire situation, acted swiftly. She unleashed her spell, aiming to provide the much-needed assistance.

The fire arrow, intended to strike the woman's shoulder, soared through the air with amplified power. Yet, to Julia's surprise, it seemed to vanish into thin air, leaving only a veil of smoke in its wake. 

The spell had failed to inflict any damage, leaving them momentarily disheartened. However, those few seconds of distraction granted Babel a chance to recuperate.

Babel was someone who was just a bit weaker than Zephyr, which meant that he was also a 4-star knight, there was no way he would stop after getting hit once.I think you should take a look at

Leaping forward, he closed the distance between him and the woman, swiftly slashing diagonally with his Lightbane Sword. 

His strike should have severed her flesh, rendering her immobile. But despite him trying his best he failed to inflict any damage to her.

The woman didn't even dodge the sword but he was unable to injure her and the red-haired woman's chilling smile persisted, sending shivers down Babel's spine. 

He couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that something was amiss.

In a split second, an intense surge of magic erupted from the red haired women, akin to a torrential rainstorm. 



Caught off guard once again, Babel was helplessly swept away by the overwhelming force, his screams stifled as he was hurled across the museum, crashing into a wall with bone-jarring impact. 

Princess Aurora and Julia watched the scene unfold, disbelief etched on their faces. They refused to accept that the academy's second-strongest cadet could be so easily defeated.


Despite his injuries, Babel managed to rise to his feet. His condition, however, was far from ideal. 

Concerned, Julia asked, "Hey, are you okay?" 

Babel, grimacing in pain, muttered, "I'm fine... kuu."

He needed time to recover, but time was a luxury they couldn't afford. The red-haired woman, her smile twisted and maniacal, was now advancing towards princess Aurora.

"Entertain me more!" she exclaimed, her words sending a chill down Julia's spine. 

  Julia's face stiffened with fear.



Fear tightened its grip around her as she realized the ineffectiveness of her attacks. Spell after spell was launched, fiery arrows and balls of flame, yet the woman pressed forward relentlessly, not even bothering to evade the attacks and unfazed by the assault.

"This isn't regeneration," Julia murmured, her thoughts clouded with confusion. 

Indeed, the woman before her possessed no extraordinary regenerative abilities; rather, her body exhibited an extraordinary resilience. Normal means of attack seemed futile against her sturdy form. Despair washed over Julia as she grasped the futility of their situation—none of her attacks were working, and the red-haired woman drew nearer with each passing second.

"Spirit Summon, Harth!"

Amidst the growing despair, Princess Aurora, clutching her wounded stomach, summoned a spirit in a desperate bid for assistance.

A magnificent stag materialized before them, emanating an aura of power. Witnessing its contractor in pain, the spirit bellowed fiercely and charged towards the assailant, its majestic antlers poised to strike. However, even the spirit's might proved futile. The red-haired woman, without even wielding her weapon, effortlessly caught the stag by the neck, lifting it high into the air.

"Harder….Try harder!"

"Harder... try harder!" the woman taunted, her grip on the stag tightening until it shattered, dissipating into the atmosphere. 


Princess Aurora let out a gut-wrenching scream, witnessing the demise of her long-time companion at the hands of this unknown woman. Her face drained of color as she realized that no one could save her from this perilous situation.


Just as despair threatened to consume her, a familiar voice pierced through the chaos, commanding her to move. 

Acting instinctively, Princess Aurora's body moved before she fully comprehended the situation.

Something flew past her and collided with the red-haired woman. 


A thunderous boom echoed through the room, momentarily halting the woman in her tracks. As Princess Aurora turned to behold the source of the intervention, her eyes settled on a young man brandishing a pitch-black rifle. 

Perhaps due to the urgency of the moment, he appeared more handsome to her than reality would warrant


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