Rebirth of the Strongest Dungeon Master

Chapter 125 Bloodshed


A hunter's scream echoed out, signaling the first blood had just been spilled. Then the sound of metal clashing and wind whistling intermingled.

The Homunculus shot arrows at dozens of hunters. Bat monsters the size of five meters swooped down and picked up hunters several times, carrying them into the sky, then dropping them from a height. Hundreds of homunculus armed to the teeth came out of the castle, breaking through the hunter's defenses.

Of course, the hunters didn't stand idly by as they were attacked by the enemy forces. They finished off every threat that came their way. Swords, axes, spears; every weapon in hand swung with full force. Tearing the flesh of the homunculus. Various magic was casted. Fire spurted in the air. Lightning flashed like snakes. The wind whistled and blew dozens of homunculus into the air.

They fought with all their might, as if they would not see tomorrow.

Cheng Ho along with his men looked drenched in sweat. The bearded man valiantly and relentlessly called for his men to keep their ranks tight.

The hunters of the Golden Dragon fought with burning fervor. They were at the rear blocking the rain of arrows with shields and magic. Their shiny golden armor was stained by blood. Ling Tian with bated breath swung his sword relentlessly.

So were the hunters led by Wang Yi. Although this guild was almost destroyed in the past, now they were no less savage than the other two guilds. The white armored troops implemented a concentrated strategy. The soldiers formed a circular formation and moved in an overwhelming manner to sweep away the enemies blocking their way. The snipers and casters cast various types of magic towards the sky to kill the bat monsters.

"Some of them follow me! Find a way up to the top of the defense wall, stop the enemy archer squad!!!"

After saying it, Wang Mei quickly ran towards the defense wall. The sound of her screeching took the attention of several Nine Sky members, one of whom was Guo Chen.

Dual blades clutched tightly in hand, Wang Mei ran through the ranks of soldiers, then scaled the wall with just her two feet. The homunculus didn't sit idly by with that woman in their territory. They quickly attacked her.

Slash! Slash! Slash!


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Instantly, blood spurted like a fountain. Body parts flew through the air and fell. What happened was that dozens of homunculus were killed by Wang Mei. The action of that woman attracted all the attention of the hunters. Ling Tian, who noticed that all the hunters were glued on Wang Mei, quickly took advantage of the situation.

"We still have a chance! Don't give up! Give it your all!"

After the charismatic man shouted, the air instantly became trembling. All the hunters roared like hungry tigers.

Guo Chen didn't want to be outdone either. "Didn't you hear! Let's go help the Leader!"

The black-haired young man ran through the sea of people. Dozens of Nine Sky members followed him. They tried to do the same as their leader, but they failed. Only Guo Chen was able to run on the wall. Those who witnessed it seemed to have shocked faces.

Guo Chen quickly approached Wang Mei and helped the woman fight against dozens of homunculus. They fought with their backs to each other.

"Sorry I'm late Miss Wang!" said Guo Chen. His face was covered in beads of sweat and splashes of blood.

"Focus on the battle. We can't go on like this!" Wang Mei replied by continuing to swing her sword. The two of them were not enough to face dozens of homunculus.

In the midst of facing the homunculus attack, Guo Chen was thinking of ways to bring the hunter army up.

"Earth magic! Someone use earth magic to make a ladder to the wall!"

From the other direction, came the hoarse and wise voice of an old man. The person who called out was Cheng Ho.

An earth element mage chanted a magic spell. The ground trembled and then it rose up gradually with varying heights. An earth staircase was formed .

"Finish off the homunculus above!" Cheng Ho screeched with all his might. All the air in his lungs came out and the muscles on his face tightened.

The Nine Sky hunters quickly ran in droves to the top of the wall. They helped Guo Chen and Wang Mei who were fighting alone. With emotions running high, they slaughtered the homunculus there.

The homunculus tried to block the incoming attacks, but they were pushed away. Swords and sharp objects slashed through their bodies. They screamed in pain, some of them crying while groaning. After the blood drained from their bodies, they collapsed and fell into the courtyard. Their bodies were trampled by the hunters.

Everything was chaotic and madness. Everyone was killing each other.

The homunculus continued to send themselves to death while watching their comrades one by one die horribly. It was as if they were born only to be sacrificed. Meanwhile, the hunters didn't care. They continued to mercilessly kill the human-shaped monsters. Some even seemed to enjoy this battle. They didn't realize that they weren't fighting for life, but for bloodlust.

"Sometimes, humans can be more terrifying than monsters."

Lawrance, the trickster homunculus, stood on the outskirts of the chaotic battle. He did not fight, did not call out, did not move an inch. He just stood watching all of this as if it were an interesting spectacle.

As a homunculus, he felt grateful to be a failed product. It meant he was getting further away from human form. Because, the perfect homunculus is truly the embodiment of a human being.

In his eyes, this was the sight of humans killing humans.

"Is that how you think?"

Without him realizing it, an unfamiliar voice interrupted his mutterings. Lawrance did not know a white-haired man had been standing next to him all along. His eyes opened wide when he realized it was the enemy.

Naturally, the old homunculus jumped away from him.

"Asshole! Who are you!" The cursing words escaped from his mouth.

Meanwhile, the white-haired man just chuckled.

"I'm getting tired of hearing that line," the white-haired man retorted.

Lawrance squinted. His enemy's behavior seemed arrogant. Of course this disgusted him. "What an ignorant human being. You think because I look old and weak, I can't fight? You're dead wrong."

"Even if you're strong, you can't beat me." Once again, the stranger's words made her sick.

Then, Lawrance laughed softly.

"You humans are not only stupid, but also blind. You are easily fooled by outward appearances. I will show you my true power."

Suddenly, Lawrance shook. His body slowly grew taller and bigger. Muscles began to appear on his legs, arms, and stomach. The wrinkled skin that covered his body tightened. The crooked spine turned straight.

The old homunculus became the size of an ogre.

However, the white-haired man laughed. It was raising questions and anger at Lawrance.

"What's so funny asshole!" Lawrance snapped as he pounded on the wall. Even so, the white-haired stranger was still laughing.

The man wiped away tears. "For a failed product you're hilarious. Just because you grew up like a gorilla can scare? Well, for a creature living at the age of corn you're really funny."

Emotions were unstoppable. This was Lawrance's greatest insult. Without warning, the homunculus shot out at high speed.


A loud bang sound was heard.

His eyes opened wide. He found the figure of a little blue-haired girl resisting his blow.

"A-aman!?" His face was wondering. Lawrance really didn't understand the current situation. The creature he had cared for so much was now on the enemy's side.

"What the hell is this Aman! Why are you defending that guy!" Lawrance shouted.

In a casual tone, the little girl replied, "To help my master, of course."


By now, Lawrance was completely immersed in confusion. Everything was turning out to be absurd. Monsters should only be loyal to their masters. They would never empathize let alone swear allegiance to humans.

"Who are you really...?" Lawrance looked at the white-haired man.

However, the man ignored him.

"Aman... kill this disgusting creature. I leave it to you," the man said.

"Yes, my lord," Aman replied.

Hearing the word 'lord' from Aman, Lawrance instantly frozen. That title was only shown to the strongest entity in the dungeon. The Dungeon Master.

The man walked into the castle casually. While Lawrance could only watch him slowly vanish.

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