Rebirth: Once Again With You

Chapter 203 Li Jirong's Secret

That night, Li Caiyi checked her phone for the nth time, but there was still no response from Dai Zhiqiang. How busy could a person get to not checking his phone for over 24 hours?

She was even afraid that he probably got scammed and was being sold to some shady places. Although knowing Dai Zhiqiang's personality and fighting skills, she thought the kidnappers would have a hard time doing that. She was just being paranoid again.

"Less thinking, and do more! Just like everyone says!" Li Caiyi pumped her fist before decisively dialing Dai Zhiqiang's number.

Her heart was beating nervously in her chest while waiting for the call line to be connected. However, she had to swallow her disappointment when the call was directed to a voicemail.

"What now?" Li Caiyi racked her brain, weighing down her options before she finally opted for leaving a voicemail for him.

"Zhiqiang? How are you? I hope you are not working too hard and that you have been eating properly. I heard from Shenqiang that your father's condition has improved too. Thank goodness. I have been trying to reach you for a while, but I couldn't get a hold of you. Please contact me if you received this voicemail."

Li Caiyi paused briefly before shyly adding, "I miss you. I want to hear your voice and talk to you. Please always be careful and come back soon. Good night."

Li Caiyi heaved a sigh of relief after saying her piece. That was so awkward, but at least she conveyed what she felt. She wasn't exaggerating when she said she wanted to hear his voice. Hopefully, he would call her as soon as he opened her voicemail.


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Li Caiyi was shocked and almost dropped her phone when it suddenly vibrated in her hand. Her heart skipped a beat, but she had learned her lesson not to expect too much, so she checked on the sender with moderate hope.

"What, it's just Gu Xue." Li Caiyi clicked her tongue in annoyance. She recalled the last task she had given to that woman, and she was supposed to be thrilled to receive some news from him. However, having to chat with Gu Xue just blew away that excitement.

Li Caiyi opened the message, and the first sentence from Gu Xue stupefied her.

[Gu Xue: I promise I will break up and never get associated with your father anymore. Can you please let me go with this? I don't want to get involved with him anymore].

In her previous life, Gu Xue latched herself to Li Jirong's side like a blood-sucking leech and refused to back down no matter what. She didn't even think of stopping his relationship with Li Jirong, even after Li Caiyi threatened her. That kind of shameless woman now wanted to end everything with her father because of what she found?

Gu Xue also sent several pictures along with that message. Li Caiyi gulped down before she opened the first picture. The first thing she noticed was the document's date. The year showed it was printed almost ten years ago. Why would Li Jirong keep an old document like this sneakily in his office?

Most of the document was filled with medical terms and jargon that she didn't understand, so she skimmed almost the first half. She roughly understood the document as some kind of medical research report about a type of drug called M-0353.

However, when she opened the following picture, she gasped in shock.

In that picture was a document about Li Chunhua's health information, but what shocked her wasn't that part. Under Li Chunhua's name was a combination of letters and numbers. It stated that her sister was one of the test subjects.

Li Caiyi quickly opened the next picture, and the description detailedly explained Li Chunhua's growth. Looking at the year, it didn't look like this was something that had just been started. The range of time started around 1 year after the twins were born.

Li Caiyi read all the rest while trying her best to keep her phone steady because her hand was trembling so much right now. She thought she couldn't be more surprised, but what it said on the last page made her seethe in a rage.

"Overall, the test subject showed a significant improvement in learning comprehension, but the side effect still needs more research. The test subject is highly unstable and weak, caused by the massive stimulus in her brain because of the drugs. While the purpose is to enhance a human's brain capability to the fullest, whether the test subject could keep her emotional stability is arguable. Prolonged use of the drugs could enhance the brain's capability but also the possibility of killing healthy brain cells.

Although the test subject didn't show any terrible symptoms, the test subject is prone to an emotional disability, and her development becomes more stagnant in the long run. A careful approach needs to be issued to avoid the worst-case scenario, where the test subject becomes 'broken', defeating the brain-enhancement program's purpose. We demand to increase the test subject dosage for more thorough research regarding the subject's limit?"

Li Caiyi read it aloud unconsciously because she couldn't believe what she had just seen. All this time, she thought that Li Chunhua's abnormality came from their family's unusual situation. She felt that as long as her sister got a psychologist to help her, her condition would get better.

"Who would have thought that there is such a thing….happened all this time? Haha…ha," Li Caiyi laughed emptily, but her heart felt like it was crushed under a heavy weight.

In the past, Li Caiyi always reminded Li Chunhua to take her medicine properly, and her sister would happily oblige every time, without knowing the real identity of those medicines given by their shitty father.

Li Caiyi didn't know how a human could do something even a beast wouldn't do. Even a beast should have felt a familial connection to its offspring. Li Caiyi was dreadful when she thought about how that man felt nothing, even when he pushed her daughter to her demise. He really thought of his daughters as nothing but commodities.

"Xiaohua… My poor sister…." Li Caiyi's eyes were watery, and her tears dropped uncontrollably when she imagined how obliviously happy she was—everyone was. She didn't even have a spare room to be furious at Li Jirong because she was just filled with sadness for Li Chunhua.

Li Caiyi wasn't prepared for such a huge and shocking revelation, so she curled herself on her bed and wept for a while. She wondered what had happened to Li Chunhua in her past life. On top of getting considerably weakened from the prolonged consumption of harmful drugs, she also got poisoned in the end.

"No, I can't cry like this. I need to come up with something. It isn't too late right now. Yeah, I just need to stop this before it gets out of hand."

Li Caiyi was aware of what she should do, but her brain just refused to cooperate. To begin with, she wasn't that smart, and her current heartache didn't help her situation.

At that moment, she heard a knocking sound from the door, followed by a bright voice of Li Chunhua.

"Xiaoyi? Are you busy? I have something I want to talk to you about."

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