Rebirth: Once Again With You

Chapter 208 Detective Tang's Plea (3)

When Li Caiyi finished explaining everything, she was so parched even though she had drunk half of her ice lemon tea. As she took another sip of her drink, Detective Tang looked deep in thought. His brows creased in a slight frown while his index finger was tapping the table.

"I think I have a clearer perspective of what kind of man Li Jirong was. Thanks for your help, young lady."

"I'm glad to be a help, but what do you think of my father?"

"No offense, but he is just scum to me. Your family should get rid of him soon," Detective Tang answered with a straight face, which strangely looked funny to Li Caiyi.

"I agree with you. I was waiting for the best time to get rid of him, and that time will soon arrive."

"Yeah? Well, I believe you have your own plan regarding that. Just like you said, if he really is a control and reputation freak, then the evidence of his affair would be enough of a reason to get rid of him. Be careful not to slip up about the 'other things, though."

Li Caiyi nodded. "I know. I just can't stand having that man around my sister anymore."

"The medicines your sister took, can you give me a sample of it? I will ask one of my friends to check the component first. I have some ideas regarding that, but let's not expect too much and wait for the result to come out first. In the meantime, I advised you not to stop your sister from consuming it."

"What? Why?! When we clearly know it's harmful to her?" Li Caiyi angrily countered, with her eyes bulging wide. "Do you expect me to just sit and watch my sister consume a harmful substance like that?"

Detective Tang wiped the sweat on his temple before he answered. "Calm down, young lady. I also didn't say this because I like to see something happen to your sister. However, there is a chance of a side-effect occurring if she suddenly stops taking it. That's why I said we shouldn't assume things for now and wait until the lab result is out."

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Li Caiyi was conflicted upon hearing that. Half of her still wanted to roar at him for suggesting that ridiculous idea, but her other half, which was more rational, couldn't deny that possibility. Torn between the two, she could only sit down again while pressing her lips into a hard line.

"I know this wouldn't be easy for you, but sometimes we have to retreat a step to advance two steps. I promise to get the result out as soon as possible, then we can think about our next step, okay?"

Li Caiyi sighed. "I don't see any better options here, so I'll do as you say. I'll get you the sample, so please check it as soon as possible. And also…" She hesitated a bit before continuing, "How much would it take? To inspect this medicine surely would require a hefty sum, right? I might not be able to pay it now, but I assure you I have my own way to get money. I promise I will pay you as soon as I have it in my hand."

Detective Tang blinked his eyes a few times before he burst out in laughter. "You hesitate so much, so I thought you had something serious to say, but you were thinking about payment all this time?"

"W-why are you laughing?" Li Caiyi's cheeks heated from being laughed at so boisterously.

"I mean, normally, people would ask me to pay for the information they gave, not the other way around. I'm the one who begged you to tell me what you know, but you were considering paying me for it instead. You are a very interesting girl, indeed." He replied while wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes.

"That honest side of you is adorable and funny; I can't help but laugh."

"Y-you are making fun of me. I'm seriously troubled over that…."

"I appreciate your concern, but there is no need since the one running the lab is one of my old friends, so you don't have to pay me for that. However, I will still take the payment for my initial task." Detective Tang said while winking at her. "And don't forget the bonus you have promised me, too."

Li Caiyi: "...."

Just when she thought her perspective of him had changed entirely, he had reverted to his playful self again. Li Caiyi felt a headache, knowing that they would contact each other more often in the future.


After her business with the detective was done, Li Caiyi went back home with slumped shoulders. Although Detective Tang told her not to worry too much, how could she do that when the source of her worry would hover around her 24/7 every day? Unlike her confused state last night, now she knew what her task was, so at least this talk didn't end up too badly.

"Xiaoyi, you are home already. Wasn't Xiaohua with you?"

The moment she entered the house, Su Suyin's worried voice was the first thing she heard. Li Caiyi, who had just arrived, knew nothing about it. "No? We weren't together this afternoon. Hasn't she come home yet?"

"She's not home yet. I thought she would be with you for sure," Su Suyin sighed. "That girl often went out by herself lately. She usually liked to stay home more."

Li Caiyi couldn't agree with that because it wasn't like Li Chunhua didn't like to go outside, but it was because Su Suyin mostly tried to keep her indoors.

Li Caiyi didn't notice this immediately, but could it be that Li Chunhua was using her as an excuse to go out? If yes, then she probably had blown her cover.

"Ah, now that I think about it, I think she said something about having a class committee meeting after class. Perhaps the meeting went longer than usual? Mother, have you tried reaching for her phone?"

"Of course, but she didn't pick up her call. That's why I'm worried."

Li Caiyi smiled gently. These days, her mother has slightly changed. She usually would just blame her right away if she couldn't hear anything about Li Chunhua after some time, regardless of the reason, but now she would ask her kindly first.

Aside from that, Su Suyin also took Li Caiyi's opinion seriously before helping her to decorate her new room. Since Li Caiyi wasn't the type that particularly cared about the interior, her mother took the initiative to make it more suitable for her, and she was content with the result.

Li Caiyi could see her effort to mend their mother-daughter relationship without pestering her too much, which was already enough for her.

"Mother, don't worry too much. Xiaohua probably just forgot to check her phone again. If she hasn't come back in an hour, I will go to the school to check on her."

"Oh…" Su Suyin looked at Li Caiyi hesitantly before she shook her head. "No, you just came back as well. If Xiaohua really doesn't come back in an hour, I'll ask Jie to check on her. Have you eaten yet?"

It amazed Li Caiyi when her mother said she would rather ask Li Junjie to go instead of her. Because usually, no one would dare to disturb her brother once he had gone into a seclusion mode, which generally happened after school until dinnertime.

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