Rebirth: Once Again With You

Chapter 233 First Book

Li Chunhua spent the entire afternoon with Li Caiyi and Shao Jingfei in the cafe. They would play with cats, and Li Chunhua and Shao Jingfei would occasionally argue again, but Li Caiyi was always there to intervene. It had been a while since she could spend her time leisurely like this.

"But seriously, why do I never see any customers coming here? I have been here a few times, but I have seen no other customer except for that one guy whose name I have forgotten." Li Chunhua commented.

"Well, business is like a wheel of vehicles. Sometimes it's up, and sometimes it's down." Shao Jingfei replied casually while rubbing a cat's head on his lap.

"Spare me your excuse. You are just too lazy to advertise this place."

"Well, I have no idea what else I can do, and it's not like I'm doing this for money, so it's okay."

"But it's just a waste! If you can put your brain and back into it more, you'll receive more income." Li Chunhua stubbornly added.

"Geez, what's wrong with you all of a sudden? Do you suddenly want to play the role of businesswoman here? This place is fine the way it is." Shao Jingfei chuckled, feeling entertained by Li Chunhua's pseudo-motivational speech.

Li Caiyi watched them arguing in silence when Li Chunhua suddenly dragged her onto the topic. "Xiaoyi, you also agree with me, right?"

"Ah? Yes?" Li Caiyi asked in bewilderment.

Li Chunhua sighed. "You are not listening at all. I'm talking about how this place will be much more popular with a little touch here and there!"

"Well…" Li Caiyi didn't understand much, but she tried to give her opinion. "I think the most fundamental problem is the location. It's too deep in the secluded alley where people seldom pass by."

"That's a naïve thought," Li Chunhua harrumphed. "Indeed, a suitable location is crucial to a business, but there are many famous places in a secluded spot that still has a lot of recognition. As long as you advertise and do the marketing well, even a local grocery store could be better than this cafe!"

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"Ouch, way to stab me where it hurts," Shao Jingfei feigned a hurt expression while clutching his chest.

"I feel frustrated whenever I see you being so relaxed. It's because you are too laid back that this cafe is too laid back in its operation."

"I'm not a businessman. What can I do? I'm just a pure teenage boy who loves reading a lot. How should I know about stuff like this? And I earned enough from my editor job. There's nothing to worry about."

"See? That complacent side of yours is what's frustrating about you." Li Chunhua put her hand on his temple before mumbling in a small voice, "You can do so much better if you try a little, stupid…."

Her voice was so small that only Li Caiyi, who sat beside her, could discern it, and honestly, she was stunned when she heard that. It was strange to hear Li Chunhua cared so much about someone else but Li Caiyi. She didn't hate this surprise, though. This confirmed her suspicion that Li Chunhua did change after interacting with Shao Jingfei.

'Jingfei is a bright and positive person, so that's probably why?' Li Caiyi thought inwardly.

"Oh yeah, don't you guys forget something today?" Shao Jingfei asked with a pout.

"What?" Li Chunhua tilted her head while Li Caiyi also stared at him curiously before an idea hit her.

"Ah! I almost forgot! My printed book!" Li Caiyi exclaimed, causing Shao Jingfei to flick his finger while grinning.

"Bingo! Since yesterday, I have been waiting for you guys to mention it, but the timing is always off, so I couldn't mention it."

"Sorry, Jingfei! I'm supposed to pay more attention to it."

"Relax, Caiyi, it's no big deal. Although, it will be a waste if you guys miss this chance. I'm sure this book will gain attention once it is launched!" Shao Jingfei opened his bag and took out a paper-covered book from inside it.

"This is Li Caiyi's official first book. Behold, it's light of glory!"

Li Caiyi's heart skipped a beat, and she nervously received it with her two hands. After swallowing her saliva, she nervously unwrapped the package. That was her first time seeing her work in the hard-copy version for the first time. Under the title, there was the pseudonym she chose for herself, 'The Little Bird.'

"Xiaoyi, this is amazing! It's the real deal!" Li Chunhua jumped in her place excitedly.

"Ye-yeah. I still can't believe it even now," Li Caiyi smiled shyly before caressing the surface of her book fondly.

"Hehe, you guys are surprised, right? The first batch of the book is scheduled to be released next week, so this is the first sample. I especially fetch it for you."

"Wow! I have read the digital version, but I want to try reading the book version too after seeing this." Li Chunhua's eyes sparkled in delight and excitement.

"Pfft, look at you. You have been completely converted into Li Caiyi's fan now." Shao Jingfei smirked teasingly.

"Cough, shut up, you…." Li Chunhua blushed a little while coughing awkwardly.

Li Caiyi hugged the book tightly to her chest, and an overwhelming amount of happiness and warmth drowned her. It was so much that she couldn't find the right words to say.

"Thank you, Xiaohua, Jingfei. You don't know how much this means to me." Li Caiyi smiled sincerely.

Her sister's smile of pure joy moved Li Chunhua. This might be the first time she saw her sister look genuinely happy. It beat every smile she had shown so far, giving Li Chunhua a bittersweet feeling.

If it weren't for their family, there was a possibility that Li Caiyi could show that smile more often. Li Chunhua wanted to be the one that made her smile like that, but it seemed there really was no need for her to interfere. Her sister was capable of becoming happy just by being herself.

'What about me, though? What can make me happy? Where is my happiness?' Li Chunhua wondered inwardly.

Meanwhile, Shao Jingfei grinned from ear to ear. "No problem! I'm your editor and your number one fan. It's my pleasure to be able to work with you!"

While they were happily chatting about the new book, a chiming sound came from the door. It was a sound produced whenever a new customer came in, so the three jerked their head simultaneously in reflex.

Standing at the entrance was Meng Renshu, who had already changed into a casual outfit. He waved at them with a refreshing smile on his face.

"Hello, everyone. You guys seem to have fun. Can I join you?"

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