Rebirth: Once Again With You

Chapter 311 You Are The Decision Maker

Dai Guang arrived at the hospital about 4 hours later. The first one Dai Zhiqiang noticed upon his arrival was his formal outfit. Considering how he said he needed to take care of his business first before visiting, Dai Zhiqiang didn't think much of it.

"Uncle Guang, you are here. How are you?" Dai Zhiqiang asked.

"As you can see, I'm healthy and kicking. I see you are in good shape as well."

"Yeah, thankfully. Is your business finished already?"

Uncle Guang nodded. "I tried to come here as soon as possible, but it still took me a lot of time. More importantly, how's my brother's condition?" Dai Guang asked as he glanced at Dai Bolin, who was sleeping soundly.

"Father is resting and currently in a stable condition. However, he was very weak and needed surgery as soon as possible."

"I see. My brother is such a stubborn mule, so I understand it must be hard to convince him not to overwork himself. I already said he should have just done business with me by investing, but he has to choose the difficult way." Dai Guang shrugged.

"Father is just worried since he still has us to think about. There is a lot of shady dealing nowadays, and he wants to be careful."

"You can't hit big if you don't take the risk. My big brother is too old-fashioned and uptight. That's why he ended up in this condition. Alas, I have warned him."

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Dai Zhiqiang almost wanted to roll his eyes if he didn't remember that they still needed this person's help. He just had to endure his Uncle's attitude.

"Speaking of my father's condition, how about the thing I talked about on the phone before, Uncle?" Dai Zhiqiang asked hesitantly.

"Ah, about that? I already got it covered. You don't have to worry about anything." Dai Guang laughed merrily as if he had just remembered something funny. Then, he pulled out a piece of paper from his bag before giving it to Dai Zhiqiang.

"But first, I'll need you to sign this first."

"What is this, Uncle?"

"It's just some kind of agreement paper. You see, I didn't do my business alone. I have few friends involved in this, and although I'm sure they won't mind helping, it doesn't feel right to make some money without signing an agreement first. I already put mine, so you only need to put yours."

Dai Zhiqiang's eyes scanned the whole document as he listened to his Uncle's explanation.

p The agreement basically contained the terms and conditions for loans. It was pretty fair, and Dai Zhiqiang didn't see anything strange with it.

The amount of money stated on the paper was enough to make his mind go blank. It was much more than the amount the doctor gave him. He gulped nervously because that was his first time looking at such a tremendous amount of money.

The younger man knew his Uncle was pretty rich, but he didn't realize his business earned this much.

"Uncle, are you going to borrow the company money for this?"

Dai Guan sighed before smiling regretfully. "After talking to you, I immediately checked how much I had right now. It was such bad timing that I almost used all of my money for a vacation trip to Europe a week ago. So I talked to my friends about it, and they agreed to help us."

Dai Zhiqiang felt conflicted after he heard that. He did say they needed a lot of money, but he was intimidated by the amount of money.

"What are you hesitating for? Time is ticking, Zhi. Your father needs this money as soon as possible." Dai Guang urged him.

"Maybe we should take a loan for a lesser amount first? I'm not confident we can return such an astronomical amount."

Dai Guang wrapped his arm around Dai Zhiqiang's neck before grinning. "Zhi, you are underestimating your Uncle. I will receive more money after our next project is launched. At that time, the profit will be enough to cover the loan. Of course, I will not let you or Shen shoulder the debt alone. As an uncle and a brother, I will not let my family do that."

"But still…"

"Zhi, this is the only way I can come up with. You will have to borrow money from the bank otherwise, and the interest will be huge."

Dai Guang released his hold on his nephew before taking a few steps away. "However, you are the decision-maker here. I won't force you if you don't want to. You know what's best for your father."

Dai Zhiqiang glanced at his father's pale face and pressed his lips into a hard line.

Based on the doctor's explanation, the more the surgery was postponed, the more dangerous it would be for his father. There was no time to hesitate.

Below everything was Dai Guang's sign and handprint, so it eased him a little. The amount was pretty high, but he was sure additional money wouldn't hurt. Their father would need follow-up treatment after his surgery, and it would cost a lot too.

He clenched his hand into a fist tightly before asking Dai Guang.

"Do I just have to sign it here?"

"Yes. I have finished the troublesome procedure beforehand. After you sign this, the money will be transferred to me. We can even apply for that surgery today."


Dai Zhiqiang used the pen his Uncle gave him and put down his sign. He also left his fingerprint after that.

"Nice. Now my brother will be alright. I'm proud of you, my nephew." Dai Guang patted his shoulder before he took the paper away from him. "Now, leave the rest to me."

"Uncle, will you be here when Father is having his surgery?"

"Of course. I can't let my nephews wait anxiously by themselves, right? No matter how busy I am, I would never do such a thing."

Dai Zhiqiang didn't know why, but he felt more relieved. His Uncle was the only adult they could depend on, and his presence brought a sense of security to him.

"Thank you, Uncle Guang. I don't know what we will do without you."

"Haha, you are as serious as always. I already said that it's natural for families to help each other, right?"

Those were his last words before he said goodbye to take out the loan.

A few hours later, Dai Zhiqiang received a message from Dai Guang, telling him that he had paid the surgery fee and taken care of everything. The rest of the money had been sent to Dai Bolin's bank account.

Dai Zhiqiang could only calm down when he confirmed it with the hospital staff.

Unbeknownst to him, that was the last contact he would have with his Uncle before he completely disappeared.

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