Rebirth: Once Again With You

Chapter 349 Interrogation

Both Dai Zhiqiang and Lin Xiang rose from their seats in alarm. Lin Xiang clicked his tongue in annoyance as he glared at the guy standing at the door.

"Can't you guys deal with one or two rats on your own? Why do you have to make such a fuss about it?"

"Senior Lin, those people came in a group, and it caused a big fight. Please come and direct us!"

Lin Xiang straightened his blazer before walking out of the room with a grim face. "What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

"Senior Lin, I'll stay here." Dai Zhiqiang called out to him in haste before glancing at the sleeping Ye Zhong on the couch.

Lin Xiang nodded his head briefly. "Yeah, you stay here with Young Master. And you, lead the way. I'm curious to see who is so daring to seek their death early by provoking us!"

The man who came for Lin Xiang gulped at the sheer killing aura he exuded. He dared not to stall for more time and quickly stepped forward. "This way, Senior Lin!"

After they left the room, Dai Zhiqiang closed the door and turned the lock so nobody could barge in so suddenly again. He was sure Senior Lin and the other member could take care of the intruders without his help. He should focus more on protecting Ye Zhong.

This kind of group fight happened occasionally. However, today's case seemed a bit special because it forced Lin Xiang to take the matter into his hand.

Usually, this kind of matter was taken care of by lower-ranking members, not the senior ones like Lin Xiang.

"I wonder what happened outside?" Dai Zhiqiang muttered to himself.

"Hmm, I want to eat pancakes…." Ye Zhong murmured softly. For a moment, Dai Zhiqiang stiffened, but he eventually relaxed when he heard the kid's even breath. It would be troublesome if Ye Zhong were awake now.

Then, Dai Zhiqiang noticed how the kid kicked his blanket, exposing his round stomach. He walked over and was about to cover him again with a blanket when he heard the sound of footsteps.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It didn't come from the hallway but from outside the window.

Everyone should be busy calming down the commotion outside. If a person was sneaking around outside the window, it could only mean one thing.

'The intruder is here?' Dai Zhiqiang squinted his eyes while approaching the window slowly. The sound of approaching footsteps and grass rustling was getting louder.

Dai Zhiqiang waited for his chance. When he was sure the intruder was standing outside the window, he blasted the window open in one push.

He thought he would find a face full of shock from the intruder, but the lawn beyond the window was empty with no one in sight.

Dai Zhiqiang looked around vigilantly, spreading his gaze to every blade of grass on the lawn to catch any suspicious movement. But even after some time passed, he couldn't see anyone.

He was still skeptical and refused to lower his guard, but he slowly closed the window again.

'Is it just my imagination?'

Dai Zhiqiang hadn't finished thinking when a figure suddenly appeared from above before him and sent a kick his way. That figure was clad in a black outfit while wearing a black mask.

He moved fast and nimbly like a cat as he hung from the roof of the second floor, then used his hold and falling motion to swing his way into the playing room from the window.

It happened in a split second; Dai Zhiqiang almost couldn't react in time. He barely avoided it by moving his head to the side, but the kick still grazed his cheek.

The intruder used the chance where Dai Zhiqiang stepped aside and barged into the room. He jumped and landed neatly on the floor, almost leaving no sound.

Dai Zhiqiang, who finally regained his wit, glared at him. "Who are you? What are you planning?"

The intruder didn't answer and ran towards the sleeping Ye Zhong, who was fast asleep in the middle of the room.

His action spoke louder than his words. Dai Zhiqiang immediately knew his motive and chased after him. Unlike previously, this time, he could react adequately and move fast.

Before the intruder's hand could touch the sleeping Ye Zhong, Dai Zhiqiang had grabbed it and used his momentum to tackle the intruder aside. Both men fell unceremoniously to the floor.

They wrestled while rolling around on the floor to gain an advantage over others by punching, pushing, or simply headbutting against each other. Rather than a fight, it was almost like a wild brawl instead.

The intruder showed strong resistance, but Dai Zhiqiang slowly got the upper hand with his superior endurance. It didn't take long before he managed to apprehend the intruder and pressed him to the floor with both of his hands locked behind his back.

"Tell me, who are you, and what are you trying to achieve by kidnapping a kid?" Dai Zhiqiang growled.

The intruder refused to speak, so Dai Zhiqiang had to hold him with one hand while using the other to take out his favorite swiss knife from his pocket. Without any mercy, he stabbed the tip of its knife into the intruder's thigh.

"Arrghh!" The intruder shrieked in pain, breaking the calm facade he had early on.

Dai Zhiqiang wasn't perturbed by his scream of pain as he coldly looked down at the intruder. "This knife will dig deeper if you don't answer my question. Let me warn you that I'm not a patient person."

"S-Stop it! I'll talk, so please don't hurt me anymore!" The intruder begged pitifully.

After getting beaten, Dai Zhiqiang also stabbed him in the thigh. Judging from how he lacked the hesitancy to do something brutal like that, the intruder truly feared for his life now.

"Depends on your answer. Now talk."

The intruder panted hard. He was exhausted after wrestling with his opponent, and the stab on his thigh was very painful; he couldn't come up with a coherent thought for a few seconds.

"Would you believe me if I say I know nothing? I was paid to kidnap the little kid from Ye Wang, but no one told me that I would have to suffer like this. I was tricked."

"Yeah, I don't believe you," Dai Zhiqiang ruthlessly twisted his knife, and the intruder screamed in pain and agony again. "I'll give you a second chance. Talk, or I'll gouge your meat out."

"Stop, please have mercy! I really don't know anything. I just wanted to have quick cash; that's why I took this job. Spare me, please! I know nothing!"

The intruder changed his attitude from mysterious to a sobbing mess instantly. Dai Zhiqiang's threat scared the wits out of him, and the pain in his thigh was unbearable.

He dared not to imagine what horrible torture he would receive if he didn't beg for his life now.

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