Rebirth: Once Again With You

Chapter 556 Focus On The Present Life

It wasn't like Meng Renshu didn't expect her to say this.

However, he had a small expectation in him when she held him back, and it frustrated him, knowing that Dai Zhiqiang was the only one in her mind.

Couldn't she see him in her eyes at all?

Meng Renshu frowned in disapproval before decisively replying, "He is the one who put you in danger, and he couldn't even come to save you. Have you ever considered what would happen to you if I didn't take the initiative to contact him? He probably would have left you to die alone in a deserted  place like that."

"No, you are wrong." Li Caiyi spoke slowly without raising her voice, but it wasn't any less determined than Meng Renshu's words. Her gaze was unwavering as she stared at him.

"If he was faced with the options of whether to save his father or me, Zhi would find another way to save me, all while still saving his father. He won't choose one and abandon the other. He is that kind of person."

It irked Meng Renshu to see her like this. She once used to give the same devotion and trust to him and him alone. But Dai Zhiqiang just had to intervene and take her away from him.

If only he didn't exist, he would have a better chance of rekindling their past relationship. And the one who would be reflected in her eyes would be him and him alone.

Meng Renshu was sure Li Caiyi still had some affection for him, albeit platonic. He was confident he could make her turn around for him again.

But looking at her like this, speaking highly about Dai Zhiqiang as if to remind him that he stood no chance, made him want to trap her here and prove her wrong.

"Of course, I'm indebted to you. I understand why you would find my request troubling, but I promise it won't take long."

Meng Renshu took a deep breath to calm his chaotic feelings and dark thoughts. "You think I'm reluctant because I don't want to lend you my phone? You really don't understand anything."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Watching someone you love chasing another person like this hurt him even more than being rejected.

"You are worried about me. I understand that much. So I promise I won't do anything besides report to him. I will stay put and take care of myself."

"You sure become obedient once the matter concerns Dai Zhiqiang," Meng Renshu sneered out of bitterness but refrained from exposing his pathetic self more than this.

There would be a time when Li Caiyi would have him in his eyes again. He couldn't make the same mistake of forcing his feelings onto her, or she would run away again.

"Besides, there is no need for you to do that. I already let him know that you are safe with me."

Li Caiyi perked up at his revelation before squinting her eyes dubiously. "Really? You are not just saying that so I won't bother you anymore?"

"What kind of person do you think I am? As much as I found this situation unjust to you, I also understand that the guy had no other choices. The other person is his father, after all. I can't blame him for wanting to prioritize his family over another."

"But then, why did you get so angry...." Li Caiyi sulked, feeling like she had been scolded for nothing.

"I'm angry because you don't know when to stop. Think about how I feel too, for once, alright? I can't even sleep peacefully because of you. Sigh."

Only now did Li Caiyi notice how tired he looked. Out of curiosity, she asked him, "How long since I have fallen unconscious?"

"It has been four hours since I found you, and it's midnight now. I haven't heard anything from Dai Zhiqiang since I told him about your condition if that's what you want to ask."

That wasn't why she asked, but Li Caiyi felt terrible now.

Meng Renshu really did everything for her. She must have appeared like a total ingrate to him for asking so much of him. "I'm sorry for troubling you so much."

Seeing her apologizing obediently softened his heart a bit. He used a gentler tone when he said, "If you feel guilty, I beg you to stay put and rest."

"Alright, I will do that. But have you waited for me to wake up all this time?"

"I can't sleep anyway, so I can do nothing about it. It's not your fault."

Right. Meng Renshu had difficulty sleeping.

Mr. Mu even had to ask her to help once. His condition must be pretty severe if he still couldn't sleep after what happened today.

Li Caiyi was the cause of his trauma and nightmare, and she was the only one who could help him, yet she always refused to do so.

Deep inside her heart, she felt he deserved it for all the pain he had caused her in the past, whether intentional or not. Even after everything Meng Renshu had done to help her, she still had such sinister thoughts that she felt ashamed of herself.

However, she also didn't want to ruin her relationship with Dai Zhiqiang by getting entangled with him more than necessary. It would be unfair to him.

Feeling sandwiched between two conflicted feelings, Li Caiyi couldn't respond with anything but an apology.

"I'm sorry I can't help you much."

"I respect your decision, and this is something I have to overcome by myself. Though, I won't mind if you let me sleep beside you sometimes. I don't know why, but my dream vision gets clearer when I sleep around you."

And by helping him to regain his memories, she would lose hers in the process. Although it apparently returned when Dai Zhiqiang told her that he also dreamed about the actual event in their previous life.

Everything about their regression was surrounded by a thick veil of mystery. At this juncture, Li Caiyi couldn't say for sure what the purpose was anymore.

More importantly, what was Dai Zhiqiang's condition to remember? She had thought about it for a while but still couldn't find an answer.

Meng Renshu saw the frown on her brows and felt amused. Feeling a bit mischievous, he flicked on it and was entertained by the blank look on her face.

"Alright, that's enough thinking for today. I will let you know if Dai Zhiqiang updates me about his condition. For now, just rest as you promised."

Li Caiyi pouted. He treated her like a child again. Even when he fully knew that she was mentally adult inside.

Her thoughts were written all over her face, making Meng Renshu chuckle even more. "If you don't want me to treat you like a child, then stop throwing tantrums and obediently tuck yourself in bed. Don't think about anything, and just focus on yourself for now. Or what, are you waiting for me to tuck you in?"

She could tell those words were filled with much consideration and care. Even his attempt to tease her.

Li Caiyi felt more guilty about him now. Even though she was the one who said they should mind their own business.

"You too, Brother Renshu. Try to sleep and don't think about anything. Rather than thinking of it as a past you can't erase, think of it as a future you can avoid. You are a good person, so focus more on the present time and don't suffer anymore."

Meng Renshu was dumbstruck. He didn't see that coming at all.

Li Caiyi rose from her seat before pushing him towards the door. "Now, return to your room and get some shut-eye. Or I will do whatever I want and cause you more trouble."

"Xiaoyi, you--"


Before he could say anything, the door was already closed, like she wouldn't accept 'no' as an answer.

Meng Renshu touched the door that separated him from her and had a deep smile on his face. They only fought or discussed serious matters, but for once, he finally felt like he was getting closer to her.

That must be her way of showing her sincere concern for him. His heart felt full just from thinking back about it again.

Could he take this as a sign that she slowly opened her heart to him again? All of his efforts weren't in vain, after all.

"Focus on the present life, huh?" He muttered quietly in the empty hallway, letting those words sink into him before closing his eyes.  "Right back at you, silly girl."

Meng Renshu wasn't sure if he could escape his regret for the rest of his life.

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