Rebirth: Once Again With You

Chapter 75 Shao Jingfei's Invitation (1)

Even when the day had changed, Li Caiyi still could not go over the shock. All those times when she felt inferior and intimidated by Li Junjie felt so distant now. Her brother's insensitive remark lifted the weight that had constantly been burdening her chest, just like that.

Li Caiyi realized she did not know much about Li Junjie and only feared the version of him within her mind all this time.

As expected, nothing could be changed if she did not dare to confront the problem head-on. Li Caiyi swore she would never make the same mistake anymore.

She was currently in the school's library, continuing her manuscript from where she left off yesterday. Even after having a serious conversation with her, Li Junjie's attitude did not change. He acted like the conversation between them did not happen at all. It seemed like nothing in this world could move him at all.

Li Caiyi felt sorry for her brother's fans and his future wife.

"Li Caiyi."

Her movement halted when she heard someone calling her. "Yes?" She said as she looked up.

Dai Zhiqiang was standing in front of her, with a stack of books in his hands. "I have collected all books that fit into your criteria. I'll put it down here."

"Oh, thank you so much! That must be hard, looking for these all by yourself."

"Not really. This is my job, so I was used to it."

That kind of rigid and succinct speech was very similar to her brother. Li Caiyi did not know if she should feel comforted or disturbed by it.

"How is your writing doing?" Dai Zhiqiang slowly took a seat across from Li Caiyi. The library was not that crowded, so it should be fine if he left his post for a bit. He also wanted to talk to her more.

"It's going well so far! I meet a minor problem here and there, but I had so much fun making it!" Li Caiyi smiled radiantly. Her eyes twinkled like a bright star, and her happiness unknowingly brought a faint smile to Dai Zhiqiang's stony face.

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"That's good to hear. You have worked hard."

Li Caiyi did not expect to get a smile from him. It was only for a moment, but he looked one hundred times more attractive, smiling like that. She guessed that Dai Zhiqiang was opening up to her, which doubled her joy.

"Yesterday, I was feeling down and could write nothing, but Shenqiang cheered me up by sending me a photo of his drawing. It was so cute! Do you want to see it too?" Li Caiyi quickly pulled out her phone to show Dai Zhiqiang the picture.

Actually, Dai Zhiqiang had already seen the picture. How could he not when he stayed by his brother's side almost all the time? However, seeing her enthusiastic state, he did not stop her.

"Look! This one!" Li Caiyi leaned forward so Dai Zhiqiang could have a better look without realizing that her face was so close to his right now. His breath hitched in his throat as he gazed at her close-up face, totally ignoring her rambling about the picture.

She had a pair of big eyes and thin lips. The sunlight shone through the window and basked her skin and pinkish cheeks, which colors reminded him of peach. Her ears were small and cute, and her long black hair, which looked so soft to touch, cascaded through her shoulder and covered her chest as she leaned down. Her eyelashes were long and looked like a feather as they fluttered when she blinked.

Being so close to her, Dai Zhiqiang could faintly smell a fresh lavender scent from her, which was feminine but not too overpowering. It made his head dizzy with infatuation, and his eyes darkened.

Li Caiyi was so close, he only needed to push his head a bit, and he could take a bite of that supple and delicious-looking cheek.

"And that is the story!" Li Caiyi looked up after she finished explaining. Only then did she realize she was so close to Dai Zhiqiang. Her cheeks immediately heated in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry!"

Li Caiyi was about to pull back to gain some distance between them, but Dai Zhiqiang held her by her hand, which was holding the phone. He gazed at Li Caiyi so intensely she had trouble breathing.

"I haven't seen enough yet. Show me more." He said, which strangely sounded sultry in her ears. His eyes never left her, even for a second. From the way he talked, it did not seem he was talking about the picture.

Li Caiyi felt she could get lost inside those black eyes, which looked darker than the night, and she could hear her heart thumping in her chest. Everything suddenly became still to her, and Li Caiyi could see nothing but him. It was like she was hypnotized.

What was this weird feeling she was having?

"There you are!"

Until a voice snapped them out of their trance.

Li Caiyi subconsciously retracted her hand in a fluster, while Dai Zhiqiang secretly felt regretful it ended so quickly.

Li Caiyi turned her head to the voice source and found Shao Jingfei, who walked over to her with a wide grin while waving his hand at her.

"I have been looking for you everywhere!" He said in a hushed but excited tone.

"Shao Jingfei? Why are you looking for me?"

"I want to talk to you about something important!" Shao Jingfei pulled a chair beside her and plopped on it.

Dai Zhiqiang's eyes narrowed down in vigilance. Who was this overly friendly person? Was he another friend of Li Caiyi?

Feeling a hostile gaze on him, Shao Jingfei turned his head, and his eyes met with Dai Zhiqiang's fierce one. His countenance turned awkward in a second.

"Uh, am I interrupting something? Sorry about that."

Li Caiyi, who was embarrassed, hastily replied, "N-no, you did not interrupt anything! Tell me, why did you look for me?"

"Oh? Are you sure?" Shao Jingfei glanced at Dai Zhiqiang doubtfully, but under Li Caiyi's insistence, he eventually asked her, "Li Caiyi, are you interested in signing a contract under Glorious Days company?"

Li Caiyi: "!!"

She thought about signing up her book to be published, but she did not foresee that a company would approach her first! Not to mention, it was Shao Jingfei from Glorious Days company and no one else. It was a huge opportunity that did not come twice in her life.

However, she decided to be more careful here. She had learned her lesson not to trust businessmen so easily. Although he trusted Shao Jingfei, she had yet to trust the Glorious Days Company.

"Why would you want to sign me up in your company? I'm just a newbie author with a minimum achievement."

Shao Jingfei moved his index finger around. "Wrong, wrong. It was not the company who wanted to sign a contract with you, but it was I who wished for it. And my wish is equal to the company's benefit, so you can rest assured because I'm the strongest ally you can get!"

Li Caiyi did not understand a thing he said.

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