Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 217: Answers to Old Questions, and New Questions

Chapter 217: Answers to Old Questions, and New Questions

"I choose the Three Options !!" Liu Yang shouted.

"Option accepted, but it is necessary to go through the challenge before" Voice replied.

"What kind of test?" Liu Yang asked in doubt.

"This is the test." A light shone, a table and a chair appeared.

As they approached, Liu Yang was surprised by what he saw, while Xillia Wolf and the princess Dryad did not know what it was. Xillia Wolf's cub finally acquired human form after suffering the third tribulation, she was now a five-year-old child but was sleeping deep in the arms of Xillia Wolf.

On the table, there was a chessboard with the pieces tidied up. Liu Yang knew what this game was, but the two other women did not.

"The test is simple, beat your opponent this game"

"And who would be the opponent?"

"She" After the voice echoed, a shadow began to take shape as she sat in the chair, a beautiful young woman of about 25-30 years, she wore light clothes that swayed in the wind. Despite the beauty, there were no emotions on her face, it was as if she were a fragile doll that would break at any moment.


"Yes, she is my precious daughter, the remaining part of her soul, she is the only person who is unbeaten in this game so far. If you can defeat it, there will be great rewards "

"Fine." Liu Yang nodded and headed toward the chair opposite the young woman.

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Xillia Wolf and the Dryad princess were hesitant when they saw Liu Yang take up the challenge because they did not know what would happen to him if he lost. But looking at the confidence in his face, they relaxed a little.

"The ladies first" Liu Yang signaled for the young woman to begin.

The lady's first move was to move the pawn in front of the king in two floors, Liu Yang made the same move as she. The second play, the young woman moved the pawn in front of the queen on a floor. Liu Yang did the same.


With every move the girl made, Liu Yang repeated the same thing. The two women were in doubt about what Liu Yang was doing, they did not know why he was repeating the girl's moves.

Liu Yang had a plan, he wanted to know how experienced the young woman was in the game. So he was just testing their knowledge if only a little. However, to win, in the middle of the match, he began to use other moves.

The two had already lost large parts of the pieces, the only ones remaining on the young woman's side were the king, two pawns and a tower. On Liu Yang's side, there was still a king, a horse, and a pawn.

The young woman was trying to do her best to get a promotion with at least one of the pawn, however, Liu Yang was always blocking with the horse. Despite the lack of emotions on the young woman's face, Liu Yang was able to detect subtle changes in her.


In the end, Liu Yang managed to checkmate using the horse and the king, since he had to sacrifice the pawn in exchange for the two pawns of the young woman. And in the process of checks, Liu Yang managed to capture the tower using the horse. This made the young woman have only the king on the board.

The young woman could be a great talent in the attribute intelligence to be able to make large amounts of mathematical calculations every moment. But the young girl could not beat Liu Yang who was in the lead above 700.

The young woman was surprised when she realized that she had lost, she never lost before, not even her father. And now, after millions of years, she lost to a young man. That stunned her.

"Congratulations on winning the challenge, as a reward, you will win the three items and another special gift"

Three lights shine and begin to take the form of a scroll, a ball the size of a ping pong ball, and a pair of cloth gloves. Seconds later, light is shot in Liu Yang's mind. This surprised everyone, but they soon realized that it was the special gift the voice had said.

Liu Yang was frozen for a few moments before showing a perverted smile on his face, the two women knew the special gift could be something very bad for them. He used telepathy to show the effects of the special gift he received.

Unstoppable Will (Level Max) - Allows the user to passively absorb energy from the earth. As long as the user is down, its energy will be infinite.

The women were shocked when they read the description of the skill, they knew the reason for the perverted smile, now, Liu Yang could do activities forever as long as he has his feet on the ground. This left them helpless, as they also knew of Liu Yang's intentions, he also had thoughts of taking the two women.

Each of them had a thought about this subject. But in the end, they would accept, the only thing that would change would be the process of getting the two women. After so many years of seeing Liu Yang doing perverted things, the two women also began to have wet dreams with Liu Yang, despite the anger, they could only settle with their fingers to calm down.

The three of them headed toward the three items in the middle of the hall and saw their information.

Skill Scroll: Demonic Transformation (Active) (Level 1 - 5) - Allows the user to be covered by the energy of darkness and transforming it into a demon and increasing its powers. Increase by 10% in all statistics. Duration: 60 seconds. Cost: 50% of the total MP and 50% of the energies after the transformation ends.

Sphere Unknown - The use of it is unknown.

Master Fighter Gloves - A glove made from legendary materials that enhance the user's physical power.

Rank 9 Glove

+ 80% of Physical Attack

+ 20% in attribute strength

+ 10% on physical defense

+ 10% HP Max

+ 30% of armor piercing

Requirement: Level 800 and Rank 8

Weight: 200 grams

The three were surprised by the three items, they were specifically for each of them. They began to think that the owner's voice planned this.

Liu Yang took the skill and immediately tore the scroll to learn, Xillia Wolf put on the gloves to test the powers and the princess Dryad picked up the ball and placed it in the wooden book. All three had a great harvest in this challenge.

After the items were caught, the shadow was staring in the direction of Liu Yang, he did not know why. A strong light began to glow and then disappears, the girl's body was no longer seated in the chair.

Liu Yang noticed that there was something on his neck, looking down, he sees a glass bottle that had a small ball of light inside. He was shocked by it, it was the young woman's soul. Before I could think of anything, a voice is heard.

"I hope the young man can accept the task of finding my daughter's body. Of course, I will not ask this favor for free, if you can complete this task. All my treasures will be yours and my daughter will be one of your wives. "The male voice was having some complex emotions when he talked about it.

"Do you know where her body is?" Liu Yang asked doubtfully, if he had not been tempted by the proposal of the voice, he would be lying.

"I do not know, she had the soul separated from the body a long time ago. The soul has been divided into several parts, you will need to find the other parts of your soul to make it a complete person again "

"Okay, I'll take it"

"This little gift will help your journey." A glow shoots up and falls into Liu Yang's hand, a small silver pendant.

"With this pendant, you can detect the remaining parts of my daughter soul. I wish you luck in your adventure, young hero. "As he finished speaking, his voice disappeared.

Liu Yang was staring at the pendant, but suddenly something strange began to happen.

Tracker Pendant - A pendant with the power to track something.

Weight: 10 grams

When the more staring Liu Yang looked, the more shocked he was. Then he glanced toward Xillia Wolf and the Dryad princess, their shock even more so. And at the same time, many answers to his questions were resolved, while more unanswered questions began to pop up in his mind.

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