Reborn As A Nephilim: The Rise of A Manaless Prince

Chapter 112 Orientation Day [2]

'Well, this just got really awkward,' Arvell thought.

Zen was finicking as he tried to avoid Reyna's gaze.

If Arvell felt fear from this woman, it was almost guaranteed that Zen would feel the same.

Even if he didn't technically do anything wrong.

Melantha looked at Reyna and then back at Zen with sudden realization.

"Umm... I think my friends are calling me, so I'm going to head out first."

Not wanting to get caught in their lovers' quarrel, she ran!

Sadly, that didn't seem to diffuse the situation.

While Reyna looked less scary after Melantha left, her eerie smile was still plastered on her face.

Reyna stepped forward and began to close the distance between her fiance.

Seeing his fiance walking over with a menacing smile, Zen instinctively took a step back in fear.

"Oya? Where are you going? Zen~"

Zen felt chills run down his neck.

'What happened to the sweet Reyna from earlier???' He internally questioned.

Reyna walked up to him and leaned in to whisper into his ear.

"Who was that girl earlier?"

"She's just someone we met a minute ago! She wanted to ask if Arvell and I wanted to join her and her friends for a meal!"

"So... Why didn't you refuse? You have me, so why are you flirting with other girls?'

Reyna used a hushed voice to not let the others nearby hear their conversation, but for Arvell, she couldn't be talking more clearly.

"I-I was about to!"

"Hmm? But you paused and didn't answer her? Wasn't that because you were debating whether or not to go?"

"That's not true at all!" Zen loudly exclaimed before hurriedly covering his mouth.

"That's not true at all; I was just a little caught off guard since she surprised me with that question. I never planned on leaving you behind and attending. You've got to believe me!"

"Hmm? Are you sure? You'd better not be lying to me...."

"I swear! You can even ask Arvell if you want."

Reyna turned to Arvell, who was watching them with a curious expression.

"Hey, Arvell, was he?"

Arvell nodded his head.

"Zen's clean. I can personally vouch for him."

"Is that so..." Reyna turned to her fiance and affectionately grabbed his arm, "I apologize, Zen, I jumped to conclusions again."

While that action may have looked like it was purely done out of affection, it was also Reyna's way of marking her man.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Basically announcing to everyone nearby that Zen was hers and hers alone.

Seeing the usual Reyna resurface, Zen breathed a sigh of relief, making sure to mentally thank Arvell for the save.

That's what brothers were for!

"So... Reyna, when did you get here?" Zen asked.

"Hmm? I got here a few minutes ago and saw Angela standing near the gates. She pointed me to this building, where I found the two of you."

Reyna bent her head to see past the countless students in front of her.

"By the way, there are soo many people in line... It'll take forever to get through it."

'You cut through over half of the line already, though....'

While the students behind them had gripes about Reyna cutting through the line, they were too intimidated to call her out on it.

After all...

Her first impression had left an instinctive terror in the nearby students.

No one wanted to order someone who managed to scare the son of the war hero!

Moreover, they appeared to be a couple, so separating them felt wrong.

In the end, it was just 1 more person, so they silently gave up their qualms.

The bystanders went back to talking amongst themselves while throwing their group a glance every once in a while.

However, the females in the crowd kept staring at Arvell like vultures eyeing their prey.

A look Arvell didn't enjoy in the slightest.

That's why he was more than happy when they finally got their student IDs and managed to leave the place.

Lifting the card with his name and student number, Arvell stared at it as if trying to bore a hole through it.

Even a tiny portrait of Arvell was drawn on it to help with recognition.

"This is quite well made! It looks just like me."

Zen noted as he brought the tiny drawing of himself close to his eye.

No matter how much he tried, he couldn't find any faults in it.

It was expertly drawn, with there being little to no faults.

It almost perfectly captured his likeness.

"That was a feature the academy implemented a few decades ago to prevent identity theft," Arvell pointed out.

"Yeah, not having any way to prove that the ID belongs to you must have been a pain. Anyone could just take someone else's ID and pose as them," Reyna added.

The three of them followed the crowd of students to the auditorium.

Arvell told Angela and James that he would direct Zen, but with a crowd this big pretty much chaperoning them, there didn't appear to be any need to do so.

It wasn't long before they saw the vast theatre enter their view.

"I've never been here before, but wow, is it massive!" Zen exclaimed.

Reyna nodded her head in agreement.

"It's so... majestic? No, wait... what's a better word to describe it? Great... No Grand... What was that word again?" Reyna furrowed her eyebrows.

"Grandiose?" Arvell pitched in.

"Yeah, Grandiose! That's the word, thanks, Arvell!"

"No problem." Arvell nodded with a somewhat distant look.

While he answered Reyna's question, he focused on a group of students huddling in a tight circle.

The weird thing was that the circle seemed to have only female students crowding around something in the middle.

Following Arvell's gaze, Zen and Reyna also redirected their attention to the group.

"What are they doing?" Zen asked with an inquisitive tone.

Reyna shook her head.

"Beats me, but I wonder what could be that interesting for all of them to gather like a herd of penguins."

"Or 'who.'" Arvell corrected.

"You think they are surrounding someone?" Zen turned to his sworn brother, looking for answers.

Arvell gestured to the group with his head.

"Take a nice long look at their eyes and blushed cheeks craze. Some of them even resemble ripe tomatoes. That's the look of a girl in love, something Reyna would know all about."

Arvell turned to Reyna with a mischievous grin, causing her face to turn a deep shade of crimson.


In an attempt to hide her embarrassed face, she plunged her face into Zen's back.

Zen threw Arvell a thumbs up.

Seeing her embarrassed face was quite satisfying after the earlier incident.

Arvell nodded his head with a slightly teasing smile.

He was becoming more like Lykos every day...

"Oh? Is that Zen Silvercolt I see?"

A melodious voice rang out, causing the three of them to turn in the direction of the group of female students.

Even Reyna pried herself off Zen's back and curiously looked at the group.

Totally ignoring the residual blush still lingering on her cheeks.

While the voice appeared to have come from the clump of girls, it didn't seem to be any of them speaking.

After all, it wasn't a woman's voice that called them out, but instead that of a man.

"So there was someone there!" Reyna exclaimed in a hushed voice.

Arvell's prediction was spot on.

Hearing his name being personally called out, Zen decided to greet whoever wanted to speak to him.

"Yes, I'm Zen Silvercolt, but isn't it proper manners to at least show yourself when talking to someone?"

"Haha, you're absolutely right. Pardon my manners! Excuse me, ladies, would you all be dears and give me a little space?"


The girls threw Zen angry glares, but Reyna standing behind him managed to intimidate them and get them to back off.

'How can she even do that?' Arvell wondered to himself.

Scaring her fiance was one thing, but she managed to scare countless other people with nothing but a glare.

Even he felt some chills.

This was not normal.

He turned around to look at Reyna before activating his status skill.


[Status Information]

Name: Reyna Winstrel

Species: Human

Age: 13 years old

HP: 14

STA: 13

DEF: 11

SPD: 10



MP: 32

Titles: Young Lady

Magic Attributes: Enhancement

Skills: Incomplete Noble Pole Arts (C), Intimidation (A), Animal affinity (A+)

'No wonder she's a beast tamer! Having to train that intimidation skill.'

Looking at her stats, Arvell was almost sure that Reyna was a beast tamer.

She not only had the animal affinity skill but also the intimidation skill and specialized in enhancement magic.

But where was her tamed beast?

Arvell never saw her ever pull it out.

Even Arvell brought August with him, given that he was currently napping in his backpack.

Perhaps Reyna was the same?

Sadly Arvell wasn't given much time to think before a blue-haired boy stepped out of the crowd of females.

He was around 172 cm tall, with luscious blue hair that reached up to his waist.

Based off of appearance alone, he had the capability of standing on par with Arvell.

'So that's why the girls were huddling around him.'

Furthermore, the boy appeared to be a member of the student council.

After all, not only did he appear to be older than all of them, only the student council students were permitted to wear the signature red brooch on their school uniform.

A red brooch was pinned right over his heart.

'Who is he?'

Arvell wondered to himself.

He felt like he'd seen this boy somewhere before but couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Walking up to their group, the boy elegantly bowed.

"Greetings, my name is Cyprian Mayfield."

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