Reborn As A Nephilim: The Rise of A Manaless Prince

Chapter 120 The Princess’s Guard Dog

"I'm telling you it's okay. There's no need to worry about people calling me by name."

Lillianna turned to Kaera and waved off her friend's concerns.

Knowing that there was no use in trying to get through to Lillianna at this point, Kaera had no choice but to relent.

"Okay… Fine."

Kaera narrowed her eyes and glared at Arvell for a moment before quickly turning her head.

'What's her deal? Also… that girl besides Lillianna looks familiar. Just who is she? I might remember her if I know her name… Wait, I can just use my status to check that!'

Arvell threw Kaera a scrutinizing look, something which she found immensely displeasing.


[Status Information]

Name: Kaera Brandel

Species: Human

Age: 13 years old

HP: 16

STA: 18

DEF: 13

SPD: 13



MP: 44

Titles: Young Lady

Magic Attributes: Fire

Skills: Incomplete Noble Swordsmanship (C), Hand-To-Hand Combat (B+), Incomplete Brandel's Axe Arts (C+)

Reading the status page, a small red-haired girl popped into Arvell's mind, a little girl occasionally picking fights with him when he visited the royal castle in Karsia.

'Wait… This girl… I remember her now! She was that little girl who used to glare at me whenever I visited Lily! So she was a member of one of the 4 ducal houses?'

Kaera felt a chill go through her body before turning back to Arvell.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare? Who taught you manners anyways!"

'Yup… She hasn't changed, flying into a fury at the smallest provocation. But… I do need to give her an adequate explanation….'

An imperceivable smirk formed on Lykos's lips as he placed his manifested mouth near his successors' ear.

'I have the perfect suggestion… would you care to hear me out?'

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'Hmm? Sure, if you got a good solution, I'm all ears.'

'Perfect! Then just do this….'

'Urghh…. That sounds like a pain.'

'Well, who told you to activate status mid-conversation? You are dealing with humans, not beasts. Randomly staring at humans would get awkward fast.'

'Fine, fine. I'll do as you say.'

Arvell formed a professional smile as he gave a polite bow.

"Pardon my manners, but are you, Kaera Brandel?"

Kaera's eyes narrowed into slits.

"What if I am?"

"Your fame precedes you. I had heard that the young lady of the Brandel house was a stunning beauty, but I had not believed the rumours… That is until I met you in person."

Kaera's eyes blinked a few times in confusion.


Even Lillianna, standing next to her, was visibly surprised that her jaw had hit the ground.

"W-w-what? Are you hitting on me?"

Arvell tilted his head in confusion.

"No? I was merely complimenting your beauty? You are quite pretty, you know."

Arvell wasn't lying here. Kaera was as pretty as Angela and would definitely have countless suitors aiming for her hand… At least if it wasn't for her personality.

Even so, a particular group idolized her as the 'perfect tomboy,' but that is a story for another time.

Kaera's face flushed to the point where it became the same colour as her hair.

Clenching her fist to hide her embarrassment and anger, she glared at Arvell with a malevolent expression.

"Don't give me that bullsh*t. You're obviously messing with me!"

"Messing with you? Far from it."

'Seriously, does this girl not know how to take a compliment? Things like this are common in noble social etiquette. Lykos, your plan failed.'

The silver-haired manifestation let out a short sigh.

'So she's a tsun-tsun tomboy… This just complicated things.'

'What did you just say?' Arvell asked with a confused expression.

'Nevermind, I'll explain it to you later.'

"If you're not messing with me, does this mean you're hitting on me?"

Arvell shook his head with a hint of irritation visible on his face.

"It was just a humble compliment. I'm sorry if it offended you."

A slight smirk formed on Kaera's lips.

"Backing off on your word so soon? Are you even a man?"

"I don't have any prejudice towards either gender."

'So I'd be more than happy to wipe that smug smirk off your face myself.'

Kaera clicked her tongue as she turned her attention away from Arvell.


Arvell's eye twitched in irritation, but he decided to hold back on his anger.

If he wanted to get back at her, there was plenty of time in the future.

He couldn't risk spoiling any chance of forming a friendship with Lillianna by antagonizing Kaera, who evidently was a close friend to her.

Lillianna threw Arvell an apologetic smile before turning to her friend.

"Kaera, don't be unreasonable. I'm sure A-" Lillianna paused but quickly shook her head before continuing, "A-Arvell was just trying to be polite."

"Heh, it's clear as day what his intentions were."

Arvell let a small sigh at how thick-skulled the girl before him was.

'I think it's about time to leave. Dealing with stupid people will only serve to lower my IQ.'

Turning to Lillianna, Arvell politely bowed.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Lillianna. I hope we get along over the next few years."

Arvell flashed his former fiance a smile before walking back to Zen and Reyna.

"Uh, wait..." Lillianna Quitely mumbled, but Arvell was already out of earshot.

Seeing Arvell depart, Kaera threw an irritated glare at his back, not even trying to hide her impression of the Silver-haired youth.

"Hey Kaera, don't you think that was a little unreasonable? He was just trying to be polite."

Kaera huffed and turned to her friend.

"That's what he wants you to think. Did you take a look at his appearance?"

"Yes? He was just here a second ago. Until you chased him away."

Ignoring the last bit, Kaera continued, "what did you think of it?"

"Kaera? What's with all of the questions?"

"Just answer me, Lily."

"Fine, fine. He was kind of cute."

"Yeah! That's exactly it! He was a handsome man making eyes at the two of us. He even stared at me with those perverted eyes."

"I'm almost 100% sure that's not the case here, but even so, what's your point here."

"He was thinking of how he could lay his filthy hands on us! I'm certain of it! That boy is bad news."

Lily grimaced after she heard her friend's 'accurate representation' of Arvell's character.

"Duke Silvercolt can personally vouch for him, and he's even the sworn brother of his son. With the war hero backing him, how can you just make baseless assumptions."

"M-maybe he just doesn't know about that side of Arvell? Bad people always know how to cover up their tracks."

"Now you're just pulling at hairs here."

"Look, I'm doing this for your own good, okay?"

Knowing that she couldn't get through her friend's stubbornness, Lillianna gave up.

"Fine, but at least give him a proper chance before you make any concrete assumptions about him."

"Do I have to?"

"You are the daughter of a duke. Therefore, knowing how to properly judge people is a key skill you must pick up."

"Sigh… Alright. I'll give him just one chance."

Lillianna grabbed her friend's hand with a smile.

"Thanks, now let's quickly grab a seat before our teacher comes."


Arvell plopped down on the seat next to Zen with visible irritation.

"Hey, Arvell, what were you talking about? It looked pretty heated from here. Kaera also looks pissed," Zen commented.

"Please… I'd rather not think about it."

"Wow… that bad?"


While Zen would be lying if he said his curiosity wasn't piqued after hearing his friend's words, he didn't want to put his sworn brother on the spot.

"Alright… If you need to talk to anyone, I'm here."

"Thanks. I'll make sure to keep that in mind."

They watched as Lillianna and Kaera found a seat close to the teacher's lecture podium, but it was 4 columns to their right.

Not close, but also not far from them.

Several students wanted to walk up and introduce themselves, but after seeing the angry glare from Kaera, they felt a feeling of powerlessness in their knees preventing them from standing up.

'So I want to talk to Lily. I'll need to get past her guard dog,' Arvell grimaced.

If talking to her in private was hard before, it was nigh impossible now.

Zen turned to the door eagerly, watching it as if waiting for it to open once more.

"By the way, you two, do you know when our professor will finally show up?"

Arvell and Reyna directed their attention to the large analogue clock plastered above the blackboard.

"According to the itinerary, it should be about any minute now," Reyna answered.

"The teacher is probably just running late. She still has 2 minutes until the class start-"


A familiar woman strode into the classroom, clutching a folder in front of her considerably large chest.

Recognizing the woman before them, Arvell's eyes went wide.

'No way… She's our homeroom teacher?'

The woman walked to the table and plopped her folder on it.

Lifting her head, she turned to the group of students before her.

"As you all know, my name is Professor Orfina, and I would like you welcome you all to my class. Get comfortable since odds are that we will spend a lot of time together."

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