Reborn As A Nephilim: The Rise of A Manaless Prince

Chapter 123 First Day Of School



Reaching out his hand, Arvell hit a ball-like object that seemed to cause noise pollution.

Thankfully doing this seemed to silence it.

Knowing it was time to wake up, Arvell fought the urge to go back to sleep and forced himself to sit upright.

'I understand why no one likes having these things in their houses… They're so annoying.'

Arvell turned to the black ball which sat on his desk.

This object was a magical artifact designed to cause noise at whatever time the student wanted, serving as an alarm.

While it sounded like a great idea in theory since it would help all students wake up on time, most of the student body hated it, and Arvell also began to understand why.

Even August was jolted awake at the noise.


Arvell picked up the fox and rubbed him lightly on the stomach.

'Come on, let's get ready.'

Taking August in his arms, Arvell got off the bed.

Since Arvell was placed in the S-Class, he was given a full bedroom and his own private bathroom, while most students would have shared a bedroom with anywhere from 1 to 3 other people.

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Indeed, this was an arrangement Arvell found quite favourable due to his many… differences compared to the other students.

After getting ready and wearing a fresh uniform, Arvell stepped out of his room, only to be greeted by the scene of Zen standing outside his door.

Seeing the door open, Zen walked up and greeted Arvell.

"I'm surprised you got ready so soon."

"I have days."

"Do you want to get going?"


The two set off for their homeroom class, making a quick pitstop near the girl's dormitory to pick up Reyna and Lydia on their way.

"So, today's going to be our actual first day of school. Are you guys excited?"

Lydia looked at her friends with an eager gaze, not even trying to hide her excitement.

"Hmm, I guess you could say I am? I'm curious to see how they run the classes." Reyna answered after delegating for a few moments.

"That would be interesting to see," Arvell nodded in agreement.

"I'm actually quite excited, to be honest," Zen stated, "according to my sister, It'll be something that pushes us to our limits. She never quite elaborated as to why, though."

"She probably wanted to keep it a surprise," Reyna added.

"You're probably right."

"By the way," Lydia started, "I heard that our seniors would be arriving today."

Zen nodded to her.

"Yeah, the student council students arrived a day earlier, but everyone else should arrive at the gate as we speak."

"Let's avoid the path that goes near the gates then. I don't want us to get caught in the foot traffic." Arvell added.

The others agreed with this proposal, finding it an easy way to save them some time.

"By the way, Zen, where did James and Angela go?" Reyna asked, "I didn't see them all day yesterday."

"Oh, I met with James this morning while waiting for Arvell to hurry up and get ready. He said something about an emergency meeting but didn't elaborate before leaving in a rush." Zen answered.

'Emergency meeting? Does this have anything to do with Professor Orfina meeting Angela when we came last time?' Arvell thought to himself.

Reyna brought her hand to her chin as if deep in thought.

"I just hope whatever it is, it's not something we need to worry about."

"Let's hope so," Lydia agreed.

As the group neared the school buildings, Lydia broke off from the group and headed towards the B-class classroom, promising to meet up again during lunchtime.

After saying their goodbyes, it didn't take too long for them to reach their own classroom.

Walking through the yirnwood doors, they were greeted by the somewhat familiar sight of the classroom.

However, unlike yesterday it appeared that majority of the students hadn't arrived yet.

Claiming the same seat they had yesterday, the three of them watched as the students slowly filed into the classroom.

Shortly after they sat down, Lillianna and Kaera walked through the door, sitting in the same spot where they sat yesterday.

Lillianna smiled at their group while Kaera gave Arvell a piercing glare.

"Seriously, Arvell, what did you do to piss her off?" Zen asked with a somewhat confused look.

"Zen, you remember she's a part of the Brandel house, right? Those guys fire up at even the smallest insults."

"So… You're saying Arvell insulted her to her face? Damn… Even I don't have the balls to do that."

Zen's confused look changed into one of admiration.

Arvell felt that some misunderstanding was starting to form, but he pretended he couldn't quite hear them.

After all, he didn't know precisely why Kaera was treating him this way.

For all he knew, he could have accidentally insulted her somehow.

Either by staring at her while checking her status or trying to play it off as him admiring her beauty.

Whatever it was that set her off, he couldn't find the answer to that question no matter how hard he tried.

Redirecting their attention back to the door, they even spotted Titus, the purple-haired kid, and the black-haired kid with the black rings enter the classroom.

Arvell looked at the black-haired kid with a slightly interested look.

The black-haired boy had been asleep for most of the homeroom the day before, and Professor Orfina didn't seem inclined to wake him up, letting him do as he pleased.

'His eyes… they look the sun,' Arvell to himself.

He'd never gotten the chance to see the boy's eyes yesterday, considering that he was fully asleep, but now he could see exactly how they looked.

Their bright yellow seemed out of place at first glance due to his black hair and rings. However, after taking a much closer look, they complemented each other quite well.

As if feeling Arvell's gaze, the boy turned to Arvell with a somewhat irritated look.

'Great, another easily irritable person. As if one wasn't enough.'

But before the boy could say anything, he heard a voice ring behind him.

"Everyone who still standing up, go take a seat. Let's hurry up and get the class started."

Losing his chance to talk, the black-ringed boy threw Arvell one more glance before heading up to his spot.

Waiting for everyone to settle down, Professor Orfina turned to the students in the classroom.

"Alright, everyone, I want you all to break off into two groups depending on whether you're an Arcane Mage or an Arcane Warrior. After that, we'll introduce you to the 2 assistant professors handling each of your groups."

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