Reborn As A Nephilim: The Rise of A Manaless Prince

Chapter 133 Adding Fuel To The Flame

"This looks like it should be everything I need," Arvell nodded to himself as he towered over a sea of haphazardly strewn alchemical ingredients.

Due to the sheer volume of junk he kept in his inventory, it took him almost 10 minutes to find all the necessary ingredients for the elixir he planned on crafting.

'You should take some time to sort through and organize that mess,' Lykos chided with an exasperated look.

Unfortunately, Arvell pretended like he couldn't hear him.

He was more interested in using the various materials strewn before him to concoct the elixir he'd been planning to consume.

After not having levelled up his Aether Core in a decent while, he was almost too eager to get started.

Especially since he'd finally have enough Aether to use 'that technique.

Moreover, he even had a target to test its power on!

Could things get any better than that?

Arvell had read countless stories while growing up in the royal castle, and all of the protagonists seemed to have something in common: they were all trouble magnets.

While the heroes he read about seemed to hate fighting against a never-ending sea of enemies, Arvell's opinion was the exact opposite.

Only by fighting those enemies could he become stronger!

Meaning that as long as he went around provoking people to fight him, surely Arvell would become stronger too?

Since Arvell found dealing with most people to be nothing short of an unnecessary hassle, it's not like he planned on ever antagonizing random people to fight him, but if they were the ones hell-bent on causing issues for him, who was he to refuse?

Pulling out his alchemical pot, Arvell began to prep the various ingredients before tossing them in, allowing them to simmer above the purple-coloured flames.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'I don't know why you went out of your way to antagonize me, Kaera, but I'll make good use of your sacrifice.'

A chilling smile formed on Arvell's lips, one so eerie that if anyone were to walk into his room, they'd mistake him for the devil himself.


"What's taking that gray-haired geezer so long?" Stopping her foot angrily onto the ground, a certain red-haired girl angrily exclaimed.

"Sigh… Calm down, Miss Brandel. You told me that Mr. Silvanus planned on meeting you at a designated time, correct? There's still about 5 minutes left, so there's no need to panic just yet," A young white-haired man responded with an awkward smile.

Kaera's angry expression softened slightly at the professor's words before exhaling and reluctantly nodding her head.

"I'm sorry, Professor Lewin, you're right. I've been getting way too worked up recently."

Seeing his student admit to her faults caused the corners of the professor's lips to tilt upwards slightly.

"As long as you realize that, it shows that you're already improving."

Earlier, Professor Lewin had been strolling the campus alongside his twin to ensure that the club fair was running smoothly while also pointing out the directions for some of the first year.

At least that was the case until an angry redhead ran up to him and asked him to watch over the duel she supposedly had with another kid in her class.

Professor Lewin originally proposed to take the two of them to the academy's official duel hall, but Kaera had seemed adamant about having it be hosted privately for specific 'reasons.'

Instead, Kaera asked him if they could hold the duel in the fields behind the school.

Considering it was the evening of the club fair, there wouldn't be many people who would hole themselves in such a remote part of the campus to mindlessly train.

Taking her suggestion, the two of them parted ways with professor Lorine and made their way to the training fields, leading them to their current situation.

Professor Lewin slightly narrowed his eyes with a self-deprecating smile etched on his face.

"By the way, Miss Brandel… You said having gray hair makes one look old, but doesn't the same thing apply to me? So are you saying that someone like me is already too old?"

Kaera blinked dumbfoundedly before hurriedly flailing her hands in the air.

"O-of course not, professor, you don't look old at all! I was just taking out my anger for that a**hole for taking too long to get here!"

Seeing her flustered expression, Professor Lewin chuckled lightly to himself.

"Ufufu, thank you for the praise."

Realizing that he played her caused Kaera's cheeks and the tips of her ears to burn a deeper shade of red.

Professor Lewin reached into his pocket and pulled out a fancy-looking golden pocket watch.

Checking the time, he turned to Kaera, who seemed to still be recovering from his earlier teasing.

"Your friend should be here any moment now."

Kaera's expression froze as she glared angrily at the professor.

"That b*stard isn't my friend!"

The professor lightly sighed as he tutted Kaera with his finger.

"A young lady like you shouldn't be using profane language. Instead, you should pay more attention to your image."

Kaera looked like she wanted to object but reluctantly nodded her head in the end.

While it was common knowledge that those from the Brandel family were as passionate and volatile as a roaring blaze, she still had an image to keep as a member of the nobility.

"Sorry, professor, I just… I just can't seem to control my emotions whenever I look at him. For some reason, whenever I look at him, I can see the face of someone else… Some I hated more than anything else."

"Oh? And whom might that be?"

A voice called out from behind her.

Recognizing the owner of that voice, Kaera smirked as she turned around to face the silver-haired youth.

"I see you didn't chicken out. I guess you were better than what I gave you credit for."

"As if I would, I would run away from someone with the mental stability of a toddler. I would never be able to live down the humiliation."

"HAHH?? Who the hell are you calling a toddler?!?!"

Professor Lemin sighed lightly at his student's display.

Turning to Arvell, he flashed the silver-haired youth a small smile.

"Seeing that you are here, would it be alright for me to assume that you agree to the conditions of the duel?"

Professor Lemin and Kaera looked at Arvell as if waiting for him to say yes, but contrary to their expectations, he shook his head.

"I don't."

Professor Lemin lifted an eyebrow in confusion while Kaera gave Arvell a dumbfounded look.

"Why are you not accepting? Are you really too scared to fight?"

"Yes, would you mind explaining your decision, Mr. Silvanus?"

Seeing their visible puzzlement, Arvell smiled lightly.

However, that same smile seemed to send chills down both of their spines.

"A normal duel is quite boring. So I was thinking of making it a little more… Interesting."

Picking up on Arvell's not-so-subtle hinting, Profesor Lemin nodded.

"So you want to add a wager to the duel?"

"You catch on quick, professor. That's exactly what I mean."

"So what is it that you care to wager then?" Professor Lemin asked with a perplexed expression.

Hearing the professor's words, Arvell's smile grew wider, and he looked at the red girl before him like a loan shark would look at his unsuspecting prey.

"How does 200 gold coins sound?"

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