Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 580: Call Her Master? I Just Can't Do It!

Chapter 580: Call Her Master? I Just Can't Do It!

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A white light flashed, and Yaeger slowly opened her eyes, stretching as she got out of bed. With nothing urgent to handle in the game, she realized she had plenty of free time tonight.

"If Little Fairy's treatment goes well, I’ll move on to Rakshasa immediately," Yaeger decided. She had chosen to treat Little Fairy first for a simple reason: proximity.

Rakshasa lived farther away and was under heavy supervision, making it more troublesome to reach her. Moreover, Little Fairy’s condition—paralysis from the waist down—would be easier and quicker to treat.

On the other hand, Rakshasa’s deafness and muteness would require more time and effort to heal.

"Before anything else, I should talk to Little Blue about repairing [City of Chaos]," she thought, glancing at the clock. There was still some time before nine o’clock, so she left the room.

In the main lobby, "Ahem! From today onwards, I will be your boss!" Little Blue declared, floating mid-air in a black and white maid outfit that revealed her cleavage and back. She placed her hands on her hips, looking down with an air of arrogance.

Below her stood two girls dressed in identical maid outfits, their appearances so similar they could have been twins. They were Vera 17 and Vera 18. Vera 17 scratched her back in boredom, while Vera 18 looked fatigued and unmotivated.

"You two!" Little Blue shouted in frustration. These little creatures were ignoring her completely—how infuriating!

"Boss, I’m sleepy. Can’t I go back to bed? Can’t this wait until tomorrow?" Vera 18 yawned, rubbing her eyes, her voice drained of energy.

After realizing that her physical body could no longer leave Yaeger’s side, Vera 18 had resigned herself to her fate. What else could she do? Starve herself to death? She wasn’t that foolish.

‘I… I didn’t give in just because of the food!' she mentally protested, even as she accepted her fate.

"Boss, since we’ve got time, why don’t we watch some movies instead?" Vera 17 suggested, her eyes lighting up.

"Of course, we’ll watch movies. But first, you need to understand our relationship—boss and subordinates." Little Blue maintained her stance, hands on her hips.

"We already called you boss, didn’t we?" Vera 17 and Vera 18 said in unison.

"That’s too perfunctory. I didn’t hear any sincerity in that!" Little Blue pouted in dissatisfaction.

‘What an annoying brat!' Vera 17 and Vera 18 exchanged glances, thinking the same thing.

"What are you all up to?" Yaeger asked curiously as she entered the main lobby, noticing the three of them in maid outfits.

"Master, what perfect timing! I’m just disciplining them!" Little Blue exclaimed, instantly flying over as soon as she saw Yaeger.

"Just get along with them like you normally do. No need for all these theatrics." Yaeger gently tapped her on the head.

"Ouch, fine. I’ll listen to you, Master!" Little Blue clutched her head dramatically.

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"Number Seventeen, Number Eighteen, come here," Yaeger said, rolling her eyes as she waved the two little creatures over.

"Good evening, Princess," Vera 17 greeted respectfully as she approached.

"Good… good evening," Vera 18 added, her tone slightly awkward.

"Call her Master!" Little Blue interjected, dissatisfied with their greeting.

Just as Yaeger was about to speak, Little Blue interrupted again. "They can call me whatever they want, but they mustn’t say your name when referring to you!"

‘I can’t be the only one calling you Master—I’m their boss!' Little Blue kept that thought to herself.

Vera 17 hesitated, then finally sighed and said, "Master." Given her circumstances, she had no choice but to submit.

Vera 18 visibly struggled, feeling a deep unwillingness in her heart. While she had accepted her fate, that didn’t mean her disdain for Yaeger had vanished. After all, she had been toyed with and killed back then—how could there not be lingering grudges?

Although much of her hatred had faded after her resurrection, she still needed time to fully let go. Calling Yaeger "Master"? She just couldn’t bring herself to do it. Vera 18 mentally resisted the notion.

"Oh, you don’t want to?" Yaeger shifted her gaze from Vera 17 to Vera 18, raising an eyebrow.

"No…" Vera 18 started to refuse, but then she caught sight of Vera 17 frantically signaling to her from the corner of her eye. ‘Reject, lower food quality, steamed buns, white cabbage, starvation…’ Deciphering the message, Vera 18 shuddered as chills ran down her spine.

‘That treatment would be worse than being a prisoner of war! No way, absolutely not! But calling her Master… I don’t want that either…’ With those thoughts swirling in her mind, Vera 18 looked up at Yaeger, only to be met with a deep, knowing smile. Her scalp tingled, and she quickly changed her mind.

"Master!" Her voice rang out, brimming with passion and respect, as if she genuinely adored this dazzling beauty with all her heart.

"Very good. From now on, both of you will serve me." Yaeger smiled radiantly, gently patting both of their heads. It was clear she was genuinely pleased.

"Master, I want head pats too!" Little Blue chimed in, pouncing over like she was seeking attention.

"Alright, head pats for everyone." At that moment, Yaeger felt like she was surrounded by three little kittens rather than people. They were so adorable that she didn’t want to let them go.

Once the master-servant interaction ended, Vera 17 and Vera 18 obediently returned to their rooms to rest. Meanwhile, Little Blue curled up on Yaeger’s thigh, snuggling in like a blue kitten.

"Feeling cozy?" Yaeger asked, gently stroking her smooth blue hair.

"Cozy. It’s so comfortable~" Little Blue replied happily, her eyes squinting in contentment.

"I’m glad you’re cozy. But you can’t have too much pampering—that’s all you get for now." Yaeger gently picked her up and set her down on the other side.

"Ah~ But I still want Master to cuddle me~" she said coyly.

"Maybe later. Right now, I have some official business to discuss with you." Yaeger sat up straight, crossing her legs as her tone turned serious.

Seeing her master’s serious demeanor, Little Blue immediately shifted her attitude, matching her tone. "Master, is there something important you need to discuss with me?"

Yaeger nodded. "Yes, it’s about the repairs for [City of Chaos]."

"Well, that is indeed important!"

"I plan to start gathering the materials needed for the repairs of [City of Chaos] soon. But the problem is, I don’t have much money. I can only afford to repair part of it," Yaeger explained.

Although she had a decent amount of funds, it was a mere drop in the ocean compared to what was needed for the full restoration of [City of Chaos]. So, she would have to prioritize certain segments for repair.

"I understand. Given the dangers of your upcoming tasks, Master, I recommend you prioritize repairing…" They spent the next half hour discussing, eventually finalizing the plan and identifying the necessary materials.

"I’ve got it. I’ll gather the materials as soon as possible. I have another task to handle later—teleport me to the rooftop of the dilapidated building."

After mentally noting the materials needed for the repairs, Yaeger gently patted Little Blue’s head. Little Blue tapped her tiny hand, instantly activating the short-distance teleportation.

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