Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 106 Festival With Vivienne (V).

Chapter 68: Festival with Vivienne (V).

Kein's POV

"Oh- I see... You're adopting her?" (Ellis) decided to tour us around the newly built academy by his side.

I explained my whole deal with Vivienne deciding that I ought to adopt her- and I think Rose would enjoy her company as well. Of course, Ellis has no idea of my relationship with Rose so I left that part out.

"Are you excited, milady? You finally have a little critter running around your estate making things lively!" (Ellis) excitedly tells me.

I know Ellis was rather fond of children, I heard he and my cousin actually thought of adopting as well but of course, being part of the nobility and two men adopting children in Puronia is highly uncommon so they had to postpone the idea temporarily.

"Yeah I mean... I wasn't expecting it. She just popped around a corner and started calling me Mama. I can't put my finger on it but there's something about her that I can't explain. All I know is I just can't leave her alone now." I answered honestly, as Vivienne started listening in. I think she understood half of it because she kept holding onto my sleeves not letting go.

"Truly wonderful, milady. I wish the two of you will be one happy family." (Ellis) genuinely smiled in our direction as I responded with the same gesture.

"Are you sure you can't tell me anything about why you and my cousin are here? It's a nice surprise but I feel something's wrong. I know for a fact Lenard rarely likes to go out..." I remembered those childhood memories of ours where I would either drag him out of the estate or invite him out.

We would occasionally see each other on formal balls and catch up, but Lucas-

Lenard's twin and a pain in my ass back when we were children would often report when Lenard hands out with me often getting punished.

Ellis frowns, looking really desperate. "I would like to tell you everything, really- but Lenard insisted that he'll explain everything. He's currently in the Dean's office working on things."

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He told me Lenard was waiting for me in the main staff office, why would he need to work there? Lenard is a son of a lower noble so there was no need for him to fiddle with things such as an academy for commoners.

"Are things... not okay back at the Yulien estate, Ellis?" I asked him and he couldn't answer.

I felt guilty with the way he looked at me so I gave in. I hope it wasn't too bad that I have to hear it from my cousin himself. "Alright... I understand. I'll wait for my cousin to explain everything then." I tell Ellis who bows deeply at me, still smiling.

"Thank you... Milady." He breathes a sigh of relief before continuing. "Oh! And since we have some time for now let me give you a tour of the newly built academy. This place is certainly one of a kind!"

We walked along the school halls where several classrooms have already been laid out. I counted them all and there were about twenty-five classrooms with five different staff rooms for teachers.

Special lab classrooms for magic classes were also made. I asked Peter to make it located both underground and outside. I bought this plot of land with my own money and I'm excited to visit it.

The place was huge, marbled floors with intricate elegant design were all over and the pillars were put into great detail.

"As you can see- the only things missing here are the furniture and seats. Baron Hills, your father has donated a lot already and would be willing to provide them in a few weeks time." He opened the door to one of the classrooms and revealed a huge empty space with a blackboard on the front.

"Wahhh!" (Vivienne) yells out seeing the pretty interior inside. It seemed like a small classroom that would be made for children.

"There are two kinds of classrooms. For those who want advanced magic and already know how to read and write will be called the advanced class. The ones who have not received any kind of education will be in the basic class and will stay in this room, they will learn from scratch and help them improve so they can catch up to the advanced ones." (Ellis) gave me a clipboard that he took from his [Storage Ring] and showed me how many students have already applied for the academy.

I saw the list and there were already a few- about fifty commoner children who listed and filed all their information. "We also made sure that they have their guardians accompanying them when they fill things out. Some of the current teachers and staff have explained what the academy will do for their children."

"We will put them based on their age and skill, however those younger who can prove themselves to be competent can move into the advanced class." He moved to another classroom and revealed another design for a classroom.

It reminded me of a university setting where there was a whole line of tables and there were already several seats to sit on. The walls had huge windows, glass is expensive so I wonder if Peter had fun designing this whole place. "This is the advanced classroom." (Ellis) seemed to be having a wonderful time touring me as well.

He was smiling the whole way and seemed to be much more freeing despite looking so pale and tired before.

"There are only about ten of these and we're still sorting out the future staff for the academy. Including conducting the entrance exam to be graded so we know which class the students are fit to be in." I listened intently and was glad that they would conduct an entrance exam first before admitting them in.

There should always be entrance exams, and I know this is supposed to be a school for commoners but since I own it I would push the implementation of it.

"Mama! Mama!" (Vivienne) pulls my sleeve looking determined with her eyebrows furrowed.

"What is it, Vivienne?" I ask her, looking worried, maybe she's getting tired of the whole trip. I haven't really asked her if she was enjoying it.

"Will me go to school?" She asks curiously with a mix of anxiety on her face. I breathed a sigh of relief thinking of something else. Jeez so that's what it was. She wanted to go to school after seeing the whole setting of this place.

"If you want to, Vivienne. I would like for you to go to school so you can make some friends and bond with them." I told the little girl who continued to look at the classroom in excitement.

I imagined what it would be like if Vivienne would go to school. Would it be the same with my old Vivienne back on earth? She was in the advanced classes so I often wondered if she made any friends back on earth.

In this world... would it be possible for me and Rose to accompany Vivienne to school and cheer her on her studies? Make friends, enjoy the events and start her first fist fight?

"Of course, milady if Vivienne would like to study here we'll conduct the entrance exam so we know where to put the young miss." (Ellis) writes down Vivienne's name on the clipboard and I sigh some more. I don't think it would be wise to place her into this air yet without proper testing.

If the system school from earth would work in this world.

"Ellis she's only- like... four... I would like to wait for another year before putting Vivienne into school." I explained telling him to erase Vivienne's name because we still have to test the system and implement the subjects and learning materials we should use.

"Alright, milady. Looks like we'll be seeing you next year." he used his pen and scratched Vivienne's out before continuing to explain. "For now, we have also issues on what the uniform will be. Many of our tailored designs seem... a bit much or it's lacking to the eyes."


"I see... Do you have the designs with you?" I asked him and he flipped into the next pages of the clipboard giving me papers with the designs. There were messy notes on the side with fabric names to be used. "There were a lot but we tried our best. We thought of doing only one kind of uniform and giving different crest colors as a sign of which class they were in. Whether they were basic or advanced."

I eyed the uniform and definitely didn't feel any good from them. "Who made the designs?" I look up at Ellis who bites his lip and looks away.

"I-I... did." he answers, holding his clipboard up to hide his handsome face.

"No wonder you have eyebags." I replied, raising an eyebrow and pointing at his design giving criticisms. "In this design I would definitely comment on why there is a cape- firstly it's hot and it's heavy for movement. The second design- er... why are these uniform have no sleeve?"

He seemed to be in pain after hearing everything he said. "I-I told you milady- it was either too much or too lacking. I have no experience in designing uniforms to be tailored so..."

"I'm only teasing, here- hold Vivienne for a bit?" I asked, passing the blonde who was behaving the whole time just leaning over to see the designs.

"Yes, milady." (Ellis) takes Vivienne from me and I borrow his pen making some design alternations that would be good to base on, I would borrow some of the modern design ideas from the real world and besides if anyone asked we can just disclose who made the uniform so I'll be safe.

What we'll need is pants, skirts, a white blouse and a vest whose color is not too damaging to the eye. I would only require the neck ties to the advanced classes and the girls will have a choice if they would want to wear pants instead of a skirt.

The crest will be a dove carrying a rose, but it will be used as a school symbol to live on for years to come. It will be silver for the basic class and gold for the ones who'll be taking the advanced glasses.

It's turning out like a private school for commoners... I'm going overboard.

"Ah- my hands moved on their own and sketched them for the little ones. I know some people have already enrolled their kids- the ones at Vivienne's age." I showed the designs to both of them and got similar reactions.

Clap! Clap!

Vivienne was the one clapping while her gray eyes sparkled over my design. "Ohhhh! Mama! Cool! Me want!" she points at the uniform excitedly kicking her feet in the air.

Ellis nodded with Vivienne and raised her for a little upsie. "Milady, thank you! This is certainly great!" He takes back the clipboard and places a check mark over it. "Now we will just need to think of a price and labor cost. I have a few tailor friends we can talk to-"

"You can also ask Veronica if she's available to make at least well- over at least two hundred of these. She'll need a team to back her up so call everyone you know that's available." I took Vivienne back into my arms and patted her head for behaving so well. "Good girl, Vivienne. After I talk with your Uncle Lenard we'll be getting some Ubie nuts, alright?"

She gasps and gives me a thumbs up, "Mm! Mm! Okie Moma!"

Vivienne... will do anything for food I think.

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