Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 112 Festival With Vivienne (VII).

Chapter 68: Festival with Vivienne (VII).

Kevin's POV

Lenard told me everything as he held his hand with Ellis.

How he left the Yulien household, how he went to my place and was offered the job to be the Dean of the school...

"I-It was um... yeah. I think that was all... Honestly when I knew from the letter you sent that you weren't going to be there I still wanted to come by and leave a letter by myself. I didn't want to waste a few coins on the delivery fee..." (Lenard) plays around with his finger and smiled.

"I'm not a noble now after all I have to think of my budget now. Ellis has been showing me properly on what things I should buy... and what I should not at the moment..." He turns to his lover who gives him a brief pat before looking at me and Vivienne who was listening in to the story, while she was in my lap sitting obediently.

She got bored playing with Ellis as Lenard told the story so she went to me instead, and since this wasn't any formal meeting now- just family talk I decided to take her in my lap where she seemed to be comfortable.

"Father didn't tell me about you being the new appointed Dean... Alfred just told me that they'll be someone I know waiting for me here. I didn't expect it to be you, Lenard." I tell him and he scratches the back of his neck a little flustered.

"Your father... Baron Hills... He wanted it to be a surprise I suppose." He chuckles, and the figure of my father pops up in my head smiling happily that I liked his surprise. "I... would also like for you to know I'll be calling myself Lenard Regan from now on. After all, father told me to never use the Yulien name since he has disowned me. I will gladly take Ellis' last name permanently."

Lenard takes his left hand and I lean in to see a pretty gold ring wrapped around his ring finger.

No way! These two- did they really?! I know for a fact that the rules of marriage here are the same on earth where you have to exchange rings in order for it to be a sign of bond to each other.

[Puronia] and [Winshern] have the same customs of exchanging rings.

However, I heard in [Sprivanto] you don't need a ring to propose. You just need something to exchange with and you can even record your marriage by doing a magical tattoo that will never be removed.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"!!!" I gasped for a moment looking at my cousin excitedly.

They're getting married!

Oh- sweet baby- goodness me...

I looked at Ellis who looked away coughing, I think he was feeling shy that he proposed but I am loving this!

"About time!" I yell at him, hitting his shoulder as a sign of good work. "Please take good care of my cousin- Really I hope you two will get to be happy as you deserve to be."

"T-Thank you, milady." (Ellis) replies still feeling bashful. So many things really did happen when I was gone for two whole weeks!

All I'm hearing is church bells once this is all over! "W-When's the wedding?! Please tell me in advance so I can bulldoze over all my work and projects just to attend and prepare."

"Wedding?" (Vivienne) asks looking up at me, not knowing what a wedding is. I excitedly explained the meaning of it to her. "It's where two people love each other so much, they hold a ceremony for everyone to see and attend. I suppose we're invited, right Lenard?"

I looked at my cousin who was smiling ever so widely. He seems to be excited for this too. "Of course you both are invited! Kein if it's alright I would like to have Vivienne as our flower girl? We would love her to be a part of the wedding." He takes a soft stare at my daughter and I pat her head gently.

I honestly don't want to force anything she wouldn't want... so... "Vivienne- do you want to become their flower girl?"

"Fwoer girl?" (Vivienne) asks once more not knowing the term of it.

"It's the role of someone really important, you'll be the center of attention making... a mess! You can scatter the flower petals all you want in there." I told her such an exciting offer she just nodded her head a few times.

"Mama I wanna!" she tugs onto my pants and I turn to Lenard motioning that's its a yes. The little girl agreed so we'll most likely have to plan her visit for tailoring sizes. "She'll also be needed to fit on a dress."

"Yes, we'll be the ones covering the  fees-" (Lenard)

I stop him there, I don't want to stress out my cousin over the payment. "No, Lenard, let me help pay for your wedding. All the resources you would need, we'll help."

He shakes his head at me looking guilty, "A-Are you sure? I-I don't want to impose-"

"Lenard. You're family, and family stick together never leaving anyone behind. I'm offering, this is my blessing to you both." I look at them both and their intertwined hands that never let go. "So please... do accept it."

"Thank you, milady. You're truly kind." (Ellis)

"K-Kein... What did I ever do to deserve a cousin just like you..." He reached for a hug and I hugged back.

"Just make sure all of us are invited to the wedding." I joked, Vivienne was also nodding in front of me, seeming to be agreeing with my proposition. "Flower girl!" (Vivienne) yells happily throwing her arms up in the air.

"And may I recommend Veronica for any dress or suits you might need. She's a very talented person- who'll be a very... busy woman." I forgot about how I have also contacted her on being the school's head tailor for a job.

Ah... I can't believe I would push on both the uniforms and the wedding onto Veronica. I think it'll be a lot of money but oh boy will it be a lot of effort to do but- I'll leave it up to her to decide.

"Oh! Yes! Miss Veronica Lumine is an amazing tailor! I would love her to be the one making our matching suits for the wedding!" (Lenard) claps his hands remembering Veronica.

"Pfft... Lenard, you haven't even told me when your wedding will be. Give a date and we'll see to it that it's booked." I would also like to know if it will clash with my mission to ruin the upcoming royal wedding with two of the most powerful kingdoms there is.

I would also want to invite Rose into the wedding... though that means I would have to go through explaining some things-

"Well... we were thinking it would be rude to do it so soon... we haven't gotten settled into the main city. We thought of getting married next year when we're stable." (Lenard) planned the wedding nicely! I will have time to attend then if it's next year! "We were already scouting for a small house to live in temporarily too..."

"If you need someplace to settle in, the Hills family have several owned lands you can settle into. There are a couple of empty houses fit for a couple that's near the academy." I tell them. Baron Hill's family is definitely a powerful one that owns acres of lands.

"Kein... is this really okay? We're not taking it for free- we'll pay for the rent okay? I'll be settling into the new Dean role for now and save up with Ellis." (Lenard) tells me with a determined look not willing to barter for this one so I'll leave him be.

"That's fair. Alfred will send you the rental prices and tour you around which place you'd like to stay in." I laughed nervously, I think I'll also need to give Alfred a vacation right after all this chaos.

He needs it after taking care of all of our minor troubles in the past up until now. I could already see his bent back in my mind due from overworking. Urk... yeah he needs a long vacation.

Sorry Alfred! I'll make it up to you by giving you two weeks of vacation and a bonus next time!

"We might hire an officiant from [Sprivanto] instead of here... the church officiants will only curse slurs at us after all they're not very accepting." I suggested it to them and they both agreed. It would be safer to take in an officiant from [Sprivanto].

I'll have to contact big sister Valentina if she knows of one. I haven't written her a letter in a while, she rarely visits with Sister Gisela and their little kid too. Speaking of which, their kid should be around Vivienne's age.

I would consider arranging a playdate sometime around.

"Those who are invited will only be close friends and family... Um... Kein speaking of which- I need to ask you something important." (Lenard) tells me looking nervous. I wondered what it was- he looked unwell.

"What is it? You know you can ask me anything." I tell him to wave my hand for reassurance.

"W-Will you be the one accompanying me to the altar?! Um... I've cut ties with father and mother so... I... want you to be the one... walking me down. I-I hope it's okay!" He bows down his head at me and I sniff happily, I can't believe it.

Time flies by so fast... Imagine dying, getting hit by a truck, waking up to be abused by someone else's aunt with no memories intact and gone through several emotional things.

Like finding out you're half royalty from some shitty neighboring kingdom.

Lenard and I certainly went through a lot. He even got over Lord Vincent who I supported before rooting for their relationship but now- they're both having different paths and that's okay!

I understand that some people are fated to meet but never end up together.

I... will be supporting my cousin all the way and I nodded at his question of becoming the person who takes on the role of his father in the altar. "Lenard- yes! I will be proud to walk you down the aisle!"

"O-Oh Kein! I'm so happy! Thank you for accepting!" (Lenard) and I had a furious hug as Ellis and Vivienne watched.

"Now we'll be needing to talk about listing the music, food-"

"Food?!" (Vivienne) was suddenly awake from her silence with the mention of food.

"Yes- food. Now continuing- we should also add entertainment since clothes are already solved we'll also need to come up with the wedding invites-"

"K-Kein… it's next year."

"Well I say be prepared for next year!"

"O-Oh! Okay!"

After that talk... we planned a few more things before finally I left with Vivienne to venture out into the city to see the festival preparations.

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