Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 123 Festival With Vivienne (XVII).

Chapter 68: Festival with Vivienne (XVII).

Kein's POV

"Oh little charmer... I have just the thing you need."

Veronica tells me with a little excited purr before taking something out of her storage, something wrapped in clean cloth appeared out of her hands and offered it to me. "Here little charmer~ I have it prepared just in case you know~ but it looks like you need this more than me."

For some reason when she said that I felt a little insulted- but nonetheless I took her gift in my hands curious to know what it is. It felt sort of... long?

Like a stick- I didn't want to assume but... my heart felt a little nervous imagining what was in this. "What's... this?"

Veronica reaches for the cloth, opening it and I panicked the heck out when I realized what it was. My face turned horribly red like it was on fire. I haven't seen one of these since- I was back on earth!

"Oh for the love of-"

I tried hiding it within my hands into my [Storage Ring] breathing a little faster than I should be.

This is a sex toy- an actual sex toy!

"Fufufu... I take it, it's your first time holding and seeing something like this?" I saw Veronica laughing at my embarrassed and hasty reaction upon seeing the thing she gave me. "How adorable~" she continued to tease me and I bit my lip in agony.

I have held and seen something like this, thank you very much! It's just been a while since- I used one of these! And to think she can just grab hold of it and show it off in public- Veronica is some other world leveled adult.

Even if my calculated mental age. I could never do what she did.

"Um... I-I thought it was something like chocolates to help set up the mood-"

Not a whole... sex toy... used for... you know.

Then again I suppose I had this coming.

"Ah... I can't believe I have something like this in my [Storage Ring] now." I muttered to myself while I covered my face.

I feel so different- usually I wouldn't get all embarrassed with something like this on earth- but now that I got all serious with someone... I turned into someone mellow who can't even look at a sex toy without being flustered.

If I used this with Rose... What kind of sounds would she make...

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Ahhh... I can't think like that, no- nope."

I shook my head repeatedly while Veronica was just smiling and eating her dinner in relaxation. At least someone is having fun with my pain.

I was also making sure that Vivienne is not hearing any of our conversation. I don't want her to know any of these things after all. "Veronica... I am really thankful for the thoughtful gift but I don't know..."

"Well then little charmer~ just keep it for a special occasion if you won't use it any time soon." (Veronica) takes her cup of juice and sips it looking at me with those Vixen green eyes of hers, something was telling me she wasn't done with her speech. "But if you do use it... The pleasure you'll get from your partner's little face full of expressions you've never seen before is utterly... amazing."

Peter... Are you alright?

This woman of yours is actually a master in bed from the way she talked! Surely by all the years these two have been together goodness gracious...

But Veronica's words made me think, Rose's expressions that I've never seen before. She would be pertaining to the lewd, hot and bothered expressions one would make in bed right?

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat for a flash second, I saw Rose's naked body and her heavy breathing looking tired with her tangled hair all over the place.

I imagined her face making a really lewd expression that she would be begging to make me- do it- and make her feel- Ahhh... I think I'm a little... bothered now.

"My~ Are you imagining something dirty now? My, my from the look on your face you are? You're quite easy to read when it comes to these things." (Veronica) pouted and poked my cheeks before I straightened my posture instinctively.

"Ah- Well-" I gulped. Damn I've been caught.

"Was I right~? Were you thinking of something dirty?" she presses on and I hesitantly nodded awkwardly. Ashamed to admit it but I lied it would be even more shameful, because it was very obvious that I was thinking of doing it with Rose just now.

"Yes..." I grumbled quietly, it seems that she took that as a victory and began patting my head like the old times.

"There, there~ Good girl." she smiles and I look away feeling even more embarrassed. I don't mind if some monster attack happened, I would have an excuse to leave and run.

"The crown princess would be fond to know that the person she picked is an honest person. Now another tip from me, don't be shy about saying things that you would want while doing it." (Veronica) tells me and I wondered what she meant by that.

"I know that many would prefer to keep things they would want while doing it to themselves in fear of being selfish or asking too much but just know, if that person is really the one. They would be able to make an effort or two to change courses." (Veronica)

Huh, that was actually good advice.

"Speaking from experience now are you?" I laughed and she laughed together with me, sighing with a little wistful expression on her face.

"Perhaps, that is why I'm passing down some wisdom for your first time. Honesty, consent, trust, and confidence to tell what you want all play such a huge part in that area... to make someone feel good that is." she continued and I sympathized with her answer.

Honesty to tell the person you'll be doing it with if you're ready or not.

Consent if they would agree to let it do with you and respecting the person if they don't want to do it.

Trust to make your partner feel safe in your embrace as you are doing it.

Confidence to tell what you want in bed, some people are not comfortable with certain parts of their body so its best to tell what to avoid before venturing in.

To me... that was a good answer to give to someone.

Veronica was finished with her meal and so was us so we stood up from the table and I took some coins offering to pay for the dinner because I was the one who invited her out. "Little charmer ever the gentlewoman are you~"

I chuckled while leaving three times the usual tip to the server. "Not really, thank you for talking to me about this and the erm... present."

I took Vivienne who was listening in by my hand as she walked beside me.

"You're very much welcome." (Veronica) smiled widely as she looked at me like an older sister I never had. "You know I'm glad you have Honesty already because back then I didn't have it and I learned the hard way that it was important to have, setting aside your pride to tell the person you love what you wanted so that they won't get hurt."

"Continue making her happy, then it'll be alright. Alright little charmer~?" she asks me, head slightly tilted and my heart pounding in excitement. Of course! I'll make Rose the happiest girl in the world!

"You don't even have to tell me... I plan to make her the happiest woman alive." I replied with determination in my eyes and looked at Vivienne who I'm guessing didn't understand anything, not one bit of our conversation so I felt safe. "I will um... visit again if I do it with her. I might need someone to talk to after that."

"You know where I live little charmer~ Come and visit my booth sometime if you're planning to attend the Lumineria festival in a few day's time. I can whip up a cute little bag for this adorable cutie right here~" (Veronica) kneels down to Vivienne who stretches her little plumpy cheeks breaking down into satisfaction. "Ah~ I love pinching these. So soft~ never grow up please."

Ah for little Vivienne to never grow up?

"I wish that was the case, we went to Grandma Chio to get her card reading and guess what? This one got a card telling her that she'll be a womanizer in the future."

Veronica giggles at my story as she tries to get Vivienne out of her shell.

"Oh my~ Daughter just like mother? Truly you take after the little charmer but hmm... in this case shouldn't you be the one being called little charmer?" (Veronica) asks Vivienne, humming in thought. Vivienne being shy hid behind my pants not knowing what to do.

"I suppose from now on you'll be Charmer Sr. now, Kein. You're too old for the nickname anyways."

"Ahahaha... yippee?" I replied a half-baked laugh at her because I don't know if I should be happy or not that the nickname left me because I don't like the new one.

"Don't grow up to be a player now~ new little charmer of mine."

Vivienne stares at her, her blue little orbs of eyes just gleaming while she hid behind me but nonetheless the little figure nodded in answer to Veronica's question. "Okie... me no be like Moma... player no no."

"I swear I wonder where she even learned the meaning of player! I'm not one!" I tried defending myself but it didn't seem to work.

Vivienne no longer hid behind my pants and walked up to Veronica while she pulled for her hands, she held it and pointed at me. Vivienne's eyes squinted as she said, "Moma... church girl... invited dinner. Moma no no."

"Oh dear~ Charmer Sr. is such a bad influence. Were your moma hitting on a church girl?" (Veronica) was joking around but Vivienne looked like she was serious about the accusation.

"Mm! Mm! Mommy doesn't like players."

"Oh? Mommy as in Rose right?"

"Yes Mommy!" (Vivienne) yells out enthusiastically with the mention of her mommy.

"Now I truly can't wait for the three of you to visit me as a family in the festival." (Veronica)


After the two of them got along some more, we said our goodbyes and headed out to fetch Vanilla to take us back home to the estate.

When I got home I immediately gave out all the casual clothes and shoes that we bought to the maids ordering them to have it put in a wardrobe we currently don't use anymore.

I made sure that we all ate together as a family with father, and even told him about Alfred needing a vacation. After the realization that he does a lot for the Hills family, he needs a break.

As the midnight stroke chimed, so was the little girl's curfew. Vivienne yawned tiringly as she was so energetically running around the estate playing with Father.

I could hear them laughing along as the other servants joined them.

Father seemed to be thinking of retirement soon now that we have Vivienne and all the workload will be passed onto me. After that I might not have time to continue being a Knight for the royal family but I can manage it...

"The budget should be here... and I would need to calculate the labor cost for the school. I need to tell Alfred to contact the administrator for this..."

At this point I was having some unfinished work but I tried to do it as fast as I could. I want to be there when Vivienne needs to get tucked in-

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Ah yes?"

When the door knocked I was expecting someone else but... it was Vivienne and now in her cute little white nightgown. "Vivienne, why are you still up and I thought you were with grandpa?"

I put my papers aside and stood up from my chair, walking over to the little girl who seemed to be barely herself from standing up.

"Moma... sleep?"

She requested the same thing two days straight. I couldn't have the heart to turn her down after being cooped up in this room.

"Alright let's get you tucked in. I'll go grab some books to read to you before going to sleep." I take her in my arms, her chin resting on my shoulders giggling comfortably before I take her to her room.

Father has already prepared some few soft plush toys figures from cute teddy bears and such. I could also see some story books prepared on the side. I took one of them and read them to Vivienne until she finally fell asleep.

"Goodnight, Vivienne. I'll see you tomorrow..."

And tomorrow is where the real festival begins.

We'll need all the sleep we can get.

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